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Posts posted by kentyler

  1. Thanks everyone for all the helpful hints.

    Making a little progress

    I realized that the bottom 4 sections were NOT 3/8" thick

    so I printed up some new plans

    and sized the bottom sections.

    I keep a stock of heavy card...and i can use one layer for the bottom section

    and a combination of 2 thicknesses for each of the 3 layers on top of that

    The card drills like wood

    after I cut out a section it separates from the plan

    I'll have to be sure and write its number on it, so as not to lose track



    in the 2nd to last picture you can see that i'll need 3 additional 3/8's sections in order to accomodate the full rise of the bow







  2. I actually was able to find a drill the right size for the bamboo skewers in my tool box :)

    I drilled really small holes first, because on pressboard you don't get much "centering" effect from an initial punch hole

    And then with a drill the size of the bamboo

    I'm punching the outline of the next layer down through the paper before I do the cutting (because the paper is not glued on, when it is cut to the outline it will come off the board.

    So I'll have the 2 pegs and the punch marks to guide me as I glue the layers together




  3. stitching the plans back together digitally always gives me fits. since I can only print them 1 scan at a time anyway, I decided to print the 4 scans that cover the hull and assemble them back together "on paper"

    by good luck the horizontal height of the layers is 3/8", just the size of some press board I have left over from building another "block" hull. So I'll be assembling 12 plans (1 for each layer) gluing them onto the pressboard and cutting them out with my jigsaw.

    then a lot of sanding and filling to fair the lines :)



  4. Well, I measured this morning and I'm in luck.

    I have some 3/8's inch thick untempered masonite from a previous project where i was building a "block" model, and the layers in the 1/50 view are just 3/8's of an inch thick.

    So I will rework the lines to get full outlines for each layer, cut them out and glue them together, and the file/sand the hull smooth, and i will have my plug.

    I have decided to go ahead with the idea of dividing the stem and the stern posts so that the shell of the hull built around the plug will be separateable from the framing, deck and mast.

    At this scale, and using wire "ropes" i should be able to make the mast/sail actually riggable, so they can be taken down for storage.

  5. So

    Looking at the plans the model at 1/50th looks ok. Smaller than a suitcase :)

    Because of the way the ship is constructed, I'm going to try first carving a plug

    Then building the planking over the plug

    Then removing the plug and "filling in" the framing.

    "Dutch Style" so to speak.

    If I get really adventurous I will trying building the model so all the interal planking (and the masts and sail) can be "lifted out" of the shell for inspection. Instead of leaving off part of the hull or deck to make the internal construction visible.



  6. going to keep working on this while I build the Kogge Van Bremen

    Putting the reef points in the sail

    i use wire for rope

    you can tie a knot in the wire for one side...but for the life of me i cannot tie the knot on the other and have it be tight against the sail.

    so i am tieing the knot in another piece of wire.. i will have to superglue this false knot against the sail and then trim the ends



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