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  • Location
    North in Belgium
  • Interests
    Modelships of all materials, good food/drinks, small vacations with wife and my cat.

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  1. As everything has been said.........the most realistic 17th century shipmodel ever seen....... A continious feast for the eye............. Thanks for sharing. Koen.
  2. Fantastic. Such an extremely high reality level.......... Learned a lot from your build, and hope we might hear soon what your next project will be............. Concratulations. Koen.
  3. Fantastic result, I keep on noticing new details......so realistic... You must be in the very short list of master modelmakers....... Koen.
  4. Fantastic build EJ, learned a lot from your build and using this knowledge shameless on my own Couronne build..... Thanks for sharing ! Koen.
  5. Following you with great interest Sal, learning a lot............... Koen.
  6. Great ship EJ, follow your build with great interest. Your building progress is amazing......... Koen.
  7. Rirchard and EJ, thanks a lot for your contributions. I feel comfortable now, knowing that it is what it is, and the models are not too far from reality. Thanks again, Koen.
  8. Hi Michael, The issue of the guns on the weatherdeck and a lack of recoil-space......keeps frustrating me.......... What if they let the guns NOT recoil, secured them as tight as they could and fired them without recoil....? They have then to retract the guns manual , possible a bit in the direction of the bow front or stern to clear the muzzle. The Corel might be a bit out of size, but the picture of the Vasa showed also very little room. This issue can also be noted on other ships from that period. Will dig deeper into this issue, must be a reasonable explaination I would think.
  9. Hallo Michael, Still find your ship fantastic realistic, far away from shiny hulls and bright colours. A benchmark for me. I do have a question. The guns on the upper deck have almost no room to recoil, other then jumping on the gratings which will be severely damaged. And how to reload if they cannot roll back ? Perhaps you have an opinion on this matter ? Trying to build La Couronne, I found the same issues, which I solved by flattening the gratings to almost deck level allowing the horses to roll freely back. But I doubt this is a correct solution. Have a good day, Koen.
  10. Keep staring at it...............fantastic. One can only hope to reach such a level of modelbuilding. Congratulations. Koen.
  11. If one is browsing around shipmodel sites for some years, a select small group of persons are surfacing with amazing models. The benchmark is that even if you see the model for the zillion's time, it still hits you. You are one of them. Congratulations ! Koen.
  12. ...my Admiral disagrees in the strongest possible words..........as to be expected.... On a total different issue, considering Vasa for my next build, being inspired by your build.
  13. What's wrong with racing to Wholefoods...? Let alone racing to Costco....!
  14. Incredible ship and an even more incedible model ! Such a tidy, neat, precise execution........Glad to see that masters workbench is the same mess like mine. And here stops the equation................. Fantastic, can't wait to see the final model. Koen.
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