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    petervisser got a reaction from Ondras71 in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    I used the Zinsser sanding sealer to prep the hull and get it nice and smooth. That took several coats, but with this scale of hull I wanted it perfectly smooth. Then several coats of Humbrol enamel paint were applied by brush. Finally the copper plates were applied to the hull. I picked up the copper tape from a shop that specializes in stained glass supplies. The roll of 3/8" tape is 36 yards and cost me about 20 bucks Cdn. That process was a bit of trial and error, plus more errors and some more trialling. But finally I had them all on to my satisfaction, Good from far, but far from perfect. Anyway, here are some pics of the process...

  2. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from etubino in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Well, things have been progressing in the ole shipyard. I worked on a bunch of the fittings for the foc'sle deck including the bowsprit so that I can eventually finish the decks and put the foc'sle in place.
    Once those little jobs were done I could start work on finishing the hull.

  3. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Well, things have been progressing in the ole shipyard. I worked on a bunch of the fittings for the foc'sle deck including the bowsprit so that I can eventually finish the decks and put the foc'sle in place.
    Once those little jobs were done I could start work on finishing the hull.

  4. Like
    petervisser reacted to samson in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hi Peter 
    Thanks for your nice words. 
    I took part in a 14 day jewelery course which was very instructive in terms of learning to sand cast and to solder etc. and the best part was that I was one man among 12 sweet ladies on that course
  5. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from samson in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hello Jens. Really nice work on your masts and yards. I especially like all the fittings you made. Where did you learn to make such detailed fittings?

  6. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hello Jens. Really nice work on your masts and yards. I especially like all the fittings you made. Where did you learn to make such detailed fittings?

  7. Like
    petervisser reacted to samson in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    Hello everyone . I have spent many hours on this mast project.  and have now reached where I want to mount the yards and make the top mast ladders and so on ,but still only one at a time -the picture with all the masts is just to boast

    I look forward to the great work being done now that the masters "get together"
    Cheers All.
    Jens .
  8. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Brilliant! Thanks for the great explanation and thanks to Chuck for the idea! I will try this on my next build as I find the "clinking" affect kinda troublesome. Too much sanding, if you know what I mean.

  9. Like
    petervisser reacted to marktiedens in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Hi Peter - not sure what post he put it in,so I will just show what I did.  The form is just a piece of wood with a curve on one side with some tabs glued on it to keep the plank from buckling when it`s bent.  I just wet the plank slightly with some water on my finger - no need to soak it - then after setting the plank in the form I use a heat gun to heat the plank.  You could also use a hair dryer.  Chuck uses an iron,but I don`t have enough space between the hold-down tabs to use an iron.  I had to use closely spaced tabs because my planks are less than 1mm thick & would otherwise buckle very easily.  Then let it cool before removing it from the form.  After letting it cool there is a just a small amount of spring- back, but not much.  The heat softens the lignens in the wood,which harden when the planks cool off.  The form is just clamped to the edge of my table.   Hope you can understand my explanation.

  10. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Hi Mark,
    Would you point me to Chuck's method of bending planks. I did not see it in the planking tutorials.
  11. Like
    petervisser reacted to samson in Cutty Sark by samson - Billing Boats   
    then all yards are formed - 16 in total, the last 10 still missing the yard strengthansers rope. but at least I'm back on track after a long break. it's nice to get started again and get the dust off the "old lady".
  12. Like
    petervisser reacted to marktiedens in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Hi everyone - happy new year!  Just a small update to end 2019 - second planking is well underway.  The first plank was laid along the position of the main wale as suggested in the instructions.  It doesn`t have to be perfect since the hull will be painted & coppered,but I still want to do a decent job for the practice if nothing else. I am using Chuck`s method to bend the planks using a curved form & heat - works pretty well.  Thanks for looking in!



  13. Like
    petervisser reacted to marktiedens in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Update - All the side gallery patterns are on.  A lot of fiddly work ,but they turned out ok.  The stern fascia is just pinned in place so I could line up the patterns properly.  Also, the window framing is not glued in yet - I just set them in place for the picture.   The roof & lower drop decoration will be added after the second planking.  The parts provided for those are plywood & pretty much unworkable,so I will make them from solid pieces of wood - most likely from basswood since they will be painted.


  14. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Outstanding so far Mark. It's a pleasure to follow along on your build log. Lots of great hints and tips!
  15. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from JayCub in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Outstanding so far Mark. It's a pleasure to follow along on your build log. Lots of great hints and tips!
  16. Like
    petervisser reacted to Vane in HMS Speedy by Vane - Vanguard Models - Scale 1:64 - Master Shipwright (limited edition)   
    Interesting, I have to try that too. there are many ways to do this. But i Think the gamechanger for me was when i bought my heatgun from Proxxon and started prebending the planks sideways. Everything fits so much better.

  17. Like
    petervisser reacted to rafine in HMS Winchelsea by rafine 1/48   
    It's been a while since I lasted posted on Winnie. A good bit of progress has occurred. To begin with, I completed framing at the stern with the addition of the horizontal filler pieces and final fairing. I then added the lower counter planking, using the laser cut pieces. After that, I did the first layer of planking for the wales and black strake. The wale planking was begun by using a  batten to mark the line of the bottom of that planking. Lastly, I painted the gunports red, in preparation for doing the upper planking..
    The upper planking will be the next order of business..

  18. Like
    petervisser reacted to marktiedens in HMS Vanguard by marktiedens - Model Shipways - scale 1:72   
    Thanks O.C..  The port side is now sanded,sanded,sanded some more, a little filler here & there,sanded,& sanded some more.   I think this is the first kit I`ve done that did NOT need any shims on at least some of the bulkheads - kudos to the designer & the laser cutter!   It`s a bit scruffy looking right now,but as I said before,it is a smooth base for the second planking now.

  19. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    Great looking Cutty Sark David. Congratulations on a very fine model. She's a beaut. Time to celebrrate with a liquid Cutty Sark!
  20. Like
    petervisser reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    COMPLETED!  A set of completion photos are in the gallery at https://modelshipworld.com/gallery/album/2021-cutty-sark-by-drobinson02199-mantuasergal-scale-178/ 
    I enjoyed this -- my longest build at about 7 months.  As I noted above, I'm generally happy with the kit, but would caution others about multiple parts shortages -- copper plates, certain blocks.  I got around it with spares from my stash.  I was also disappointed with the flag, which is printed on one side only.  So I didn't use it.  But other than that, it's a nice kit.

  21. Like
    petervisser reacted to drobinson02199 in Cutty Sark by drobinson02199 - FINISHED - Mantua/Sergal - Scale 1:78   
    The yard lifts are all done now (see picture).  The other picture shows the first piece of rigging on the foremast lower yard.
    I'm now going to get into the yard braces, and I have looked at the rigging diagram and concluded that the best sequence for braces to preserve ease of access for rigging is:
    Do the top three yard braces on the main mast next. Then do all of the yard braces on the mizzen. Then the top two yard braces on the foremast. Then rig the inner brace on the main mast lower yard (matches the one I've done on the foremast lower shown below) Then rig the three lower yard braces on the foremast Finally, rig the three lower yard braces on the main mast. If I do it that way, I hopefully will minimize contortionist activity getting "inside" rigging already installed.
    Getting close to the end now.

  22. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Hi Rick,
    Yes, I have that book as well. And it was a great read. Modern day editors would have a field day though, cleaning up his very dated references to people of colour.... That said he is a great writer who captures the times of sailormen and their ships. I have a number of his books including the Nitrate Clippers, the China Clippers and both volumes of The Last of the Windjammers. They were recently for sale at an antique/book shop in my area. I have been enjoying them ever since.
  23. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Santa Lucia by usedtosail - FINISHED - Panart - 1/30 scale - Sicilian Cargo Boat   
    Hi Tom,
    Your model looks terrific. It's nice to see different subjects that modellers like yourself bring to MSW. Brilliant work!
  24. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from Javlin in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Thanks for asking Popeye, as a matter of fact there is!
    I have been preocupied with summer and some post retirement work, but managed to sneak in a few hours over the last couple of weeks. Just thought I would share some photos of the progress.
    The area around the stern is what needed doing next after the majority of the hull planking was applied. I wanted to do this area before completing the gunwales.
    The length of each plank on the hull allowed me to reach from the bow to the last bulkhead. So I decided to do this and leave the stern for a separate planking application. It seemed to me it would waste less wood and I could decide on a solution of applying a severe bend around the stern. I am aware of other builders installing vertical plank(ettes) around the transom and I thought I might end up doing the same. But in the end I decided to to things a bit differently as you will see by the pictures.
    The first step was to apply some planking under the counter of the stren so that the transom would cover the ends. Here are a few photos of that process...

  25. Like
    petervisser got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Cutty Sark by petervisser - Billing Boats - Scale 1:75   
    Thanks for the kind word guys.
    Yes Chris, I like the old Billing kits. I have two other ancient editions people have given to me that I would like to "bring to life". It seems a bit tragic that they waste away in their beat up boxes.
    And yes Nenad, I will keep going! Now that the winter season has arrived, I can spend more time in the shop guilt free. Thanks for the prodding!
    Ricky, the idea of the garbage can was a fluke. The second prototype was cambered in place on the model by simply having the false deck jammed in place. It was awkward fitting the planks on the false deck so I decided another method must be better. The can was sitting in the storage room where I work, and the magnets were something I used in the past. They just went hand in hand and a cambered deck was born!
    Lots more prep work to do before the decks and hull are painted and varathaned, but I'll get there...
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