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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Nope, I only did 2 of the lots and lots of 20mm. Almost finished the island.
  2. The remaining guns, the 20mm’s are now pretty standard replacements, the 20mm quad borfors were just horrible to build as the barrels are mismatched, but the 5 inch singles are very easy and nice. The kit plastic blobs are painfully inadequate
  3. Island painted, Navy Blue flat blue highlights blue grey overspray. next filters then weathering.
  4. The 5 inch guns, (Kit on the right) and the upgrade with the Pontos set on the left.
  5. Paint cue, Primer added to 30 life rafts with extra strapping for the undersides of the catwalks. The kit provided ones are rubbish so I got North Star ones, and 5 star have the tie down straps.
  6. Base coat of primer, then mask along the hull where the plates go. Then several coats of rattle can primer to give it some depth of about .1mm, remove the mask then cut the individual panels in with a scalpel vertically.
  7. So today, added the loud speakers and started the tripod mast which takes forever as you have to get it square. The Pontos set offers a pre and post 44 refit mast and island (but the instructions are not clear about this), but the main yard is behind the tripod in pre 44 and they have gotten it in front so a bit of cut and past required.
  8. I use firefox, have for years as it blocks all ads and pop ups. now the island
  9. The beauty of the video is you can cover the whole length of the ship.
  10. So finally after finishing the catwalks I find a photo which shows the arrestor gear controls. Little bit more scratch building to go then
  11. Yes mate, they were blue at the start, then went dazle to disrupt submarines which make them too easy for the Kamikazie when they went back to a greyer colour.
  12. I’ve finally got the ship permanently mounted, it’s now safe enough to put the catwalks on as I won’t have to handle the ship. ive left one off that runs alongside the island and have yet to add the 54 floater net baskets and later on lots of rafts to be slung under. IMG_1644.MOV IMG_1643.MOV
  13. The arrestor cables on the flight deck. The upgrade made these mandatory really, I’ve been told they stayed deployed the entire time and were heavily greased up.
  14. And done, with the SC-2 Radar, back to the hull now. not the kit provided radar set, this is why PE is really unbeatable
  15. Funnel, what the kit provides then what it is supposed to look like in 1943 and the metalwork begins plus some extra pipes
  16. I finally got around to going to the hardware store and got a length or Merbu cut to length. A couple of layers of oil and she’s good to go. I intend on cutting the pedestals down by half then I can all all the completed catwalks which are strewn on the deck. I spend the entire day doing half of the funnel, the island superstructure is a whole model in itself it’s so intricate.
  17. Back onto the catwalks, adding details such as the refueling station and fire hoses. this is the first piece of about 10
  18. As I’m short sighted, I just don’t need to wear glasses for close work, but do for the very small details
  19. Just ordered what Pat suggested. My eyes have only just recently changed. I use three lamps but miss details that I only pick up in photos. It’s the direct light onto the work I need. I love the idea of storing them in a large zip loc bag to keep the dust off. God knows how people do 1/700
  20. Looks good Pat, thanks for the feedback all.
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