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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Now, a question to the gallery, there are a series of pipes running alongside and down the hull. I don’t know if they are water or fuel?
  2. Wasn’t good enough so re did it. 16 pieces all up as there is one for the barriers and one for the arrestor cables. Fuel next.
  3. So I’ve scratch built from spares an arrestor gear station. I think it’s probably as much as is warranted given it’s not really visible with the naked eye.
  4. This image from the AOTS shows placements on the catwalks for the Arrestor gear control stations, barrier control stations and fueling stations. I found the image in my previous post on Facebook (can’t find any other images anywhere) but I’m yet to find one of the barrier control station. This will all have to be scratch built but Pontos actually provides the Buts in image 2.What is not included is the fire hoses which I’ve found after after market Ive also found fire hydrants which I’ll add.
  5. Javelin, the alignment sucked, required a lot of trimming and there are still some gaps. Meh, it’ll be fine. the next step is the catwalks. The kit has plastic ledges which I discovered today when I started the Pontos replacements need to be cut off. ive added a few reference photos here as they are an insanely detailed area which requires my imagination to detail up as there is nothing really showing this area in detail. this area has refueling hoses, firefighting equipment, Gun and storage, catapault controls And arrest or cable controls etc etc. the Pontos detail here is amazing but the instructions are somewhat “expert” level to guess. I want to do most of these off model so I can prime them before placement and still work the hull without risk of breaking or worse, bending them off.
  6. The deck was already in three pieces, but adding the underside detail threw the specs out and it’s a clumsy fit anyway not designed for this much PE.
  7. Portside elevator, the little grey blob is the Trumpeter support and the actual platform has no details whatsoever. I‘ve had to burn and rebuild the actual support structure as the instructions are no poor.
  8. The deck is on. Just a horrible piece of engineering, which is going to require a lot of work to fix gaps. Luckily there are walkways alongside the flight deck which will cover a lot of gaps, there is a massive gap in the deck which luckily will have a wooden overlay.
  9. I have to do up the bow and stern areas before plonking on the deck. I’ll get this done soon. lots of dark blue which really hides detail. Hangar deck masked so I can paint the hull.
  10. Flight deck revisited. I primed then painted the underside white and gave it a dirty wash. I’ll have to mask this piece so I can paint the outboard bits. I dry fitted it and as usual, nothing aligns. So I cut the deck back into three pieces and each piece has been trimmed with a razor saw so they fit flush. The alignment tabs also had to be cut off. I’m hoping this is the hardest part of the build as it’s not easy and other builds have had the same problem apparently.
  11. There’s a whole lot of things that need to be added as extras, bollards, cable reels, chain breaks and stoppers, paravanes, fire hoses etc.
  12. Paravane rails, the kit instructions state they are stowed on the stern, it this shows them at the bow bulkhead, I’ll probably my just do both.
  13. Oh, I'd sell to cover my next project, no man hours or profit involved, but as I live in Australia it would be a bit problematic.
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