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Steve 12345

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Everything posted by Steve 12345

  1. Hello all thinking ahead I'm considering what to do with the dead eyes my initial thoughts was to paint them and asked the question of how to paint multiple parts at once on another thread with some nice suggestions my question is should I paint them or leave them as they are
  2. Thank you very much EJ for the kind words and continued following and thanks others for the responses I'm blown away by the kind comments I never thought when I first joined and looked at other builds I could achieve a build worth a following from others Grendal the artesania latina kit looks very nice I recently built an artesania latina kit and went for a natural unpainted finish I'm really enjoying this painted build but I think my next build will be natural and perhaps another artesania kit as I really liked there way of doing things I used a clear gloss laquer (maybe not for most but really liked the finish ) U can check that build out see if it gives you any ideas it's the mare nostrum mentioned earlier in this log
  3. Thank you very much to the new faces kind comments and the likes it pleases me very much to know someone out there gets something for there own build from my log
  4. Thank you don I respect your opinion very much I am very much the same if a girl asks does my bum look big in this and it clearly does then unfortunately I say so
  5. Thank you Doug and thank you for raising the question I'm keen to hear from others on there verdict on blocks and scale however I'm happy as they are but advice for future builds would be positive
  6. Hi Doug thanks for asking I was going to ask others the same question they do look rather big especially the double hole blocks unfortunately they all I had to hand as I don't think the kit provides any for the canons ,also the space between the rear eyebolt and the rear of the canon surely is not enough to retract the gun from the gun port I did consider not using blocks at all but feel adding them gives a bit more realistic look to the untrained eye which apart from on here will be her audience
  7. Hello all here is some pictures of the wooden canons rigged I still need to add some rope coils but will wait until more deck furniture is placed so I can position them . I was going to build and rig the plastic canons for comparison but feel I will only end up back with the wood canons purely because I like the different colours interacting and also it has taken me the best part of a week of my free time to rig these ones
  8. Hi husky i will be following along purely because I am fascinated with what can be done with plastic even tho I have no knowledge of how to build plastic but I am keen to see your progress, what would you say the secret to plastic is? is it the painting? glueing ?adding more detail above and beyond the kit?
  9. Looks great doug with my first build I couldent understand the drawings but as someone somewhere once said it's like trying to eat an elephant just take it one bite at a time
  10. I do respect peters opinion very much he has built one before I haven't yet , my issue with adding plastic is as soon as I do that friends and family have the opinion oh it's just a kit they have no idea of the work involved they just think kit and anyone can do that and as I have added before the closest ive ever got to a ship like this in real life is a passenger ferry the tall ships festival did visit Belfast in 1991 however I would have been 11 and took no interest ,what a site to see if that occurred again EDIT It's seems after a google search they also visited in 2015 a time still before I had any interest
  11. hello all some more shots of the canons I disassembled the wood carriages and rebated the axles in deeper this has reduced the height a bit ive painted one of the plastic canons im prob overthinking them but im interested in you guys opinion I personaly prefer the wooden ones but the plastic could work the wood version are certainly a bigger cannon and not what bounty would have carried is it so much wrong looking that it takes from the model ? I do not know what do you guys think? there is no right or wrong answer here im only looking your opinion thanks
  12. thank you peter for your imput I will def reconsider which to use and will put 100# into building both sets so not to favour wood or plastic as I'm sure great things can be done with plastic a side of modelling I'm a bit unfamiliar with
  13. Not so sure now about the new canons I've decided to build both sets the Caldercraft will be stained and the plastic billings I will paint red hopefully show some pics tomo and ask for advice as to which to use
  14. Hi Harry thanks for the reassurance on the canons im not to concerned about things being completely historically correct as long as its recognisable as a canon and looks nice . Ive been ordering stuff from cornwall model ships, so far the ship is a bit of a Frankenstein there is caldercraft mantua and amati parts on there
  15. these goodies arrived in the post today replacement canons that I can stain ,anybody that works with plastic could prob make the kit provided ones work fine but with my limited knowledge of plastic or painting there not for me. I also got some ladders and gratings and lanterns I have been tidying up the transom area ready for my scratch built decorations and doing some painting to the figurehead and finaly I have mocked up one of the canons for comparison
  16. Nice work peter I've been checking in on this and also Popeyes's builds to try to learn billings builds so far I've learnt a good bit from u guys thanks
  17. No sorry required friend always great to hear from others the ribs excuse however is not acceptable cmon how much can the model possibly weigh get back at it and stop being a sissy
  18. Looks great Doug much respect for tackling these older kit versions without the Benefits of modern laser cut etc.
  19. Thank you peter I appreciate you commenting and following and as always thanks harry is the pen duick complete I'm looking forward to seeing your tug boat build
  20. flag locker complete I put together one of the plastic canons to see what they look like I think they are not very pleasing to the eye ,I have ordered some caldercraft canans there was a few different sizes I went for 38 mm but fear this may be to big if 38mm is the carriage only size as mine are around 38mm from back of carriage to tip of barrel time will tell also I noticed the canons I ordered are replica 9 pounders and after checking john McKay book (something I should have done first )I see bounty carried 4 pounders . I will build them when they arrive and show the results I may need to order more and im sure they will keep for a another project. any of you guys with a local model shop selling this stuff that you can just walk in and browse first are extremely lucky
  21. Very neat I will be following I have built the mantua version and hope to build the Caldercraft
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