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bruce d

NRG Member
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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Ordered. Many thanks, I thought I knew a few things about pens but I never once found a pen that didn't bleed into wood to some degree. I just had a baaaaaad experience with my first laser-cut small boat kit. I used a pen to pre-colour some very thin ply that made the formers for a ships boat. Guess what? The ply started to delaminate. I look forward to some experiments.
  2. Sounds good, news to me. It really doesn't bleed on wood?
  3. Hello Jose and a warm welcome to MSW. This is a great place to get support and answers during a build. The 'stash' is something we all understand.
  4. Just got it. I see what you mean, looking forward to reading this one. Thanks!
  5. "Stout, Sturdy and Strong: A typology for early nineteenth‐century American whalers" A thesis by Madeline McAllister Stout_Sturdy_and_Strong_A_typology_for_e.pdf
  6. Colin, good to see your build log getting underway. Looking good! Bruce
  7. Anyone interested in how the wooden walls were built will know the humble saw must play a part. I was pleasantly surprised to find much of the contents of this work entitled 'Story of the Saw', produced for Spear & Jackson, relates to shipyards. Story of the Saw-compressed.pdf
  8. To make sense of the above, I asked a question and then deleted the post as I found the answer myself. Thanks Jim, afraid I can't answer the original question. Regards, Bruce
  9. Adrian, it is not often I would add to a warning from Druxey but ... Beech varies. Try your piece (if you have one already) with (A) a sanded surface, (B) a planed surface and (C) a sanded surface with a thin coat of WOP or sanding sealer. I tried these tests on a piece salvaged from an Ikea cabinet leg and there is a great difference between (A) and (C). (C) looked mirror smooth and had a scale effect grain that simply did not show up on the test pieces that were sanded but untreated. Other pieces of beech I had from a timber store always had a more prominent grain but I double checked and the Ikea wood was actually beech. You would not know it by comparing the two examples. Ignore if you don't have some beech already (or an Ikea donor 😉) HTH Bruce
  10. That folding gizmo is called a 'linen tester'. Wonderful tools.
  11. HMS Swift : a British Sloop-of- War lost off Patagonia, Southern Argentina, in 1770 See the pumps on page 9. HMS Swift - a British Sloop-of- War lost off Patagonia- Southern Argentina 1770.pdf
  12. A paper on an amazingly complete 17th century Baltic craft. "Eriksson, N. & Rönnby, J. The Ghost Ship'. An Intact Fluyt from c.1650 in the Middle of the Baltic Sea" Eriksson_N_and_Ronnby_J_The_Ghost_Ship_A.pdf
  13. Keith, I think the admin should add a 'mind-boggled' button in the reactions: 'like' just isn't sufficient. Bruce
  14. I had not thought about using a capstan to mount weapons, but someone did. It was a chance find and know nothing more about it.
  15. Just ordered it. 😁
  16. Straight on my to-buy list, many thanks. In the back of my mind is this notion that 3D printing makes figureheads possible, but I ain't done any of that voodoo.
  17. I think the ancient art of kit-bashing is appropriate. Are conversion kits feasible from the kit manufacturers point of view?
  18. Plus ... So not many of the ships in this momentous battle are available as kits. This surprises me. HMS Bellisle (AKA Belleisle and other variants of spelling) was a captured French vessel of the Superbe class: Mantua Le Superbe is a potential kit-bash.
  19. Thanks Wayne, see my edited text for boo-boo.
  20. Thanks Steven, didn't know about the further files. Bruce
  21. I found this, but irritatingly can't date it. Can anybody narrow it down? EDIT: pasted wrong text. Should read 'I found this but irritatingly can't date it. This page came from 'The Naval Constructor Simpson, 1865' but with no indication of how long the rules had been in place. Can anybody narrow it down?'
  22. My Proxxon FET saw with spare new blades is on Ebay. Go to Ebay and search 313299390126 Bruce
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