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bruce d

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Everything posted by bruce d

  1. Welcome to MSW, it is a great place.
  2. At least one build log here shows how they look: See post #116. They look OK, I doubt if they are all the same but at the price if even 10% are useful then it ain't bad. BTW, I found that the sticks in one of our local chains are quite a bit thicker than the more common ones. HTH
  3. καλως ΗΡΘΑΤΕ We look forward to seeing your log.
  4. This is a painting I had not seen before despite being by one of my favourite maritime artists. The detail of the spars and winches is very well portrayed and may be useful to someone. Also, below the waterline, note the contrast between the greenish patina of the old copper and the (presumably) cleaned sections of the hull. Artist: Edward William Cooke (British, 1811–1880) Title: An armed vessel careened on the beach with its cannon ashore and workers cleaning its hull I count 14 cannons. This artist worked in many locations so I have no real evidence but the majority of his work of this type was from England's south and east coasts.
  5. Hi John, I found it on InternetArchive: https://archive.org/search.php?query=The BEAGLE Records of the Northern Territory Museum ofArts and Sciences&sin=TXT Yes, it is in the public domain. It originally came up in a search for Beagle (the ship). Good to know someone is keeping us honest! Regards, Bruce
  6. Page192 onwards, a well illustrated article on Indonesean canoes/fishing boats. Indonesean canoes - page 192 on.pdf
  7. Whole title = Reports of Prize Cases Determined in the High Court of Admiralty before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Cases, and before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, from 1745 to 1859 In two volumes. reports of prizes vol 1.pdf reports of prizes vol 2.pdf
  8. And it was well worth the wait. Great work, and a great log.
  9. Hello Helge, These people are a bit closer to Norway: http://www.exotichardwoods.co.uk/ No promises, they often have items that are not in the catalogue. They are specialists in woods for making musical instruments and the catalouge is downloadable. It is worth contacting them. Do you know what sizes you need? Good luck.
  10. Cylinders. You are right, the pistons move back and forth inside them.
  11. Moxis, here is a windlass from 1842. Source= Danish archives, reference G5284
  12. Can you tell us in what country the ship was made? In the meantime, maybe you have seen this thread?
  13. In 1789 Richard Prowse, Master Attendant, Woolwich dockyard, complained to the Navy Board that they... "...do not have a launch or lighter large enough to collect the provisions each month since the beer alone will weigh 8 tons"
  14. Alan's thread on newspaper clippings inspired me. I will start with this extract from the Medical journal of D Parry, surgeon on HMS Adventure, 1799-1800. Folio 19: Edmund Aikes, landsman, aged 23; disease or hurt, insanity, a great deal of anxiety and melancholy without any apparent cause. Taken ill, 7 November, at Cowes. Discharged to Sick Quarters at Cowes, 7 November. Remarks that this man had been on board eight months and would not sleep in a hammock but slept standing up or over a gun. Although Captain Mansel flogged him 'on his posteriors once a week' he would not go to bed.
  15. ... and upset the locals in Australia. Really annoyed them. He was arrested and, if I recall correctly, nearly lynched. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Bligh
  16. This is, in my opinion, an issue that crops up far more now in the digital age. Seeing examples of the work of the best builders was, until about twenty years ago, something that was only possible if you visited Naviga or Model Engineer exhibitions but now it is a few taps away on any phone. The result is artificially high standards and expectations with no immediate insight into the dedication required. Again, in my humble opinion, MSW is one of very few sources of the unvarnished version of the rest of the story as it relates to model ships. Good here, in'it?
  17. Hi, it is a good question that has stumped many new to the hobby. The answer(s) are in the many posts in this same sub-forum, choose the ones that sit best with your intented projects. The answers to my related question some months ago may help:
  18. Hello Paul, I suggest you read is: It is a serious subject and an informative thread. Regards, Bruce
  19. Welcome to MSW, Paul. Strong seafaring heritage in your area, I take it you have visited the Calvert Museum in The Solomans? I was surprised a few years ago to be able to walk around the ship-modeller's workshop (while they worked!) when touring the museum.
  20. There is a 'trick' using a floating head holding a bit, I think it is known as a 'Rolo' or 'Rollo' or something that sounds like that. The biit has three flutes and it gives a square hole: four flutes, a pentagon and so on, always one side on the finished hole more than the number of flutes. I saw one used once and it seemed almost supernatural but it works! (google it) You know, somehow this isn't as much fun as talking about food.
  21. I am still stumped by 'Pie are square'. Everyone knows pie are round; cornbread are square.
  22. Masa, welcome to MSW. You are not alone now! Your comments about mast methods sound interesting and the stern-wheeler looks good. Regards, Bruce
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