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    rdsaplala got a reaction from GLakie in HMS Vulture 1776 by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - 1:48 scale - 16-gun Swan-class sloop from TFFM plans   
    Top-notch rigging, as always, Danny, thanks too for sharing your block-making techniques
  2. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from GLakie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Beautiful and clean work on the beams, knees, capstan and companion way Augie, it's details like these that bring out the beauty of these period ships
  3. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to harvey1847 in HMS Triton 1773. POF. 1:48. Daniel   
    Hello Guys and happy new year for all!
    I am still alive but unfortunately I am not working on none of the projects... Lot´s of other things around are keeping me busy.
    I am always around looking with "sane envy" how other logs are growing and growing...
    TJ, I don´t underrstand your post, did I ask for that plan before? (with so many posts It´s easy to miss up a request or something) Thanks anyway...
    Well, best wishes to all and hope to see you back posting something in a while!!
  4. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Because it's the day for Christmas and I think it is time to post a few pictures.......
    The quarter galley at the starboard side are also in place.
    The transom decorations are also there.
    I have re-do the letters 4 times because it was not what I was looking for.
    And don't forget I have a few extra pair eyes in the house........Anja.
    She is really my biggest criticus !!!!!!!!!!!!
    The railing on the balcony is soft metal.
    I have seen on the picture that it is not totally straight.
    I will keep it like this at the moment and later on I will try to straighten it.
    Now it is time to start at the cannons on the lower gun deck.
    That means painting, painting and painting...........
    And of course the rigging of those things.
    I have received 2 mm blocks from Grant, so wish me luck with the tiny stuff !
    When the first one is done, I'll will post a picture of it.
    Then a last thing from both of us....
    A Merry Christmas and all the best in good health for 2015 !
     Anja & Sjors

  5. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    now that the roof is well under way,  I thought I'd get the interior of the pilot house in order.   I'm probably not going to do a lot in there........but I will throw something at it.   going into the cast off piece bottle again,  the dash was fitted with gauge bezels

    still thinking of what to add,  I made up another sampson post........and what looks like another,  much taller vent tube assembly,  associated with the catch hold.

    while this was drying,  I settled into a video game.........more thought about where to go next.  then I snapped!   normally,  when I paint,  I do it as I go along....I get a better separation of color that way.
          but,  with the way this build came about,  and was assembled,  I wasn't able to do that.  all I could think of,  was "how in the heck am I going to mask her?" and.....keeping the deck area paint free.  I have boxed myself into quite a corner here.......gonna take some creative taping to save my butt!  it took a bit of effort, but I did it.   no exhaust fan,  and less than desirable temps........I'm going for it!
          let's just say that this spontaneous decision,  shouldn't have been done with so little regard with what could go wrong.   first was the airbrush..........the one I have relied on since 2010...the Testor's E-Z air siphon feed.  I still say that it's not a bad airbrush for the money.......I bought the complete "Amazing Air kit" for something like $29.00.......and I've painted all of my builds since then,  with very little trouble.
          I think the sad part about this airbrush,  is it's mostly made of plastic,  and can become badly worn over time.  the heads of the plastic caps can become distorted and contributed most of the problems with the paint delivery.  needless to say.......when I was done,  I scalped what I could from it,  and the rest went into the trash!   I have another one,  that I bought from the clearance rack at Hobby Lobby,  that I can outfit and use with my compressor, as easy as I did with the first one.  my other problem was the paint.   if anyone has followed my exploits in the past,  I had acquired a good supply of Billing's paints a while back.   I still say that these paints are a good quality paint......goes on nice and has a really hard finish when dry.   ones that I've opened so far,  have been the more common paints,  and have been OK.   I have opened others though......you can clearly tell that they've been on the shelf too long.......long gelled and hard *useless*.   such is the case for the paint I used here......I brought down two bottles, to the cellar paint room.  the first one had a skin build - up around the neck {which I did use}.......the second one was completely dead     I have one more bottle of this color in my inventory {I hope it's good}
        for all the trouble and frustration I encountered,  the paint work didn't come out too bad.  I checked that third bottle,  and it is good.........I'll need it for touch ups      I was going to start this update with an upbeat Irish motif because of the new color introduced.......if I would have done this last night....you would have experienced all sorts of blarney!  so.....here is the new color added to the mix 'Emerald Green'.


    after some time,  it was brought upstairs where it's warm.  I was surprised to find only one small run,  on the whole job........very insignificant with how everything went.   the bottom hull section was masked around the lower rub rail......before the bottom paint is done,  I will paint this area.  there is no waterline on this vessel.   I gave it more time to dry,  before I removed the bottom masking.  I was still curious about the deck area......I'll wait a bit longer to reveal it.

  6. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    removing the upper area masking,  I was surprised to see that there was so little over spray.  I will need to see what the cap rail color is supposed to be.......I think it is Green,  so I used it as a mask point.   the main deck isn't too bad.......the scuppers will always be a sore spot........I can never get perfect paint in these areas.


    the fore deck needs a little touch up........but it fared rather well with the way I masked it

    here are the most critical areas.......under the fore deck.   the starboard side did very well.....nothing here to speak of.

    but the port side didn't fare as well.......still,  there's only a slight tinge,  so it's not too bad.

    I'll need to decant some of the primer,  to touch them up.   really not too bad considering the task it took to mask it.   one I can paint around the lower rub rail and establish the line........and get the rudder in place.......then I can do the bottom paint.   then....with all that done......I can go no where else,  but up!
    I'm smiling   the hard part of the paint is over
  7. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to mobbsie in HMS Agamemnon by mobbsie - FINISHED - Caldercraft / Jotika - 1/64   
    Thanks Gents for your very kind comments and for all who hit the like button.
    I shall be putting a short history of the ship together and fixing it to the case, most likely bottom left corner, that's the biggest open space.
    For now gents I wish you all Happy Modelling.
    Be Good
  8. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to harvey1847 in HMS Triton (1/64) by Aldo - POB   
    HMS Pegasus   mothballed? And giving priority to the HMS Triton?!  Way to go!
    Sometimes when I see my Triton covered with a blanket (mothballed?) to avoid all the dust and everything from the environment... I realized the amount of work done so far and I ask myself when something is done, finished, concluded... or it´s not.  I feel really happy just looking the Triton on its stage right now.
    It´s just a thought.
    Here´s an interesting pic to explore, let´s see how many mothballed guns are on the ships and subs.... I have counted 56...

    Best wishes Aldo and keep going!
  9. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to AnobiumPunctatum in HMS Triton (1/64) by Aldo - POB   
    I've a question to the position of your bulkheads. Why don't you use the station lines of the original drawing? You get the hull form from the body plan and can direct start with your build?
  10. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Triton (1/64) by Aldo - POB   
    Thank you very much Augie, Anja, Nils, Sjors, Mark, Grant, Robert, Mike, Christian, and Mobbsie for the kind words and well wishes, I really appreciate it, and many thanks also to all who pressed the like button
    To answer some querries:
    Nils, my Pegasus is unfortunately on hold as my health condition limits my building time so I prioritized Triton.
    Mark, the bump has indeed been sorted out and the modification produced a relatively fair hull, it appears that the NMM draught has negligible distortion and can be directly traced to create replacements for the offending aft-most bulkheads
    Sjors, I'm afraid that I don't have anymore copies of those previous pics  however, to summarize, those posts just show one method on how you can detect the degree of horizontal distortion on draughts by comparing 10 feet sections at various areas such as the foremost, middle, and aftmost portions of the "ruler-like" diagram as seen in the picture below:
          The closer these measurements are to each other, the less the horizontal distortion and vice versa. That is however only a minute aspect so for further reading, I highly recommend David Antscherl's two articles: "Understanding Eighteenth-Century Admiralty Drafts" and "Drawing Techniques for the Modeleller". These two excellent works give a lot of useful info on interpreting and drafting ship plans     Thanks again you guys, have a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all!  
  11. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from Cap'n Rat Fink in HMS Triton (1/64) by Aldo - POB   
    Hi guys,
    Well, after going through nearly all the stages of depression due to my illness, I am slowly getting back on my feet. Thanks first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom I find my strength and salvation, and of course, thanks to all you guys who have given me support in one way or another
    This ship is included in my bucket list so I figure it's time to devote a bit of time to the shipyard, which as can be seen, needs a bit of tidying up 

    Anyway, I thought I'd share what little I have accomplished these past several months:
    First off, I encountered a slight problem brought about by my haste to get the hull done quickly
    As previously mentioned, my hull is a combination of bulkheads that I made from the NMM draughts as well as from MSW plans.
    Below is a printout of my CAD work showing the NMM plan juxtaposed to the MSW centerboard plan to illustrate the problem:

    As can be seen in the close up, MSW bulkheads number 6 and 18 fall directly on gunports:

    I had several options to solve this, but being the lazy guy that I am, I decided on the simplest one and that was to cut off the affected bulkhead extensions and just reposition  new extensions away from the area of the gunports:

    I also managed do a bit of planking and used cherry strip to mark the sheer so as to make it easier to position the second planking later on. Cherry was also used to set the upper and lower borders of the gunports since I plan to use this wood for my second planking:
                    I've also been doing some CAD work for my stern lights and stern fascia:             Once I'm done test fitting/tweaking cardboard printouts of these, I plan to send the files to Chuck for laser cutting. He makes some beautiful laser cut parts as seen in the discussion below  :   http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8923-laser-cut-deck-beams-from-syren-ship-model-company/?hl=%2Blaser+%2Bcut+%2Bdeck+%2Bbeams     Last but not least is the long and excruciating work that I've done during the Christmas holiday, and that was..... drum roll please........                             ....to frame a pair of gun ports       Now I just have to complete 24 gunports on the gundeck and 6 gunports on the quarterdeck, which should be finished in another year or so             That's it for now, thanks again guys                
  12. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Triton 1773. POF. 1:48. Daniel   
    Hi Daniel,
    Just catching up with your Triton build, excellent framing and detail work Sir, she's coming along beautifully!
  13. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from robert1965 in HMS Victory by dafi - Heller - PLASTIC - To Victory and beyond ...   
    Beautiful work, Daniel, she's a real beauty
  14. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Triton (1/64) by Aldo - POB   
    Hi guys,
    Well, after going through nearly all the stages of depression due to my illness, I am slowly getting back on my feet. Thanks first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ, in Whom I find my strength and salvation, and of course, thanks to all you guys who have given me support in one way or another
    This ship is included in my bucket list so I figure it's time to devote a bit of time to the shipyard, which as can be seen, needs a bit of tidying up 

    Anyway, I thought I'd share what little I have accomplished these past several months:
    First off, I encountered a slight problem brought about by my haste to get the hull done quickly
    As previously mentioned, my hull is a combination of bulkheads that I made from the NMM draughts as well as from MSW plans.
    Below is a printout of my CAD work showing the NMM plan juxtaposed to the MSW centerboard plan to illustrate the problem:

    As can be seen in the close up, MSW bulkheads number 6 and 18 fall directly on gunports:

    I had several options to solve this, but being the lazy guy that I am, I decided on the simplest one and that was to cut off the affected bulkhead extensions and just reposition  new extensions away from the area of the gunports:

    I also managed do a bit of planking and used cherry strip to mark the sheer so as to make it easier to position the second planking later on. Cherry was also used to set the upper and lower borders of the gunports since I plan to use this wood for my second planking:
                    I've also been doing some CAD work for my stern lights and stern fascia:             Once I'm done test fitting/tweaking cardboard printouts of these, I plan to send the files to Chuck for laser cutting. He makes some beautiful laser cut parts as seen in the discussion below  :   http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/8923-laser-cut-deck-beams-from-syren-ship-model-company/?hl=%2Blaser+%2Bcut+%2Bdeck+%2Bbeams     Last but not least is the long and excruciating work that I've done during the Christmas holiday, and that was..... drum roll please........                             ....to frame a pair of gun ports       Now I just have to complete 24 gunports on the gundeck and 6 gunports on the quarterdeck, which should be finished in another year or so             That's it for now, thanks again guys                
  15. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Very nice work on the breech lines Sjors, just a few dozens more to go
    As said by the others, it'll go faster along the way
  16. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from GLakie in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Very nice work on the breech lines Sjors, just a few dozens more to go
    As said by the others, it'll go faster along the way
  17. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from augie in HMS Agamemnon by Sjors - FINISHED - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1:64   
    Very nice work on the breech lines Sjors, just a few dozens more to go
    As said by the others, it'll go faster along the way
  18. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from dvm27 in Naval Cutter Alert by AnobiumPuncatum - Scale 1/36 - POF   
    Hi Christian,
    I just finished browsing through your log, you're doing some excellent work both in CAD and in wood Sir, your Alert is looking great! 
    I've been lucky to have have copies of David Antscherl's " Understanding Eighteenth-Century Admiralty Drafts" and "Drawing Techniques for the Modeleller" thanks to druxey, and I am amazed at his techniques of correcting distortions and drawing the various sweeps and curves using the provided radii/centres by hand. I am equally amazed at how you are extending these mind-blowing techniques to CAD
  19. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to mtaylor in HMS Surprise, kit.   
    Quite a few of us have.  Here's two links:  http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/2143-san-diego-maritime-museum/
    I thought there was more... hmm... 
    It's well worth the visit to see not just Surprise (ok.. HMS Rose replica) but the models, the Star of India, etc.   I'm not far north of you and if I could get there, you can too.     
  20. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from mtaylor in Hull Lines Comparison article by Portia Takajian, regarding USF Essex   
    Sigh, this seems to be one of the greatest  drawbacks of re-drafting contemporary plans
    Give a particular contemporary draught to five people for re-drafting, and the resulting lines would vary from one draughtsman to another.
    Reminds me of a class experiment on inter-observer bias wherein letting several students measure the volume of liquid in a graduated cylinder would result in varying results from each student 
  21. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to cookster in Hull Lines Comparison article by Portia Takajian, regarding USF Essex   
    Hi all, USS Frolick, aka, Steve, sent this to me with some other material and asked me to post it.  Not sure if it should be here or one of the other research forums so if it needs to be moved - mods please do so.
    This article is from the old Model Shipwright Magazine, Steve could not provide the date so my apologies for that.  It deals with interpreting the body line drawings of the Essex comparing Hackett's, Baker's and Chapelle's drawings.  This was of particular interest to me since I am still working on my drawings of Essex for my scratchbuild.
    Thanks Steve!
    Hull Comparison Portia Takajian.pdf
  22. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    I'm humbled with your comment Doris    I'm trying......but it's so hard to attain the level that you instill in your modeling....your work is art!
    thanks Aldo....more on the trawl rig soon.......I'll try to be ecologically friendly
    thanks Piet........Exactly!   there will be different color combinations......as mentioned,  the deck and structures are dominantly white,  so I'm doing my best to give her a little color    got side tracked yesterday...and today  {my last day of vacation} I need to run a few more.  I hope to get something done..........perhaps another vacation is in order
    thanks also to everyone who hit the like button! 
  23. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Andrea Gail by popeye the Sailor - FINISHED - 1:20 scale   
    Nice work on the scaffolding popeye, that's a lot of neat drums you have there, be sure to secure them properly so they don't cause an oil spill
  24. Like
    rdsaplala got a reaction from augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    Very precise work on the placement of the deck beams Augie, getting them to lay symmetrically that way seems like a daunting task and you've pulled it off masterfully!  
    Excellent work on the bulkhead screens too, I gotta hand it to Chuck, the design of those bulkhead screens with built in lights is pure genius
  25. Like
    rdsaplala reacted to augie in USF Confederacy by Augie & Moonbug - FINISHED - Model Shipways - 1:64   
    The New Year brings with it ....... a small update!
    There are two bulkheads under the quarterdeck.  They are constructed from laser cut pieces and laminated:

    Here they are, laminated and the blackened brass hardware affixed to the doors:

    The farthest aft of the two encloses the Great Cabin.  It, in combination with the deck beams I've put in, pretty much covers the checkerboard floor.  But we'll still be able to see it as only 1/2 of the quarterdeck will be planked:

    Another view, showing the first of the hanging knees installed:

    There will be both hanging and lodging knees installed for each of the deck beams as we move forward.  I've installed wire inserts to simulated the bolts in the knees.
    Here's the aft bulkhead taken from the front.  I've also added the mizzen mast cap, some eyebolts and the speaking tube (only temporarily).  It's made from painted brass tubing and extends up to the quarterdeck just where the ship's wheel will go.  I'm not sure what the helmsman would communicate to those down below but I can't shake the mental image of John Wayne at the helm bellowing down "Engine room, more steam".

    We'll be moving forward now to install that second bulkhead.  But first some gangway railings and the capstan need to be installed.
    Best to all for 2015 !
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