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    -Dallen reacted to MartinB in How much are you willing to pay   
    This may not be the correct place to post this. But here it is anyway.
    As a corollary to the above. My 20 y.o.daughter came home 2 days ago. I was working on my Vanguard frame.
    Upon entering she asks, "Is that another new boat"?.
    I said. "No, its the one i got last year. Remember, you took the delivery. I am just having a bit of fun with it before...."
    "This is the pattern Dad, you start a boat, and then, when you get to the fart arsey bits, you start another one". "Finish the other ones first!".
    This actually happened.
    p.s. Fart arsey is young Australian slang for small troublesome bits like blocks and stuff.
    p.p.s. Guilty as charged.
  2. Like
    -Dallen reacted to MartinB in How much are you willing to pay   
    Oh Mike, 
    Your first sentence would get me into a whole lot of trouble, with consequences! The rest of your post, oh dear, the consequences do not bear thinking about.
    Keep bailing
  3. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Captain Slog in How much are you willing to pay   
    If that is the case maybe start putting away some money every month now and when the time comes if you are still short then see if you can incorporate the difference as a Christmas or birthday present.
    Slightly still on topic;  I started to feel guilty as I always seemed to be ordering stuff on-line or disappearing to the hobby store randomly and coming back with various goodies.  So came to an agreement with the Admiral that on the 1st of each month I get a cash hobby allowance handout to do with what I like.   It is plenty for normal consumables or various hobby hand tools but if necessary I can save it for larger purchases.
    The beauty is, apart from being guilt free, that there is no questions asked or to be justified when parcels rock up to the door or I return from the shops with a bag of stuff.  Perhaps you can settle on a similar agreement with your Admiral.
  4. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Just found this log. For the first time I now have a "future Build". Absolutely drawn to this model! Will digest your log. The detail is amazing.
  5. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from GuntherMT in How much are you willing to pay   
    It's totally relative to the overall. For instance I started out with NO scale craft tools. So after machines, laser cutter and books....and since this is my first build it is costing me nearly 8 grand to build the Triton Cross Section. But with capital outlay already invested, the per project cost will come down ....eventually. I don't drink, smoke or party so that helps. I have friends that spend much more than that a year in bars. The satisfaction is worth it.
  6. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from Piet in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Just found this log. For the first time I now have a "future Build". Absolutely drawn to this model! Will digest your log. The detail is amazing.
  7. Like
    -Dallen reacted to popeye the sailor in How much are you willing to pay   
    I think the most expensive kit I've ever bought,  was like $249.00.   I've got this habit of saving the parts panels and tracing out the hull parts for other hulls.          I outfit them any way I want.   all I buy is wood and fittings.   I did get a kit for Christmas........that keeps the 'gene pool' fresh.  he...he...he
  8. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Chuck in How much are you willing to pay   
    Its really not a fair question.   It depends on what you will be satisfied with in the end result.  The old motto is true...."you get what you pay for".
    You can spend 5 bucks for a chisel or you can spend $150 for a better one.   My guess is you will not be happy with the $5 chisel and will end up throwing it away.   You can spend $30 for a bandsaw blade or $225.   Etc. Etc....
    You get what you pay for.  This hobby is certainly not going to allow you to build models like this one below for $200   - $300.  Its an expensive hobby once it grabs hold of you.  It just depends on what you will be satisfied with in the end.  Again its not really a fair question because some folks are willing to invest much money (if they can) and much time tobuild a model like this....but many are just as satisfied with a less ambitious result.  
    If you are going to spend $1000 bucks on something that will take you maybe three years to complete I would say that is a very reasonable and inexpensive hobby.   How many people spend just $335 dollars a year on a hobby for decent results.   Especially if its something that will give you years of pleasure and enjoyment.   I know guys that drop 100's every month bowling on a league......for me its just not worth it.  I think that kind of money is better spent on ship modeling is.....so again....its not really a fair question.  It more about how much do you really want it.   You spend money on what you are passionate about and everyone is different.....I spent 200 dollars on a cheap saw once because I couldnt afford a good one.  It was a terrible decision.  Finally I saved enough to buy a Byrnes saw and it makes the hobby much more enjoyable.  And that saw will last me a lifetime while the cheaper one was good for nothing out of the box.

  9. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from EJ_L in How much are you willing to pay   
    It's totally relative to the overall. For instance I started out with NO scale craft tools. So after machines, laser cutter and books....and since this is my first build it is costing me nearly 8 grand to build the Triton Cross Section. But with capital outlay already invested, the per project cost will come down ....eventually. I don't drink, smoke or party so that helps. I have friends that spend much more than that a year in bars. The satisfaction is worth it.
  10. Like
    -Dallen reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    well...I'm glad to hear it Patrick and Jesse      I try not to....the other build logs {on Word Press and other blogs} reflect it as well.    I feel that updating progress,  should be just as much fun,  as building the model.   less than that,  would make it a chore....and that's not what I would call an achievement.  
    I broke my own rule.........not like its a solid rule or something,   but I did play around a little.  I mentioned putting the fish box in place to see how it would look,  now that the rigging is in the picture.   I went a little further........Pat 'n you folks,  so kind in your comments,  I think you'd enjoy seeing  what I did.   

    the fish box and conveyors in place on deck.....the net lines lay i=on the fore deck.....

    if the shrouds were in place.......I still have to make the jig.......this would look very different

    I thought to myself,  that the boom winch would look more complete with the net lines rigged

    the gallows winch  in contrast to it's surrounding detail

    so I said the heck with it and rigged the net lines

    so as it stands right now,  the forward 'haul' lines and the net lines,  are the only two not terminated.   there will be two other lines added for the net....they will be terminated, tied at the shrouds.   the forward haul lines will be tied at the cheats on the forward gallows

    it will be a couple of dreary days of wet weather 'round here......I hope to get the net rigs together.   I hope to have more to report soon.  thanks again for the kind comments....enjoy   

  11. Like
    -Dallen reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks Pat    it's filling out ......but there's more still  
    I had a bit of time to mess with her........the net trawl rigs are in the beginning process.   there are the two dowels that are 290 mm {I may have to shorten them a little,  to match the nets}.   I have a pair of brass rings that are a perfect fit,  but that's it.......only two.  so,  I'll have to make some.  I took a couple of those small spools and cut the ends off them...sanded down, I think think they will do OK for the task.
    the net rig for the Cux.......and the part I need to make {two of them}


    and it all will come together to look like this.

    Here is what the Cux looked like.......I don't have the boat.......I sent it to Tom in Wisconsin.

    the next thing I did,  was to bring out the soldering gun and make a jig for the shroud dead eyes.   my first try didn't hold up to me spreading the arms apart to accept a dead eye.   for the second attempt,  I gave it a handle,  as sort of a binder to hold the two sides together.   it's a working jig now  

    the port side shrouds are done.......I'm going to add ratlines.   I may not go all the way up though,  since there is a railing around the top.   perhaps half way up may be good enough.  thoughts on this would be helpful     so here are the shrouds and how they look........I made provision with three eye bolts,  but I only made use of two of them,  to give it some sort of taper,  as it goes to the top.


    hopefully,  I can get more done tonight  
  12. Like
    -Dallen reacted to BANYAN in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    You may still need a spreader bar or two near the base of the shrouds though Denis.
  13. Like
    -Dallen reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks Nils......and to all who hit the like button     there is a small update.....hoping to get more done today.
    the starboard side is to get the shroud treatment.   added here are the fore stays at the bow.

    the jig I made works great....yea......I'm kick'in myself for not making one sooner.

    the shrouds are all tied now........waiting to be made permanent.


    so tie them off and add the spreader bars are all that needs to be done.......then I can tie off the forward haul lines and make rope coils for them.  oh........and the few other things  
  14. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Roger Pellett in How much are you willing to pay   
    Harold Hahn built his models with an 8in table saw, hollow ground Sears blades, a Unimat lathe, and his drawings were hand drawn. Today, using his drawings that include lofted frame shapes, one could build an accurate model without buying an expensive kit. A step up would be to order original drawings from a museum source and do your own lofting. Ships have been lofted by hand for 100's of years. CAD, laser cutting equipment etc is not necessary. Based in the talent shown on this forum used to build model kits, I am amazed modelers shell out big bucks to purchase model kits.
  15. Like
    -Dallen reacted to popeye2sea in How much are you willing to pay   
    Not sure I would fit into the no limit category, but I just looked over what I've spent for my current build so far.   The initial kit was about $250.00 about 30 years ago.  To date I have spent about $3000.00 on books , tools, aftermarket parts, and supplies.  And the ship is only half done.
  16. Like
    -Dallen reacted to tasmanian in How much are you willing to pay   
    my girl could be tought sometime but for birthday or christmas i can do almost what i want : last birthday november proxxon  milling machine mf70 and 1 month after christmas proxxon disk sander 125 e so maybe wait for your birthday and you will be able to get what you want ?
  17. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from dgbot in How much are you willing to pay   
    It's totally relative to the overall. For instance I started out with NO scale craft tools. So after machines, laser cutter and books....and since this is my first build it is costing me nearly 8 grand to build the Triton Cross Section. But with capital outlay already invested, the per project cost will come down ....eventually. I don't drink, smoke or party so that helps. I have friends that spend much more than that a year in bars. The satisfaction is worth it.
  18. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from popeye the sailor in How much are you willing to pay   
    It's totally relative to the overall. For instance I started out with NO scale craft tools. So after machines, laser cutter and books....and since this is my first build it is costing me nearly 8 grand to build the Triton Cross Section. But with capital outlay already invested, the per project cost will come down ....eventually. I don't drink, smoke or party so that helps. I have friends that spend much more than that a year in bars. The satisfaction is worth it.
  19. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from Canute in How much are you willing to pay   
    It's totally relative to the overall. For instance I started out with NO scale craft tools. So after machines, laser cutter and books....and since this is my first build it is costing me nearly 8 grand to build the Triton Cross Section. But with capital outlay already invested, the per project cost will come down ....eventually. I don't drink, smoke or party so that helps. I have friends that spend much more than that a year in bars. The satisfaction is worth it.
  20. Like
    -Dallen got a reaction from CaptainSteve in How much are you willing to pay   
    It's totally relative to the overall. For instance I started out with NO scale craft tools. So after machines, laser cutter and books....and since this is my first build it is costing me nearly 8 grand to build the Triton Cross Section. But with capital outlay already invested, the per project cost will come down ....eventually. I don't drink, smoke or party so that helps. I have friends that spend much more than that a year in bars. The satisfaction is worth it.
  21. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Worldway in How much are you willing to pay   
    I was curious if you are a budget modeler or one with no limit.  I was poking around the net today already thinking of what to build after the Bluenose.  I decided to perhaps build Amati's HMS Pegasus. Then I saw the price and for me it would be close to $1000.00.  I figure that is way too rich for me and I'm not yet willing to sell the Admiral or deck hands.
    So what do you consider to be a reasonable budget for models.  I understand that we all have different financial backgrounds.  I mean, if I had a few million in the bank then I wouldn't be writing this post.
  22. Like
    -Dallen reacted to tasmanian in How much are you willing to pay   
    i guess if you invest 1000 dollars that s gonna be for a period of 3 years anyway the time to built your model but the problem is what does SHE think about that ?
  23. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Worldway in How much are you willing to pay   
    Oh gosh, yes you're right.  One does have to consider the Admiral and I don't think there is a clean way to smuggle one into the house.  But you have a good argument, I could tell her it's only $333 per year.
    I like your thinking.
  24. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Ponto in How much are you willing to pay   
    ...glad I have a couple waiting on the shelf for me.... it's a constant battle with the cost of living in general that has me wide eyed!!!
  25. Like
    -Dallen reacted to Steve 12345 in How much are you willing to pay   
    One thing to consider
    The first ship I built was reasonably exspensive I learned a great deal from building it but now working on my second that was a tenth the price I now find myself beginning to resent things I did on the first learning new things thinking I wish I new that when building the first ship
    I now wish I got a few under my belt before spending the big bucks
    I'm still happy with my first build don't get me wrong but there is a lot I could have done better if I'd have known and an investment like your considering is fairly big
    I would instead maybe consider investing in tools like miniature table saw or planer so you can buy raw materials for very cheap and make your own parts as hobbie shops tend to be very expensive for the material you get
    I hope this helps it's just meant to give you something to think about and ocourse the decision is yours and yours alone to make
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