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Everything posted by Blighty

  1. PB1 is coming together, I have cut off the coal bunker to end at #5 bulkhead. With the double curvature of the hull in this area there was very little volume to store anything, also I think it would have been difficult to get your shovel in there. So, with that space now opened up manning the gun and stoking the coals should be more manageable. The stain I went with is Royal Walnut. I have not decided whether to stain or paint the coal bunkers yet. Thanks for following. Len
  2. Sorry for delay getting wrapped up but the Chaperon is now on displayand looking very grand. Thx to all for being part of the pleasure in building this great kit. Highly recommend this kit if anyone out there is considering it and if there is anything I can contribute please don't hesitate to contact me. I will post additional pics in the Gallery very soon. On to the USN Picket Boat #1 now. All the best Len.................
  3. Just wrapped up a bit of bashing to fit the modified decks. The bulkheads, 5 & 12, were planked with 1/16" thk planks so I had to trim the same off both ends of the lower deck, also removed some cutouts on the bulkheads so that the second layer I added to the deck will hide the sweeps that are evident on the kit. I've attached a couple of pics showing what needed to be done on the bulkheads. Dropped them back into the blank so change could easily be compared. I should be gluing them in tomorrow.
  4. Nice planking Derek, some of the tightest I've seen, gives me inspiration.
  5. I have the rear deck and seats sanded and positioned in place but not glued, I am tempted to stain and matt urethane the inside of the boat and go with a painted exterior. Can anyone tell me the material of the coal bunkers please? A couple of pics showing latest status. Len
  6. Hi Tim, I went through your build log again last night more thoroughly than previously and there is some great data collected in the log. Do you mind if I select a few modifications for my build that you have already done? Great log and a great build. btw what is an rhib? Len
  7. I'm looking forward to repackaging the engine, I'll keep your thoughts in mind when that time comes. Just read a response from Tim, he figures 18 guys or there about, they crammed them in ,didn't they? On sheet 2 of the instruction pad it actually states 15 men on board, 2 escaped, 2 drowned the other 11 were captured. Depends where you get your data I guess. I have the 3 bulkheads that are exposed completed, put a layer of planks on those also, I think it is worthwhile.
  8. Lovely little model Mike, well done, she displays beautifully. Len
  9. Haha, enjoyed a rainy day all day today, not stopped, we were unable to work on the backup camera so I had no choice but do some modelling, took one for the team, as they say. I'm already loving this build, I have the keel completed, it appears to be square and bang on, very straight forward. I did have some considerable help from my new power tool, the cordless Dremel 8050, a great buy really made light work of fairing the bulkheads, I'll just have to finish them off when I have all the bulkheads positioned and supported. Interestingly, the instructions suggest finishing some parts prior to assembling, I'm all for swapping about so I took a look at bulkhead # 4 and added a couple of doors for stowage access, quite pleased with how that came out, the first modification complete, I'm sure there will be many more. Just a note, I personally enjoy making mods purely for the pleasure and lengthening the build process, please don't take that as a reflection of the model, the model is a dandy. I have a few changes lined up that I want to include, about the only rule I apply to myself is that it has to be a upgrade, performance improvement or practicality of build, (at least in my mind). To date the changes planned are; 1 Hide the vertical portion of the keel that is exposed on bukheads 4, 12, 16. This is completed on #4, I'll put a pic up. This will require some trim changes to the decks but that's ok. 2 Flagpole has to go or be moved, I can't see a crew dodging that when they are firing that canon to preserve their lives. 3 Rearrange the transmission/engine installation to make more room for the crew, not sure if this is even feasible yet, but I hope it is. Could make things look very interesting in the plan view. 4 I will hide most if not all the bulkhead sections that come through the deck, I think a combination of grinding a bit off the bulkheads coupled with an additional layer of planks on top of the one piece deck should do it. 5 Coal bunkers look difficult to access, I would like to have an alternate approach to the hinges locations, but no plans established yet. More to come, if you have any revelations that I should consider I would be eternally grateful to know them. Supper time then it's off to sort those Rebs out. Len..... Opps, nearly forgot the pic. #4 bulkhead, note the hidden keel slot.
  10. Windows look great J, makes a big difference, a guy in the model shop told me that the white glue could be used, I've never tried the glue but I did used to paint both sides of the kids jigsaws so they could be hung on the wall, appeared clear when it dried. Keep up the good work.
  11. Hey Tim, well you just contributed a fair portion of how it will appear. I thought they were older boats. With a bit of luck I should get started on it tomorrow, I'm just working on mounting rear view camera for my trailer, camping season coming up.
  12. Hi J, Yes I read there were 2 boats also, one sank on the way to the battle so I figured they were old stock, something like my old Chaperon!! I'm in 2 minds as to the finishing of the PB #1, I took a look at as many build logs as I could find and there's plenty of variation in finishes and colors. Some great builds to pick at for ideas. Thx for the feedback.
  13. Hi Ken, I think I am fairly versed in the history of the Picket Boat, one thing you may be able to advise me on is, the year it was built? or was it a new build specifically for the Albemarle assult? I've been looking forward to this build, hpe you can stick around for it. Len
  14. Hi, this is my 3rd model. I will not be starting this till the end of the week, I have to clean up the bench from my last build the Chaperon. Hoping you can find something of interest if you do follow along, looking forward to being in touch soon. I plan to bash this kit about to try to make better use of packaging, with a crew not much shy of 20 men, square footage must have been prime real estate. My plans don't follow historic records to closely but the changes I make I hope have merit and at worst should generate some friendly banter, I hope so. All the best Len.
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