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Everything posted by Blighty

  1. What a delight to see your 'Nina' mature into such a super looking model. Very well done to you both, and thx for sharing. Len
  2. Hi Jerry, I 'm really enjoying your approach to building, it's awesome, well done. I've strung up an hammock to lay back and enjoy the remainder of your build. I too am building the same model so if you don't mind I may be stealing an idea or two. I'm struggling a little right now on how the pump is assembled, a close up pic would be invaluable if at all possible. Have fun. Len
  3. Cleaned her up and dusted her off. Well into the La Nina now. Thx for checking out my Picket Boat # 1.
  4. I bought my wheel, wish I'd have done what you are doing, it's going to look very cool when finished up. I'm enjoying your build very much Ron, keep up the good work.
  5. Jumped aboard, I am just ahead of you with this build, I have also mounted the deck. Good luck with your build. Len
  6. Finished except for a dusting and clean up, bashed about a little which made this an interesting build for me. I tried to modify the build to make the boat more user friendly, (in my no-nautical eyes), increasing deck space, added extra bench, moved masts, added storage and trimmed the stern square per the period sketches. This was a fun boat to build, coupled with the historic exploits in the Civil War this was well worth the effort and expense. I will clean it up and add some pics the gallery. Thx for following along, the La Nina from AT is next on the cutting board, I have some bashing to do on that one also.
  7. You build very tasty boats, a pleasure to look at. Blighty
  8. I just found this log, very attractive build Mike, hope you don't mind me jumping aboard. Blighty
  9. One of the true joys of being retired is having all the time in the world for the fun stuff, got to go, off bird watching now.
  10. Quick update with pics before we leave for a camping trip. Getting close to wrapping this model up. Thx for looking in.
  11. Jumped on board to look in on your build, looking great, brings back resent memories of my build of Chaperon, a really nice tight build you have there Sir!
  12. I'm back on the build log. I have been busy building the engine, gun and flag pole, getting close to wrapping this kit up, it's been a good one. Moving the flag to the port side, leaves much easier access to the gun. Also, the kit has the mast length at 7" so true scaled length is 28' this seemed un-necessarily long so I reduced the length. Gun mounted temporarily. Thanks for looking in, engine and condenser should be mounted next post.
  13. Hi Brian, A heads up, I planked the lower mid deck as you have and I completely overlooked the drive shaft alignment. There is no real way to adjust the axis of the shaft this late in the build and I don't feel inclined to dig a depression in the deck to re-align the engine crank and the shaft, therefore I'm stuck with the mismatch. A bit of a blow but it was a cosmetic change adding the planks so I don't feel to distraught about it. You will be in a better position than me if you have not glued the deck in yet.
  14. Getting close to dressing her up with all the bling. Hull has to be painted and I'm good to go. I regret not staining the inside surfaces of the hull prior to asm, it is difficult to reach with a small brush now so the finish will not be as smooth as I would have liked, another lesson learned.
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