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    leginseel reacted to Zarkon in HMS Victory by Zarkon - Constructo - Scale 1:94   
    I wish you great luck on your first model! I'm glad that you have found that book helpful. I saw that the Victory book was available on Amazon, so I ordered it! I cant wait to get my nose in it on monday!
    Best of luck on your build!
  2. Like
    leginseel reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Shipyard Update
    Main TopMast Stay:
    A Single 7mm block added to the top of the Fore Mast for the Main Top Mast Stay(will be using 0.64mm rope) to run through.
    The stay runs down the mast, fixed via a tackle to an eye on the Starboard side(H1-10 AoTS) of the mast step.
    For the collar I used 0.45mm rope, seized leaving a gap to go around the block, the seized ends to form the end loops. 

    The block ready to be fixed to the fore mast top:

    And the block lashed in place:

    The block/collar may be a bit too high up for the Main and Fore stays to be perfectly in alignment. ?
    Dave R
  3. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Vinnie in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Lovely work and a great log, nice one.
  4. Like
    leginseel reacted to DaveRow in HMB Endeavour by DaveRow - FINISHED - Corel - Scale 1:60 - First Build Kit   
    Hi Pat,
    I had a look at the same Rigging Spreadsheet of Danny and John you mentioned.
    It is great, produces the rope sizes, however I may be wrong, not the blocks ? am I correct ?
    I did something similar(using David Steel's) which produces rope sizes, and also the block types and sizes.
    When I first looked about what seems like years ago, I wanted to find out how many block types & sizes I'd need, I could not find a source at that time.
    The spreadsheet converts the imperial to metric at an entered scale and is based on the "Ships 20 to 22 guns.... closest tons to Endeavour. 
    I've added a AoTS Ref to the left side for what I used.
    The spreadsheet also works out the totals for:
    - lengths of rope sizes for the standing and running rigs and
    - type and sizes for blocks
    Samples below > first Main-Mast page, (1 of 24 pages of data)

    And produces a Summary of Blocks:
    Note: Of interest, the number of blocks the spreadsheet indicates(681) is pretty close to a number mentioned in an article "Rerigging Endeavour Part 2"  by:
    Anthony Longhurst, ANMM leading-hand rigger and shipwright on the Replica,  mentions "Add to this the oiling and upkeep of nearly 700 blocks"

    And a Summary of Ropes to order:  based on Chucks packages (each 20'), I hope I don't get into strife showing a suppliers price/name. Just what I used to work out what to order and how much.

    Disclaimer:  Above may not be accurate and is purely what I have used for my Endeavour. Use at your own risk.
    Enough, back to the real work....
    Dave R
  5. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    I think that I mentioned a little while ago that the gun carriages supplied by the kit were hopeless - not to scale and cheap and nasty.  So I decided to try and rescale from John McKays book and scratch build some, although they aren't perfect by any means I'm pretty happy with them.  The main issue for me is the gun colour.  I didn't think matt was right so I've used Smooth Hammerite.  When I get another kit I'll buy some brass tarnisher - notice I said when I get another kit!!  I'm loving this new hobby and it gets better and better.

  6. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Zarkon in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Since my last post I've tried some on scrap that I've sanding sealed and you're right it holds the colour much better. 
  7. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    I've made a little more progress this week.  Firstly I was unhappy with the design of Binnicle in the kit (left) so I made another one (right)
    I've also been through the lengthy process of filling and sanding the hull and I've fitted the keel, bow stem and stern post.  I now need to pause to construct a secure building rig to keep her stable.  I've decided to paint her and having seen the excellent results Steve12345 has got on his Bounty I'm looking for a small air compressor for the paint job.

    I'm really enjoying the build and so grateful for all the advice I'm getting.  Thanks to all.
    Cheers from sunny Antalya
  8. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Zarkon in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Steve, thanks for your query.  Here are a few photos of where I'm currently at -
    As you can see its coming on slowly.  I took the decision to drop those three planks in because I was having great difficulty twisting the bow planks to flow with the curve of the bulkhead (if you see what I mean).  I've pretty much mastered the bend around the bow and stern but I could see myself 'going off line' as I came to the bulkhead curve.  I think I've done something fundamentally wrong at some point and I hope you or your more experienced colleagues can put me on the right track. 
    I've also been busying myself with cannons and other deck furniture.
    Thank you once again for your interest.
  9. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    I'm progressing pretty well and I am now faced with the sanding/shaping job at the bow, keel and bulkheads.  I'm looking ahead to the deck planking and I am trying to find what the planking configuration was on the original ship.  The kit comes with lengths of planking long enough to do the job but I think this is a bit of a cop out.  I've read the Deck Planking tutorial and I'm looking to do 120mm planks with an 'every 5' configuration as I think it would look good.  However, does anyone know what the original configuration was or was there a common practice for ships of that era?  Here are some photos of where I'm at.

  10. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Zarkon in HMS Victory by Zarkon - Constructo - Scale 1:94   
    Hi Jeff, just come across your log.  Brave man tackling Victory as a first build but all the very best.
    I am taking on a Constructo Bounty as my first build and have found that I've needed to modify quite a lot of the kit or scratch build some parts.  My best friend is a book I bought by John MacKay on the Anatomy of a Ship - The Bounty which has put me right on many occasions.  He has also written one for the Victory and I strongly recommend that you try and get hold of one.
    Good luck with your build and I look forward to future posts.
  11. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Steve 12345 in HMS Victory by Zarkon - Constructo - Scale 1:94   
    Hi Jeff, just come across your log.  Brave man tackling Victory as a first build but all the very best.
    I am taking on a Constructo Bounty as my first build and have found that I've needed to modify quite a lot of the kit or scratch build some parts.  My best friend is a book I bought by John MacKay on the Anatomy of a Ship - The Bounty which has put me right on many occasions.  He has also written one for the Victory and I strongly recommend that you try and get hold of one.
    Good luck with your build and I look forward to future posts.
  12. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from CaptainSteve in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, been fairly busy over the last couple of days and completed (with a little bit of tidying up to do) the Wales and Bulwark Strakes.  The kit says to build up the strakes edge on edge, which is fine if the ship was going to be left as natural wood but as I'm painting it I decided to make it in one piece.  The Wales are also painted and I'd be interested in your opinions over the colour of the upper Wale as I've left it as natural wood colour and not matt black like the other two. Anyway here's the photo's.

  13. Like
    leginseel reacted to Zarkon in HMS Victory by Zarkon - Constructo - Scale 1:94   
    So i finished the second lower deck planking using the black paper. Here is a side by side compairing using a pencile, and using the paper:
    Wow! Quite the difference! I have a little brushing up to do with the paper, and they  both aren't varniahed yet.  I do think I like the look of the paper more.  It takes about 3 times the effort and time to do it, but i like the results a lot better.  This is my first attempt at this technique, and I learned a bit doing it. So the next deck planking section should look better.
  14. Like
    leginseel reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    Nigel: I think you may have misunderstood my post.  I used the plastic nozzle (or whatever it is made of) rather than the hardened sealer. It works well.
    Thanks for taking the time to 'like' and to comment.  It's always appreciated.
  15. Like
    leginseel reacted to RMC in HMS Vanguard by RMC - FINISHED - Amati/Victory Models - scale 1:72   
    Some progress has been made on the buntlines and leech lines. Tying them off on the quarterdeck barricade seems to be correct - though it is a very awkward job. Including time for a few silly mistakes, it took most of a day to do. Here are some photos.  Now I have to figure out how to do the rope coils for the lines.




    While on rope coils (not my strongest suite), using the nozzle from a sealant gun works well.  They are nicely tapered and PVA doesn't stick.

    This is how some of them turned out.

  16. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Canute in HMS Leopard 1790 by Bluto - FINISHED - 1:80 - 50 gun ship - PoB   
    Great idea to use the dummy mastheads, I'll be giving that a go.
  17. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Canute in HMS Leopard 1790 by Bluto - FINISHED - 1:80 - 50 gun ship - PoB   
    Hi Jim, so much to get your head around.  I'm a long way off but it seems pretty daunting.  I trust the Macallan Gold slipped down well !!  35C here in Antalya at the moment so enjoy the Portuguese sunshine and have a great holiday. 
  18. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Canute in HMS Leopard 1790 by Bluto - FINISHED - 1:80 - 50 gun ship - PoB   
    Hi Jim I'm new to your log but I have to say what astounding workmanship.  You should be duly proud.  I'm a novice but you're on my list now as the log is so instructive.  Brilliant work, thank you for sharing it.
  19. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Papa in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, been fairly busy over the last couple of days and completed (with a little bit of tidying up to do) the Wales and Bulwark Strakes.  The kit says to build up the strakes edge on edge, which is fine if the ship was going to be left as natural wood but as I'm painting it I decided to make it in one piece.  The Wales are also painted and I'd be interested in your opinions over the colour of the upper Wale as I've left it as natural wood colour and not matt black like the other two. Anyway here's the photo's.

  20. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from CDW in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Thank you kindly Russ and Craig encouragement like yours is invaluable and it proves what a fantastic forum this is.  Oh, this might be my first build but it definitely won't be my last!
  21. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from mtbediz in HMS Bounty by leginseel - Constructo - Scale 1:50 - First wooden kit build   
    Hi Everyone, been fairly busy over the last couple of days and completed (with a little bit of tidying up to do) the Wales and Bulwark Strakes.  The kit says to build up the strakes edge on edge, which is fine if the ship was going to be left as natural wood but as I'm painting it I decided to make it in one piece.  The Wales are also painted and I'd be interested in your opinions over the colour of the upper Wale as I've left it as natural wood colour and not matt black like the other two. Anyway here's the photo's.

  22. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Leopard 1790 by Bluto - FINISHED - 1:80 - 50 gun ship - PoB   
    Great idea to use the dummy mastheads, I'll be giving that a go.
  23. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from EJ_L in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Genius!!  Good luck with it and I too would be interested in following your log.
  24. Like
    leginseel got a reaction from Bluto 1790 in HMS Leopard 1790 by Bluto - FINISHED - 1:80 - 50 gun ship - PoB   
    Hi Jim, so much to get your head around.  I'm a long way off but it seems pretty daunting.  I trust the Macallan Gold slipped down well !!  35C here in Antalya at the moment so enjoy the Portuguese sunshine and have a great holiday. 
  25. Like
    leginseel reacted to ken3335 in HMS Bounty by Steve 12345 - FINISHED - Billing Boats - 1:50   
    Hi Steve,   Building them is the easy part, learning to fly and keeping them in one piece until you do is the challenge. If you haven't thought about it yet I strongly suggest that you join a club, they will teach and guide you, you'll get much more from the hobby as without help early on it will not only get frustrating but become expensive.
    Best of luck,   Ken
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