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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Yes it does Lou! Im at work right now. As soon as the funeral is over ill be home 30 minutes later But by then half the day is gone. Theres allways tommorow I guess.
  2. Not much progress tonite. I only had about 2 hours so I figured I could airbrush the life rafts. 3 drops of thinner and 6 drops of flat white is all it took. I can hopefully paint dark grey areas tommorow atleast...Masking with tape takes me a while. It just gonna be wierd with timing. I got to go to work at 11am till about 1pm. Being right in the middle of the day like that really messes up my day. Even if it's only 2 hours.
  3. Thats wierd... the harbor frieght near me has them. They are on there website also. Its just anoying that they dont say wat size they are anywhere on the package or the bits. Danny im going to try them in a pinvise when I get new bits. I believe some guns have rungs on them.
  4. Thanks Cog, I feel like its impossible to get them perfectly straight. Notice how that photo is dark? That by design to hide how bad it really is.
  5. Almost ready for paint. I just have to install some ladder rungs. Out come my harbor freight drill bits. lets see if I can do this without braking many bits this time success! I painted all of the main big pieces. Next I will paint some darker grey areas, life rafts white, all deck fittings and stairs, do alot of shading, install the decks, assemble everything and gently place it onto the Bismarck. See everyone soon!
  6. Since I prematurely painted this piece I can install the wooden deck on it. First i cut out the deck and made sure they fit. And I also wiped the deck with rubbing alcohol to clean it and to give the deck the best chance of sticking. The finished product
  7. On an unrelated topic I just bought this beauty! 13 pounds of diecast awesomeness. $530 later I have zero regrets... infact I want more.
  8. That is veru true Danny! Assembled spme more structure pieces. I'm close now to painting. Just a few more PE rungs to install and PE stair cases to bend. I think i'm going to paint and install raillings after painting and shading everything else.
  9. Work continues on the last super structure piece. There are alot of plastic pieces on this one. more PE
  10. So here is before shading. Shading applied but not wiped off Final product Here is that conduit peice I like so much installed
  11. I got an early start today. Its also a 3 day weekend do i hope to get alot done after taking last weekend off. I started today glueing brass components onto a ship piece. Its a mix of Pontos and MK1. Then I painted. Ill wait 24 hours before shading. next is the bigger of the 2 pieces. It will be the same process. For some unknown reason I really love this piece of conduit. Also these. Such detail! And finally I love the hose reel. The piece just stack up building a hose reel.
  12. Thanks Paul. I've narrowed it down further to the Agamemnon, Syren and the Diana but add the Pegasus. I'm also leaning towards the Agamemnon, being big has a lot to do with it, I love big models. Of course I imagine all the tools I've built up for Plastic modeling would be useless. I would have to buy a lot of expensive tools ( I don't mind though it's money well spent) hey Peter I was also thinking that. It's glued to the ship but I could just paint with a small brush. less of that horrible "flat aluminum" to look at can't be a bad thing. so today I get up, set up all my tools and get to work on the bismarck. 10 minutes into it I'm just not feeling it and don't really want to work on the model right now. ( the 30 hour shift I just worked didn't help) So I just put everything away, now I feel like it's a wasted day of progress. Maybe I'm just strange...
  13. Oh wow, that's good to know. The only problem is most of it is brass from Pontos. I will just live with it I guess. It used to be my favorite part of the ship too.
  14. A little bit of progress today. I can only do little bits during the week. I removed and sanded smooth the kit fittings and cut out the PE needed. I still have to drill out the portholes, even the square-ish ones.
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