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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. I only had an hour so I was only able to install a few catwalks. Thats all for today, sorry folks.
  2. Hey Danny, after using both MK1 and pontos I would recommend pontos. I am deciding on the same for my missouri... I will be getting pontos for the missouri. Don't get me wrong they are both great, but Pontos is better in every way if you ask me. Pontos is better designed, more accurate, more complete and just easier to understand and assemble. The only fit problems I've had were from MK1 though I suppose it could be my fault. I dont know if this is good or bad but Pontos is also more involved and intricate as apposed to MK1 which is simplified. If you were to use everything Pontos has in the kit it would be overkill. I guess what it comes down to is how much detail you want and how involved you want to get. With Which ever you choose to the average person it would look incredible. For me though its pontos all the way. Any more questions feel fee to ask Danny!
  3. I started on the two hangers, one on either side of the funnel. Im up so early she wanted to be next to me but didn't want to wake up yet I gathered all plastic parts needed for hanger 1. an hour later all plastic is assembled. Now gathering any PE needed for hanger 1.
  4. This platform is causing me many headaches, its breaking everywhere and does not fit. I've decided to just use the trumpeter supplied platform which fits perfectly. now just to drill a hole for the mast and install railings onto the new platform.
  5. Thanks guys I was able to coat it fairly evenly, it's just thicker than I wanted it.
  6. Im just using the gloss black under the flat aluminum. I see others spraying gloss black before an aluminum color. Maybe for shading? Heres the semi gloss. I'll wait 24 hours then spray flat aluminum over this. What a pain in the butt peice to paint though.
  7. I installed the last two railings on the top of the funnel. Next is to paint the funnel gloss black then flat aluminum. Semi gloss black will have to do.
  8. even my straight ones are crooked remember Cog yours are smaller than my 200 scale also! Much Harder to work with I imagine
  9. It is strange Cog. I realized nothing fit right on the dry fits. I guess ill just move on but that was so frustrating. I just hope theres no more of that I think that was the first time with fit issues on this ship. Moving on to somthing I hated in the beginning but actually love to do now, bending railings!
  10. Hi everyone. The funnel went from enjoyable to a nightmare fast. Suddenly every piece i try to add does not fit right and has to be modified. If you look at the right winch You will see I had to file a whole side flat so the crane will fit into the hole next to it you will see the railing had to be cut short so the canopy could be offset to the platform so brass deck in the first photo would fit a notches cut out and joyces under this deck cut just to fit in place so all i got done was gluing this hatch door this railing these two hatches And the two cranes
  11. Thanks Shane! I didn't know they made 3/16 acrylic. I definitely want to avoid bowing if I can. That tank is awesome! I have to figure it out and just go for it. I keep delaying it.
  12. So I started the pipes. It's pretty self explanatory. Those 7 pipes took 2 hours. So all 47 should take like 8 hours...
  13. whoa thank you Ragove. yes i have a table saw. I think I am going to do it myself. There is a custom acrylic shop near me but it is expensive. I just dont know if I can get away with 1/8" acrylic over a 53" length or if I would have to use 1/4". If I use wooden framework 1/8" would be ok. also 1/4" slots would be to big. those plans are awesome thank you. It clears it up for me.
  14. So many railings! Railings everywhere. can we go for a walk now or should I just poop right here? I had to remove all the exhaust pipes to make room for Pontos upgrade pipes.
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