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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Thanks everyone! Ya popeye its glued down. Was Isupposed to. Now your making me nervous
  2. Thanks Paul! I bought the missouri with pontos PE for my next build. But now I'm undecided. Lately I've been telling myself I want to buy my first wooden model kit. I have narrowed it down to the Syren, Confederacy, Diana, Agamemnon or the Vanguard.
  3. I just started airbrushing to I use Tamiya acrylics. I thin it 2 parts paint to 1 part thinner, but I always put the thinner in the airbrush first and that seems to work for me. I don't prime but the I don't think it would show through. sorry I can't be any more help.
  4. Hey Willz, yes I was going to go with alclad but tamiya was available at my local hobby shop. Had I known how horrible it was I would have ordered alclad. So I finished shading, assembly, then I installed the funnel/hangers onto the ship, here are a bunch of photos. In some photos the paint looks unshaded. thats just the desk lamp, I usually shut it before photos but forgot. Also the tamiya "flat aluminum" in the first photo looks way worst in person. It looks like the German sailors bedazzled there smoke stack. One hanger open one hanger closed. I found this organizer in the trash, i love it! so now begins the 3rd part of the super structure. I begin with marking out what has to go for the PE to replace it with both MK1 and Pontos. I'm going to keep the stock louvers considering how good they look and what a pain in the butt the pontos louvers are to assemble Just a quick no on the differences between MK1 and pontos instructions, I enjoy working with pontos instructions mich more. And also the "Arado hanger rails" im also not going to bother. I dont think it's worth the effort considering a lot of it is hidden. that's all for today folks. Happy new years! And may the best of 2017 be the worst of 2018.
  5. Great build! i just bought this kit. Though it came with a white metal cannon not turned brass. I would have never bought it if i knew that.
  6. That also explains why MK1 supplied the other cat walk. To give you the flexibility of displaying it with or without the catwalk.
  7. I was thinking about mixing it or spray matte varnish over it. Or the shading/weathering
  8. I am just going to leave the catwalk as it is. Its on the side of the ship that will be facing the wall anyway when i display it. This seems like it could be a very debatable topic though. I really hate this flat aluminum paint. It is anything but flat. There are so many sparkles in it, it almost looks like glitter. I am hoping that if I go heavy on the shading it will hide a lot of the sparkle. You can't really see the sparkle in the photo but trust me it is really really sparkly. Or does anybody know a way to get rid of sparkles. Maybe a matte varnish or something?
  9. So theres this video of the bismarck I took a screen shot during the video. I cant tell if theres a catwalk there in the back ground. I think there is.
  10. Oh wow thanks guys. I will do some research right now. I wonder if the flory models bismarck build has it there. Its still not to late to glue it on and paint it real quick. Also I'm going to google photos of the real bismarck right now.
  11. Thank you Mtaylor! Apparently that's how it is supposed to be. I found myself double checking and triple checking the instructions because it just seemed wrong. What's even stranger is what's even stranger is there are two of those PE catwalks and they are identical. I guess ill find out where the other one goes in time. OH also guys I still have one more thing to airbrush. Flat aluminum on the smoke stack.
  12. Thanks Cog. I guess it's going to have to wait I just got called into work. I try to stick the tiny pieces onto the sticky side of masking tape. It kind of works but they can still go flying
  13. Today is a massive paint day. It doesn't seem like alot but it's going to take me hours to airbrush all this.
  14. The nightmare continues... it's my own fault though. I totally forgot that I wanted to display this side with the plane coming out of the hanger with it wings folded in. So I glued the doors shut with Tamiya thin cement. Then of course after it fully dried I remembered the doors are supposed to be open. So I had to rip open the doors and start over. It was a mess here is the result with the door finally open Here you can see where the hinges are, the mess that the glue made I just noticed I have to sand away those 2 circles on the back of the door also
  15. I still have to find the cheapest site for Pontos Danny. BNA world or freetimehobbies or megahobby. I dont know yet, there are alot of sites. I have to buy both the detail set and the advanced add on set. I'm looking at around $450 for all.
  16. Another piece ready to paint this weekend. Im not to happy with the 3 level catwalks with railings to the right but it is what it is now I guess. It was almost A catastrophe. one more hanger then a lot of airbrushing.
  17. Ya your right Canute. I don't know why I tend to rush. I just have to assemble the other hanger then paint alot! I will be painting this weekend.
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