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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. No, Eric, thank you! Thank you for creating this build log, build log enrichment flows in both directions. The grain elevator is coming along nicely.
  2. There is a search box on the home page, it is very useful. https://modelshipworld.com/search/?q=sails&quick=1
  3. Steve, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  4. Thank you, Eric. I tried matching the angle in the original Lula photo. I'll recheck and also see if I came make the stairs steeper as that would save me space but I want the stair angle to be such that someone could walk up and down them and not have to use the handrail. Eric, currently the stairs are at 45 degrees. Setting the stair angle to 60 degrees only gives me an additional 0.175 inches of increased space at the ladder base. When I'm able to get back to work on Lula I'll look closer at the additional saved space and see if it's worth making the change. Thank you again for bringing this to my attention.
  5. Thank you, Eric. You posted whilst I was answering Kurt. I like your explanation much more than mine.
  6. Thank you, Kurt. i was just coming back to edit my previous post and say that is was easier getting through narrow channels by tow pushing as the two would be single wide.
  7. Thank you, Eric. I tried matching the angle in the original Lula photo. I'll recheck and also see if I came make the stairs steeper as that would save me space but I want the stair angle to be such that someone could walk up and down them and not have to use the handrail. Thank you, Eberhard. Pushing or what's called towing must be more efficient as it seems to have been the preferred method of transporting barges due to the amount of historical photos.
  8. They may have also mixed paints, a half gallon of this and two gallons of that which would make tying to duplicate a nightmare.
  9. Thank you, Gary. And I you. Thank you for the comments and likes. Engine room is glued down, fire bucket boxes added, stairs cut but not attached, deck received first coat of paint, black trim toned down, some pastel work done, and Lula finally got her knee's. The knees are different from most because they have to make contact with the pile driver barge while not pushing on the pile driver. Knee contact with the barge avoiding the pile driver. Thank you for your support and for following along. Keith
  10. Eric, historical photos of grain elevators is my latest rabbit hole. It's a neat subject, thanks. High up doors seemed fairly common, this image is just one of many, the why of them is a mystery.
  11. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  12. Makes me wanna dig out my ole bellbottoms. Thank you, Bob. You're more than welcome and I'm glad needle threader worked for you. She was a jokester. Thank you, mcb. Black trim it is. I wish there were historical photos of the area where Lula was tied up, that was the best that I could find on Google.
  13. Fantastic tight work, Gary. Every piece fits exact, every paint line is razor straight, and every glue joint is clean, neat and tidy. You never cease to amaze.
  14. Eric, thank you for sharing this project. I look forward to following this epic journey. What is the layout length?
  15. Thank you, Glen. It wasn't easy getting those tiny letters transferred between the rudder post. I dare say I won't being adding anymore lettering between the rudder post. Thank you, Eric. I'll keep the black trim and do as you suggest and tone it down a notch or two. I've got to add a very light white wash over the lettering between the rudder post and will do so with the trim. Thank you, Eberhard. Black and white it is. Thank you, Jacques. In this early photo of Great Falls I think the background view of the Missouri is toward Sacajawea Island. If so, in the Lula photo she would have been sitting straight up at almost zero degrees.
  16. Keith, the green is spot on. I really like the looks of the hull.
  17. Mark, never pass up on an opportunity to include your wife in your hobby if she's willing to participate.
  18. Thank you, Jacques. I'm not really partial to red, I was basing guessing the trim as being black by the darkness of the pilothouse window trim and the name Lula. The colors on the stern wall are washed for obvious reasons. Yes it does, Jacques, I think it's Great Falls, Montana.The island on Lula's port side look's like it might be Sacajawea Island.
  19. Welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
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