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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. That was my first thought, Paul. Jacques, I'm not sure the hull's curves would be obscured. I fact, displaying in that manner allows one to see more of the keel than what's normally seen in traditional displays. You could go crazy and add sand and create a beach scene.
  2. Jacques, while stir sticks maybe free but IMHO you're doing yourself a disservice by using them. Midwest Products basswood strips would be a much better choice. I know you know of them as you've mentioned them in an earlier post. Having said that, you're doing a nice job of deck planking with the freebees.
  3. Thank you, Rick. Thank you, Roel. God has blessed me greatly with good health both physically and mentally. If He continues to bless I do see a future dredger build. Lula is starting to come to life. I missed a golden opportunity when naming this build log. I should have named it, Tender Lula. Thank you for your support by following Lula's build. Keith
  4. J, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Thank you guys for your kind comments and the likes. These are the bits I used to make the steam engine but I wound up not using the etched eye pins.I used brass wire in 22, 24, 26 and 28 GA. The two pieces of dowel joined and the piston rod added. I think these are rivets from I can't remember what. Everything is put together with CA. The bits on the left are one hole stanchions. I had to add a brass bead for height plus it adds some visual interest. It's starting to look like something. Rocker arm assembly. Rocker arm added. And the completed engine. Eberhard, this is the best me ole camera can do on closeups. It's late so painting the engine will have to wait. Once the engine is painted and a little black pastel powder is added it's be time to finally start adding some walls! Thank you everyone for following along and being part of Lula's journey. keith
  6. Jacques, this is going to be a nice model of a work a day vessel. The older I get the more attracted I've become to common everyday workboats. I'm enjoying your build of a subject that's south of my modeling experience.
  7. It's nice to see a post from you, Brian. All your 3D printed pieces came out really well, they look great.
  8. Thank you, Pat. Thank you, Bob. Thank you, Glen. Thank you, Eberhard. The photos I posted are as close to the engine as I dare take. I'm disappointed as the engine is not one of my better pieces, it looked much better in my minds eye before building it. I'll take build photos when I start the second engine, hopefully it'll be good enough for some closeup images. Thank you, Eric. You made me smile. Thank you, Keith Thank you, John.
  9. Perseverance is the name of the game in so much of what we do. It turned out looking right spiffy, Chris.
  10. Glen, sorry to hear about the jenny's bottle. Is there a way to stabilize the crack without clouding the view? I'm also sorry to hear that your SIB's were not more well received. Those folks in Boston are a bit suspect,I mean, who likes salty iced tea? That the Flying Dutchman/Black Pearl didn't receive first place proves my point.
  11. There were many varied styles of dredgers which I didn't realize till I started researching them a couple of months ago. If one likes workboats they can make a nice model. Eberhard, you should start building one. I'd love to see your work on one, Would you do 1:160? Thank you to every for your kind comments and the likes. It took me all day to get one engine done, it fought me the whole way. This is what I was attempting to replicate. This is the most delicate piece I've ever made. I couldn't clean it up as much as I wanted to because it is so delicate, consequently it's pretty rough. The only consolation is even though the engine room is open it's tucked away. Any detail is lost in that field of white. The details should pop once I had some grease and grime. It's a short space between the cylinder and the pitman so those pieces are really bunched up together. If I can make another one that looks close It'll be okay. Thank you to everyone for following along. Keith
  12. Congratulations on getting the rigging done, Bob. The sky above the Duchess's deck is filled yards and yards of line and it looks great. Again, congratulations.
  13. Beautiful. Valeriy, I don't know what you get for your work but I have a feeling it's not enough.
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