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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. John, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  2. After a day's effort of trying to make a potbelly stove I've raised the white flag. I take defeat hard but I need to move forward with positive progress. I've ordered a potbelly stove from All Scale Miniatures., see the link below. https://www.allscaleminiatures.com/miniature-gallery/stove-potbelly-w-chimney-single
  3. John, welcome to MSW. Congratulations on completing your model, so many come excited to start and never finish which is so sad. I look at making mistakes as a learning experience. Learning what not to do next time, learning how to make it better in the future, and most importantly, learning how to have more fun. Glad to have you aboard.
  4. Wolle, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Thank you, Keith, you are most kind. The difficulty in turning a potbelly stove is the size, 0.30 H X 0.21 W at the base and trying to show detail. I may waste some time in the effort but in material, not so much. John, I absolutely agree.
  6. Keith, add them to the hull and if you absolutely despise the look of them, build the stand in such a way that they are hidden.
  7. Thank you for your input, Bob. Thank you, LJP Thank you, Keith. Thank you, Eric. You're correct, there wouldn't have been any smoke or fumes coming up from the engine room. And you're also correct for the need to turn it off come summer. I'm of two minds, floor registers or potbelly stove. Floor registers keeps the look of the original Lula but a potbelly stove is traditional. Plus, where the heck would the crew have put on a pot of coffee? Without a stove in the pilothouse there wouldn't be one. With a stove in the pilothouse, one could argue that was where the coffee was made. I'm going to get out my 1/2 inch cordless lathe and see if I can successfully turn a potbelly stove. If I'm able to, Lula gets a stove, if not, then I'm going with floor registers though neither registers nor radiated heat plumbing would hardly be seen at this scale. No real progress to note in the below photo, it's just a fun photo of Lula and the pile driver. Thank you to everyone for your comments, likes, and for being part of the journey. Keith
  8. So we come to the final chapter of a wonderfully beautiful story. Thank you for showing us your rigging tools, Johann.
  9. Mark, on each ship some rake added per the captains wishes. From what I've read and seen discussed most are between 3 and 5 degrees main and fore and no more than 7 degrees on the mizzen. If you search "mast rake" I beat you find several discussions on the topic.
  10. In the original photo of Lula, a pilothouse stove is not shown. On most if not all steamboats a pilothouse stove was a necessity "the stove was placed close enough to the wheel to singe the pilot's coattails" I'm starting to lay out the pilothouse and I have a question, with Lula's pilothouse directly above the engine room, was there enough waste heat from below that with gratings, would there have been enough heat to warm the pilothouse? TYIA.
  11. Thank you, John. Undoubtedly hand tools used by a mater craftsman produces incredible work. This applies to the artist who made jewelry in the BC era, stone masons that carved the stones for 14th century cathedrals, and shipwrights of any era. My work around the port maintenance door looked like I had a beaver by the hind legs.
  12. 1. White 2. Also white 3. Natural or a light brown with a hint of red.
  13. Thank you, Roel and thank you for following along. There are gaps and then there are gaps, those I left around the maintenance doors looked like they were cut using an ax and a dull one at that. Feeling much much better, thank you. Thank you, Glen. Thank you, Keith. To be truthful, the plan was a bit sketchy. Thank you, Bob. Yes, the deck is open where the pitman arm rotates.
  14. Thank you, Gary. And thank you to everyone for the comments and likes. This is the last time the interior of the engine room will be visible from above. Roof added and with that the engine room is done except for the fire bucket boxes and painting. After posting the photos In my post #276 the engine room's lean toward the bow had to be addressed...much better. After painting the interior white hopefully it won't be quite so dark. I didn't want to add maintenance door trim but because quality control was out sick the day they sided the port and starboard walls I had no choice but to add door trim. It's hard finding good help these days Rudder post added. I'm tickled pink with the clearances between the wheel and the rudder post and the alignment of the openings for the engine timbers and pitman arms. I was pretty stressed about being able to make that all happen as it should. Thank you for your support and being part of the journey. Keith
  15. Greg, you need some jewelers pliers. The jaws are smooth, makes what you're doing much easier as one isn't so worried about creating tool marks. Your project fascinates me to no end, I'm throughly enjoying your build, great stuff.
  16. Mark, I apologize for continuing to call you Scott. The deck looks great including the winches.
  17. Bob, I was digging around and found another French Corvette but I think the time frame is a little later than the Astrolabe.
  18. Scott, this is one of several discussions on poly line, searching the subject will provide others.
  19. That's some awfully fiddly work, mcb. And like all your work, very believable.
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