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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. You most certainly can providing your line/thread is scaled correctly. I have used needle threaders successfully on 2 and 3 mm deadeyes and blocks with the original hole diameter as is, not enlarged. A caveat, I use Gutermann polyester thread and not cotton thread. Maybe cotton reacts differently and doesn't compress as much as poly line does? I use poly instead of cotton as cotton deteriorates too quickly.
  2. Bill, for me it's easier and quicker plus needle threaders are cheap. The link I provided is for one type but there are other types.
  3. Scott, you need to get yourself some needle threaders. Some folks swear by wetting the end of the thread with CA and once dry pushing the thread through the blocks. I never had success trying to push line through blocks that way. The only thing that works for me are needle threaders. I'm posting a Amazon link but you can get them at Joann Fabrics and Crafts stores and they're available at other craft stores. https://www.amazon.com/Threader-Threaders-Universal-Embroidery-Needlework/dp/B09YNS98B6/ref=sr_1_3_sspa?crid=2PDX7B5FCSMJV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6zES97mdJ4gE0IH6d7XoQRqc5yMo-UUVykqut7FPMOjrT2muN_Rog4N-xSmv1ZUarFgNpoToH5JZZ4HXzAgLTc150kYUtySqNNatO9HoERL87vcQPwoCb32a1gzXHdulQY1ntNOnBZ-GbeDUySYoi-3-_gkbzHCj0TZBX5u60m4cWsKdH8dl5oQzg6DFhGnFSHa8RfZnVAQu6fUP9nlRaYcBNc5uFlTktq8GZEVJi2WRIwpF9tRLL9EkIvcRrw4Zv3a3IMCh8BdTAHHlZ6TalL5yBR3E6FdsOjjp_oeQ-MA.ZzVXIhJa6n40G4w2s8MEVxvrO1s_L181MNLA9TXg8rg&dib_tag=se&keywords=needle%2Bthreaders&qid=1739677147&s=arts-crafts&sprefix=nee%2Carts-crafts%2C100&sr=1-3-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1
  4. Eric, I enjoy seeing your work and as much of a pain it is taking photos I and I'm sure everyone else would enjoy seeing them. If you don't wanna go to the hassle of creating a build log please feel free to post pics on Lula's log.
  5. Vossie, I've not heard of that before, interesting. Lynn, if I take the time, I take a paper towel and clean the tippy by twisting the paper towel around the tip. My super glue bottles get pretty grungy because I'm kinda lazy and often I have to brute force open a used bottle, that way I get my exercise.
  6. I can, thank you, Greg. I'm throughly enjoying your build and look forward to each new post.
  7. Greg, the photo didn't post, please post again, I'm anxious to see your progress.
  8. Phil, from what I read it seems that zinc anodes being frowned upon for wood hulls is recent. Someone wrote that the zinc anodes should be removed and the wood soaked in vinegar or if too badly damaged, replaced. I'm new to this topic so all I've got to go on is Mr Google. Up till a couple of hours ago I didn't even know how to spell zinc.
  9. Thank you, Pat. I think with both the port and starboard maintenance doors open plus the opening fat the forward engine room wall there would be plenty of ventilation. The port and starboard walls/doors are cast in stone at this point. I'm sure there must be an Native American name for someone like myself, something that roughly translates to He who hides engines Both times I've fallen it's because I've been thinking about something other than watching my step. I just need to pay more attention to what I'm about. All's good, thank you.
  10. https://forums.ybw.com/threads/beware-anode-advice.543843/ https://waitematawoodys.com/2015/05/15/electrochemical-damage-to-wood-the-marine-version-of-leaky-homes/ https://waitematawoodys.com/?s=electrochemical&submit=Searc Yes, zinc anodes are generally considered bad for wooden boats because they can cause significant damage to the wood due to overprotection, creating a caustic environment around the anode that can rot the wood fibers, especially when connected to metal fittings on the boat; most experts recommend avoiding zinc anodes on wooden hulls and opting for alternative options like aluminum anodes if necessary. Key points about zinc anodes and wooden boats: Electrolysis damage: When a zinc anode is attached to a wooden boat with metal fittings, the electrical current generated can cause the wood around the metal parts to deteriorate due to the chemical reaction with the saltwater. Overprotection: Zinc anodes tend to produce a higher voltage than needed for wooden boats, leading to excessive corrosion protection that can damage the wood. Caustic environment: The reaction between zinc and saltwater creates a caustic environment around the anode, which can rapidly degrade wood fibers. Alternatives for wooden boats: Aluminum anodes: Some boat owners choose aluminum anodes as they can provide adequate protection without causing the same level of damage to wood. Careful selection and placement: If you do use any anode on a wooden boat, carefully select the right type and position it to minimize contact with the wood and potential damage.
  11. Bob, as often as you break bowsprits maybe you need two nose guards?
  12. That kinda depends, Keith. How much mahogany dinning room furniture you got left?
  13. Friedie, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  14. Thank you, Keith. I think I quit bouncing about the time I turned 70. The couple of times I've fallen this past year I've been in so much pain on impact that had I been within reach of a phone I would have called an ambulance needlessly. Thank you, Eric and thank you for indulging ME! Like Lucy my modeling bipedalism is somewhat erratic.
  15. Phil, I think he owns stock in the company. Keith, those anodes turned out very real in appearance. I always enjoy watching how you make the little bits.
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