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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Thank you to all for the likes and for following along. I have painted three of the Shapeways figures but they have not been sealed. The jury is out on these guys, I'll seal them and we'll see. I think there is a much better way of painting these than the way I did for these three. I painted every detail leaving the white for last. The white is the trickiest part of the process, if they were sealed before applying the white and the white didn't go on as wanted, I could remove a portion or all without messing with the paint underneath the sealer. The way I did it here I had to touchup the blue uniform and maybe the face, yada yada. Sealing and then adding the white has got to be better. My apologies for the following two photos. I was in a hurry and it's late, I promise I'll do better with the next photos. Taken with my lighting array, Taken with flash. The shadows make that middle figure look like he's been going through the chow line twice. I need to get the figures off the paper and posed midair because taken in this manner ya can't see diddly. Again, thank you to all.
  2. Gary, welcome to MSW. Hope the Dory goes well. Glad to have you aboard.
  3. Thank you to all for the likes and for following along. Thank you, Eberhard. Below are the 6X glasses I ordered from Amazon... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CFWSN6P?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details Working distance is 8 inches away from your face, beyond that objects start to blur. I'm amazed they arrived okay. They were shipped in a thin plastic shipping envelope , no bubble wrap or cardboard around the glasses. I expected to take out a broken mess but not so, they were in perfect condition. The first time I wore them was for two, thirty minute stretches with a 30 minute break between the two and my eyes were okay. The second time I wore them for a couple of hours straight but it felt like my eyes struggled a bit to adjust back to normal afterward. But I really really need them because of two recent purchases from Shapeways, see below. https://www.shapeways.com/product/C9PG8J4AN/1-125-royal-navy-seamen-set-104?optionId=301259378&li=ostatus https://www.shapeways.com/product/F3B3ZE7AY/1-125-royal-navy-seamen-set103?optionId=301259186&li=ostatus These Royal Navy figures, in this size, (these figures measure 0.56 inches) are the closest to the latter 19th century US Navy figures I've be able to locate. The biggest drawbacks are, the Shapeways figure's trousers are bloused at the boot tops, US Navy, a slight bellbottom trouser goes all the way down to the shoe tops. Royal Navy caps, oval shaped, US Navy, round caps. Less use of white on the US Navy uniform that that of the Royal Navy. The figures being so small, once painted, I think it will be hard to see the differences. Of course I'll be painting them to resemble the US Navy uniform as close as possible. This is my first experience with 3D printed parts. Is it best to seal first with varnish/polyurethane or paint with acrylic paint then seal? After testing painting three figures, I think the quickest and easiest way to paint these is the uniform first then the head/face, hands, and boots. And the journey continues......
  4. Micha, if I were you, I'd try to fix Roar 1.0 for the learning experience with no expectations of being successful. That way there's no pressure to be successful. Trying to fix 1.0 will pay dividends down stream because you'll have experience knowing what you can do to correct a fault and what you can't do. How to fix is the burning question. Knowing that 1.0 maybe a total loss, you might try soaking the lot in Acetone. Acetone drys very quickly so I don't think it will damage the wood? If the planks do in fact separate you may have a lot of sanding to do. At this point I'd say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  5. Lohengrin, welcome to MSW and model ship building. Glad to have you aboard.
  6. George, hitting the 'wow' button with each new post loses emphasis of how greatly I admire your work. So when I hit the 'like' button please understand it's really a 'wow'.
  7. Nice bit of kit, Simon. The ship's boat would look good stained but paint is more correct.
  8. https://www.ebay.com/itm/303785714104?chn=ps&var=603007666121&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1mhE-IVpOS8usi_83uvxtjw98&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=603007666121_303785714104&targetid=&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1019476&poi=&campaignid=20389321416&mkgroupid=&rlsatarget=&abcId=9317280&merchantid=101709775&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_QDh9MOjmv6Ps_Zm1anHC-d5Z-3&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3MOlxr22hgMVLUb_AR0YrAfUEAQYBCABEgLGVfD_BwE https://plastic-models-store.com/paper-model-kit-fighter-reggiane-re2000-falco-133-orel-291-military-aviatio
  9. Gary, thank you for you kind words regarding Maggie and the Tennessee. I tried an Optivisor and didn't care for it. Today I ordered 6X glasses off Amazon, they were cheap. We'll see how those work out and if they don't, I won't hesitate to toss them in the bin.
  10. Thank you to all for the comments, likes and for following along. Quick update. The main's channel shrouds are done. The little 3mm deadeyes (far left) are crazy small to lace and attach. I'm glad there are only two per mast. Other than weaving the main's channel shroud ratlines and attaching the main yard with both lifts and braces, from the main mast aft all the rigging is done. Thank you again to all of you for your thoughtfulness. Keith
  11. Siggi, you've done such beautiful work on the Tiger. I'm somewhat sad the end is in sight, I wish this journey would never end.
  12. In the fisheries I'm familiar with ice for fish holding is flake ice. Block ice doesn't provide enough fish surface contact and crushed ice is too rough and dimples the skin/flesh of the fish. Flake ice is made at the processing plant and is normally provided free of charge to boats/skippers who fish for the processor.
  13. It's a very simple answer. You do your best, whatever your level of modeling achievement, you always give it your best shot. You should strive for perfection but you'll never get there because no one does perfect work though some get mighty close.
  14. Our old cat Amelia who passed away four years ago could have cared less about the Tennessee. I never worried about her doing anything untoward. Now, our new cat Emma (Emilia), I wouldn't trust that knot headed cat for a second. She is NOT allowed in the shipyard.
  15. Thank you, mcb. The main and fore channel shrouds are the remaining ratlines. I'm kinda looking forward to that surprisingly enough.
  16. Thank you, Keith I've thought about corrective eye surgery but if the chances of complications are one in a zillion, guess who the unlucky winner would be?
  17. Thank you, Brian. I feel duty bound to share warts and all with my MSW family.
  18. Thank you, Rick. You're correct, my earlier mistakes are mostly forgotten but these new ones bug the snot out of me.
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