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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Absolutely.
  2. Tame winter for all of us.
  3. Bob, thank you for letting us share your journey. We're all the better for it.
  4. She's a beauty, Glen. For a 'it almost didn't happen' build I for one am certainly glad that it did because it ranks near the top. The lone penguin at that scale is very well done and a nice touch........thank you.
  5. Pretty part of the state but comes with the price of more snow.
  6. Ryan, welcome to MSW. Fellow Michigander from Grass Lake. Glad to have you aboard.
  7. Grant, scratch the penguins. APA photo showing billionaire cattle rancher and SIB builder Glen McGuire informing a group of penguins their services would not be required in his latest project, The Jenny. In a local news briefing UPA spokesman Flip Moore decries McGuire's pulling penguins from his latest project saying "It's a hardship, we've got penguins that have traveled halfway around the globe to get here" "Now to be told they are no longer needed. Well, it's a bait and switch scam, plain and simple" "United Penguins of Antarctic members will not tolerate these tactics from Mr McGuire, we don't care how many cattle ranches he owns" Mr Moore wouldn't elaborate on any pending legal action.
  8. I'm proud for you, Bob. She's really looking top notch.
  9. Doug, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  10. Attic is the key word here. Attics are normally hot to very hot in the summer months. It might be great and then it might not. I'd be most worried about the mast, tops, and yards but those could all be made of wood which we covered in David's build.
  11. Not necessarily, Micha. Plastic gets brittle with age according to modelers building plastic kits. . I have never put together a plastic model so I'm relating only what I've read in logs.
  12. Klas, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  13. I know exactly what the ice barrier would have looked like had the Jenny been a real ship. Not only have I seen packed sea ice from above in a Super Cub and from the shore, I've jumped from flow to flow chasing a wounded fox. Please read/reread the post preceding mine regarding the color of Glen's ice. I was merely responding to what I think is an erroneous assumption that the Jenny would have been trapped by blue colored ice, i.e. icebergs (which are a different color being composed of fresh water) than sea ice. Icebergs are by their very nature solitary creatures.
  14. The type of ice the Jenny would have trapped in would have been sea ice (sea water ice) not ice calved off glaciers (fresh water ice) which become icebergs which tend to be blueish in hue. Having lived in Alaska and seeing countless sea ice flows and packs it comes in colors from white to a tan tinted off white to ice covered in mud where it's washed up against the shore with the tide and gone back out again several times. Glen's ice color looks fine.
  15. Jay, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  16. I use watercolor paper.
  17. MB, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  18. It intimidates all of us the first time. That all passes once you're half way through.
  19. Large models require large display cases which require large spaces for the whole to occupy. If a person lives by themselves then you can dedicate whatever space to that which tickles your fancy but if you're in a relationship with another, they might not be so keen on every inch of free space being occupied by model ships. From my little experience and reading the experience of others, 36 inches models are about the limit to live with comfortably. I could be way wrong but I suspect that those who build in smaller scales do so partly because of display space considerations.
  20. There are members and then there's us junkies.
  21. Brian, when you said major photo dump you weren't kidding, you've been a busy man.The underside of the hull looks like the real deal, you're going to have to put a mirror under her when she's finished. Super impressive progress.
  22. Bob, you are the quintessential NRG member, your enthusiasm is infectious. I'm proud to be your NRG colleague.
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