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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. Cool photos of the eclipse, Gary. I do love your weathering, are you gonna add a wee bit of lighting in the fish hold?
  2. Pete, welcome to MSW. Cool model. Glad to have you aboard.
  3. Grant, what a kaleidoscope of issues. It sounds like the boiler flame is being robbed of oxygen?
  4. It's hard to equal the detail you produce with paper models, Chris. Congratulations, I can certainly see the allure.
  5. Are using the plastic blocks or are you going to replace them with wood blocks? If you're going to use wood blocks then it's what you want to see in your model. In real life blocks wore unevenly as some were used more than others and some faded out more than others. Do you want to depict a ship during the course of its career or as she looked right after being built pulling away from the dock? I stained all the wood blocks I used for the entire build at the same time, all the same walnut color. I figured it was hard enough graduating the sizes correctly let alone trying to depict which blocks would appear more wore and faded.
  6. Frank, Jonathan replaced the plastic blocks that came with the kit to Syren wood blocks and it doesn't appear that he stained them. You should seriously think about replacing the plastic blocks that came with the kit to wood blocks as they look every so much better.
  7. Swiftie, welcome to MSW. You should make your own post in the 'New member introductions' that way everyone has the a chance to meet and great. Glad to have you aboard.
  8. Glad I was able to help and hopefully those are in stock. Locating hard to find electronic components and military aircraft hardware and subassemblies was the job I retired from so this is kinda up my alley, so to speak.
  9. Roel, congratulations on a very convincing build. Modern ships are not normally my cuppa but I'm stunned by the amount of realistic detail you incorporated into your model. Very well done, sir.
  10. Don't know if these would work? https://www.shapeways.com/product/GMT3CNTYV/1-350-hms-hood-brass-propellers-x2-port-star?optionId=65511850&li=marketplace https://spruebrothers.com/trp06601-1-350-trumpeter-hms-hood-upgrade-set-trp-kit/
  11. Thank you posting the engine startup video, Eberhard. Large engines are fascinating, building/machining large engines is even more so. Building the lathe pictured would have been a monumental undertaking. I wonder how long it took to chuck that crankshaft?
  12. See Bob's post #181 in his build log.
  13. *Keith extends elbows out to the sides
  14. Roel, is there a helo pad on this beast?
  15. Yes on the mirror for the reasons Eric gave in his post above. IMHO a larger mirror (slightly larger than the width and length of the hull) would look better. Also, get a better quality mirror, one that's not so blurry.
  16. Before you remove them you might try gently rounding the handle edges with the tip of your X-Acto knife which may also remove some of the char. I don't see how you can round the handles once they're removed. As far as removing all the char, the only solution I see is painting them a color that resembles wood. Did you ask Chris?
  17. I so enjoy your builds, Bob. You bring life to ship and log.
  18. Johnny, I use CA to glue eyes to the deck. I drill the hole a tad larger than than the eye, place CA gel on the eye shank, place in hole, and then add a tad bit of regular CA around the shank. I've had to remove eyes because of putting them in the wrong place and played billy goat heck getting them out pulling on the eye with pliers. They don't come out willingly.
  19. Frank, I use Minwax satin polyurethane. Using CA I can glue directly to a polyurethane treated surface without issue. Polyurethane is disparaged by the old schoolers but it's got a lot going for it, IMHO. As always, experiment thus making sure it works for YOU.
  20. Eric, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
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