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Keith Black

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Everything posted by Keith Black

  1. John, welcome to MSW. Nice looking Albatross, glad to have you aboard.
  2. Frank, a good experiment to try is take a small piece of paper, a little heaver than copy paper, thinly coat it with CA (super glue) and voila, plastic. Not exactly plastic but pretty close. Makes for a good substitute and if you need to cover a void, a little paper, some CA and you've got a patch. It does not sand all that well because the underlying paper gets fuzzy but once you're down to the level you want to be, add some more CA to strengthen the surface.
  3. Looks fantastic, Glen, really really cool. What do you mean you have no experience seeing melting in Texas? There's cars at red lights and pedestrians at crosswalks turned to puddles and billboard signs slumped over like a bad souffle.
  4. Jay, welcome to MSW. Glad to have you aboard.
  5. Gregg, I came to the same conclusion after several times of clicking on status. For the life of me I can't figure out the 'why' of the feature.
  6. Peter, I just checked and 'Viewing Topic: Status' is still there. Maybe it's for administrative purposes? Ignorance is bliss.
  7. Peter, do you mean 'Viewing Topic: Status'? If so it's a good question, It's something I've simply ignored.
  8. Congratulations on completing your masterpiece.
  9. I had no strength issues using wood to make mast and yards at 1:120 scale. The yards get additional strength when brass wire is used for jackstays.
  10. Eric, I seal my masking tape with polyurethane which is essentially doing the same thing as your use of carpenter's glue, just a little less messy. Do love the way Peerless is taking shape.
  11. This paper modeling biz amazes the heck out of me. Nicely done, Chris.
  12. Later era photo of oars in use noting oar length and blade shape and width. Does it appear that the oar lengths decrease moving away from mid boat?
  13. It's a lot better than "good", it's a fantastic addition. What kinda pain in the backside would it be to attempt adding icicles hanging off the wheel?
  14. Thank you for joining up, Micha.
  15. I don't think the ventilators look ratty at all. Speaking of ventilators, did you ever notice that at distance they kinda look like earbuds?
  16. Dan, if I can make some of the goofy stuff I've made at 1:120, I'm quite certain you can make acceptable looking 1:128 oars. In fact, look at the oars Eberhard made in his 1:160 build log, page 25, post #733.
  17. Nice wheel, Glen. I hope you can use it on the Jenny.
  18. I've seen folks carve the shaft/handle separate from the blade and then join the two.
  19. I'd use the keel as is, the other two i might scab and glue with PVA thin pieces to either side of each. Sandpaper will easily remove any edge irregularities.
  20. Micha, being an NRG member means you're providing financial support for MSW. You've only been a member of MSW for a short period of time but by the number of your post thus far you obviously find benefit in being a MSW member. For myself being a member since 2016 MSW is a major part of my life. I consider 99.99% of the MSW membership my 'family'. MSW is way too important to me, I'm happy to support MSW by being an NRG member. Having access to the MSW database is invaluable, I dare say that if you have a question about ship modeling the answer can be found in the MSW database. The better question is, why would one not want to support MSW by becoming an NRG member.
  21. Mark, it's probably the cost of display maintenance. There doesn't seem to be as much money being donated to museums these days and reduced attendance. Folks don't feel they need to go to the museum because Mr Google is right there waiting to guide them through whatever interest was put in the search box.
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