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Everything posted by KORTES

  1. I took photos of some parts of the reeved rigging, while the sails haven’t covered it. Some ropes haven’t been covered yet.
  2. It’s ready for the blackening. As I have made the anchors from steel, I used a weapon paste for blackening in order to restitute blueing
  3. I'm very grateful to you, dear colleagues, for you interest in my work, reviews and kind words. My best regards.
  4. The movable stock, for lack of a lathe, was sharpened with a drill. The ending thickenings were soldered with a further refinements.
  5. The paws were soldered with an ordinary solder,using acid, however, previously, it was necessary to heat up the horns and paws with a burner.
  6. My greetings, dear colleagues, I Submit for Your judgement anchors. I never did the casting, and after talking to my colleagues I realized that in order to obtain the desired result, among other things you need to get some practice ,through a system of trial and error for which time is needed. Therefore, after weighing everything, I decided to just cut the anchors, for the lack of brass, I used 3mm iron sheet. I had to make 4 pieces, taking my time I spent days on it. I used a cutting wheel, files, broaching file, a drill, of course, and the final stage a micro-drill.
  7. Dear Colleagues, thank you very much for your kind words.
  8. My greetings, dear colleagues, My work on the sails is coming to an end. After a series of trial and error I got almost two sets of sails. I present the final version. Material - cambric, painted with artistic oil paint diluted in white spirit. For the moment all that is left is to make a reef-band.
  9. I ‘ve choosen the technology of Dmitriy Shevelev for the fabrication. The second part was painted with desaturated bituminous varnish.
  10. Sails. No matter how much you study the experience of the Masters, you still make your own mistakes. I tried to dye the fabric in a folk way, in the broth of onion peel. I liked the color, but problems began later, when gluing. Thre was an unexpected reaction of the colored fabric and the glue MOMENT Carpenter. So the first set of fabric went to the bin.
  11. Valeriy, I tip my hat to you. As always the highest quality posible and an outstanding mastery. My best regards.
  12. It’s all down the hill afterwards - I made ribs of a parrel, I oil-coated and pre-assembled it.
  13. Next, with a little tightness, we stick a workpiece on a toothpick, which is clamped in a cartridge, and process with a sandpaper, on one and then the other side to the desired condition. With a little practice the elements are practically of the same size.
  14. I have made parrels. I have made the parrel - trusses by myself. If anyone would find it interesting. During the working process I have tried several modes of making parrel trucks. Taking into consideration the size of the elements I found that the following mode was the best. I have grinded out a template, in my case D = 2,3 and 2,1 mm , I cut it in required sizes. Then I have drilled the holes (I haven't spent much time on the hands free tool, made it out of the things I had on hand, the mode is the same as when I drilled the holes in dead-eyes).
  15. Thank you, Keith, for such warm words. My best regards.
  16. Вопрос Ваш я понял. Мне непонятны два момента. Первый, - о какой шлюпке вы говорите? Второй, -почему вопрос поднят в разделе такелажа а не ранее ? И наконец, если речь идет о шлюпке « Гиацинта» : I think the time that would be necessary. And if we are talking about the saving of a life, in this case even longer. As we are talking about a navy sailor, who is not a VIP person to travel with the greatest comfort possible. I'm sure you agree with that. My best regards.
  17. My greetings, Sergei, I'm sorry, I didnt understand the context of the question?
  18. I made the studding sail yard too thick. After getting remarks from experienced Master - I remade them thinner, I hope now they have the right thickness.
  19. I made a winding on sailyards of the gall and the sail boom. I’ve installed studding sail yard.
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