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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Spent some time today working on the upper topsail install..lots more work to do but, I'm moving along. Rob
  2. Now I've secure the sheets to the sail and am finishing up with rigging details and buntlines. Rob
  3. Spent a bit of time today working on the topgallant sail and its rigging. This image I just glued the sail to the yard and am supporting it till it dries. Rob
  4. I'm more of a hack then fast....but thanks for the compliment. I've learned what details can be avoided or masked with other detail.... Rob
  5. Some more images of the state currently. Hoping to spend more time tomorrow. Rob
  6. I also spent some time finishing up the addition of the foot ropes and addition of all the eye bolts for the mizzen main yard(crossjack).
  7. Now onto the royal and its rigging. I used the smallest alligator clips I could find for this work...their just over an inch long. Just can't have that much weight hanging on things...but I still need good clamping. Rob
  8. Spent some time today on the royal sail of the mizzen. Lots left...ie...clew lines and the addition of more blocks for the main mast braces. Slowly but surely..I'm working down the mast beginning with the sheet lines(chain). Rob
  9. Thanks for the fine comments Popeye...I appreciate your kindness. Oh, I miss stuff for sure...that is why I give a new set of eyes a pass days after I finished something...knowing full well I forgot something. Rob
  10. Still need to add brace blocks to the rigging for the foremast and mizzen topgallant/royal yards to the main mast(for both afix to the mainmast)....and I'm figuring out the process and location of all those blocks found on the mizzen for the main topgallant.royal yards. I hate having to reach within the spidary web of rigging to add a block I overlooked(Damage is just on the horizon if that happens) I enjoy the light transparency these sails naturally produce. Exposing the reef bands and extruded panels. Rob
  11. Spent some time today working on the lower topsail yard and fixing its haul chain rigging. Still need to add sheet chains and the chain haulyard to the upper topsail yard.
  12. I believe that can be considered a true statement. Even the tedium of fabricating rope coils can be pleasantly improved upon. Not sure about ratline thought........ Rob
  13. Going back and seeing how I performed certain processes I realize how differently I proceeded. Even repetitions were modified and I changed sequences from one mast to the next...without consciously knowing I had altered a sequence. I suppose the process evolved and I made it easier for myself. Rob
  14. No....not at all. I consider myself nearing the end..because I'm closer to it then the beginning..since the spanker mast has no square sails to set. Still have to configure and add all the braces and their blocks and pennants. Not to mention any an all details i previously overlooked. Rob
  15. Need to finish up the foot ropes and stirrups after I added the gin block and all the eye bolts needed for blocks and sheet control eyes.
  16. Spent some time working on the GR today. Trying to finish up the Mizzen. I worked on the royal and topgallant earlier and I finished up the basics of the topsail yard...now working on the topsail yard with its gin block lift rig. Here are a few images.
  17. Scott..that sounds fantastic...love to watch that come together. Rob
  18. Good to see you back at the helm Jeff...... Rob
  19. I'm confident in her non-descript rig. This conclusion is deduced from one major element not mentioned. She is an early steamer and from knowing just this, history shows that sail configurations were being experimented with during this transitional period. I have seen some extremely odd yard/sail configurations during this period. Depending on which painting you presented, you wish to model her from, it looks as if even from these there is an inconsistency in sail configuration. From single to double topsails. Now this may be evidence of her continual evolution of sail design as I mentioned earlier...of the period. I wouldn't stress over it too much....for even in my researching for all of my McKay clippers...there are inconsistencies based upon the vessels history, time frame and ownership. This accounts for so many differences in sail, masting, deck arrangements and sparing I have noted. With my own Great Republic searching, there is much error that is found were one artist depicts her with partial Forbes rig and bulwarks, while yet others depict her with skysails and a full railed weather deck. One could say if they chose too build it so....that their version of her with sky sails and bulwarks(With Only two cabins) or with only royals and a railed weather deck(My version) or as a three masted full rigged ship(her later/final German years) are all accurate representations of the Donald McKay masterpiece Great Republic. At some point in her history, they would all be right. I think the wonderful model you are building will fully represent the vessel you are replicating. Artistic license can be the missing sequence we use in the reconstruction of our vessels DNA. Rob
  20. Truck and flag look wonderful. I'll be doing the same for the GR...good tutorial. Rob
  21. Three masted Two topsail schooner..with the leanings of a Baltimore clipper. Me thinks.
  22. Fantastic Scott. You're going to build in 1/128th or there abouts? Or are you going smaller? I fully appreciate your kind comments and I am so glad whatever processes or techniques I used can be an inspirational help to you. Over the near 50 years of building ship models and particularly clipper ship models I have either developed, adopted or applied processes, techniques that, I feel work the best and produce the fastest results. I've been at this for over 2 and a half years...and I can see light at the end of the tunnel now. I'm looking forward to your application of some of these processes on your next build. Rob
  23. I don't know....it seams quite unclear. Notice how all the other sails are in a state of drying..as they are laid out across stays purposefully(the lowered top sails)......but these so called sails(On the gaffs) appear to be partially reefed/furled. A very unclear drawing. By the way Pat, I received the photographs and they are fabulous. They will be gladly and respectfully added to my collection. You are too kind..thank you. Rob
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