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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. Lastly, I touched up some paint issues on the front of the carriage house. Rob
  2. I also made these two grates that rest under the side ladders that leads to the roof. Rob
  3. Worked a bit on several things. I cut out the base material for the two skylights. Simple approach really. Rob
  4. Thanks Vlad. It took a couple of hours of focused uninterrupted work. I just hope all that detail will be able to be seen and appreciated after the boys house, gangway and boat skid are added. Rob
  5. Thanks Rich and tell your wife thanks as well. The corner brackets took some doing, since they are roughly only 3/8ish in length and have ample carving relief on them. The windows are all made from hand cut parts.....crown, sides and sashes. The windows are roughly 3/8 in height as well. And don't talk to me about the doors...they consist of way too many parts. I opted on the color blue that I did, solely based on age represented.....limited photographic evidence, and preference. I struggled with the idea of sucha dark blue. It seamed so un characteristic of the simple color schemes typical of clippers. Though some extreme color combinations have been written about. I'm also striving to retain what I gather as the colors of her after her major refits and good weathered use. The image of her from astern with one of her cabin boys, demonstrates the extreme weathering she saw....by way of paint chipping and scuffing. It is clearly evident on her cabin doors and walls.....not to mention her boats. And this was in her heyday. Rob
  6. Thanks Pat. Yes I've read about that practice......plus the constant shuffle through the doors made a real scuff. Rob
  7. First coat of paint on the front of the carriage house. It looks muddled……….cuz it is. It will all look good when dry and a second coat is applied. I’m working on the corner brackets, they go on after the painting. Rob
  8. Mikes original model builder painted all the houses *Except* the carriage house, with the waterway color. It looks nice. Rob
  9. Rich from what document can we arrive that the trim was painted the same color as the Waterway...or painted blue at all? B/W photographs are poor providers for definitive colors...though shades can be determined....but not true colors. Is the blue trim an assumption or based upon actual McKay practice? I'm not convinced either way. Rob
  10. Over the last few days I have been struggling with the notion of painting the lower edge of the houses with the same blue the waterways are painted. To be honest, Glory has gone through many changes at the hands of many captains and through sheer neglect. Many clipper builders or modelers like to use bold colors to distinguish these *trim* colors. Usually a bright blue. I'm not convinced. I prefer a more subdues blue and with that said not sure it was used to highlight the building base trim. On the other hand there is some evidence indicating there was some trim color. Notice the shaded difference in this image of the aft skylights on Glory.
  11. I’m out of state this weekend so very little to report. Maybe when I return tonight I’ll do a bit of work. Rob
  12. Oh…..I’ll tell ya if you are becoming a rivet counter. This is my second Glory build and I started it with the intention of seeking aid from other sets of eyeballs. You’re all 😊 Rob
  13. I hope he has something for the lower rail, that is the one he removed and they are shorter fatter stanchions. I think my rail stanchions are about 3/16”ish If I remember. And 1/4” for the roof stanchions. Rob
  14. Amazing job. How big is it…..is it scaled? I know what you are up against. Rob
  15. I really felt I was going to change it originally. Your input was the “stuff” needed. Thanks for keeping me true to her Glory……… Rob
  16. I remade the helm vent cupola. I began on the front. I’m making the windows off model and setting up the pillar caps. Rob
  17. Bang! Ripped the rail down…..that took a lot of guts. But I know you will feel better with more accurate stanchions. Carriage house looks fantastic! Rob
  18. Interesting..it could be a small square depicted by raised paneling...then again its right edge is quite obscure. What I find wonderful. is the closed bit on the rail. Thanks for pointing out these wonderful items. Rob
  19. Rich...I knew when I posted these images....I would receive the critiques describing the exact issue you brought up. I knew it when I finished making it, it was too tall in the front. That is why I didn't glue it down to the helm roof yet.😎 Knowing full well I would need to remove material and redo the window/vent opening. I wanted to see if I could slip it past...since very few folks are truly aware of these details. This cupula is pretty small....an inch by 3/4 ish. The louvers on the aft end were a bear to make and I will NOT be remaking those. I made the window the size I did, by using material I already had on hand(I see it was too large)...not really knowing what the door or access really looks like. So a window is just as viable as any other covering for that open space. However, with that said, I might make the mod a louvered door instead...since nobody probably looked out through it anyway. You got me...but I knew it was coming. Rob
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