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About DonnRW

  • Birthday 10/08/1949

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Woodworking, Golf, Model Shipbuilding

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  1. Steve, glad to have you onboard here and really glad that your created NCWW, thank you! Donn
  2. It has been a long while since I last posted and for that I apologize. That said, I have been busy. When we moved into our new house, I had a really nice space to use as my woodworking shop, but the space required a lot of work (framing, insulation, sheetrock, painting, drop ceiling, plumbing and HVAC). I have completed all of that and I am happy to report that I now spend more time working "in" the shop than "on" the shop! I am now hoping to allocate my time more evenly between woodworking and shipbuilding. Recent progress on the Aggie has been to complete the roundhouses and quarter galleries. I am just beginning to install the main whale, which will be followed by the second planking. I really appreciate those that contribute to this website; if it hadn't been for you guys, I would have been lost as to how to approach some aspects of the build. Caldercraft produces an excellent kit, but their "instructions" are limited.
  3. Indeed, I miss seeing work by Sjors and Mobbsie...both outstanding modelers, helpful contributors and gentlemen!
  4. Progress has been slow, but I am finally finding time to work on the Aggie. As you can see in the pictures, I added filler to the first planking and have sanded it smooth. I am pleased with the result. You can see that I really applied a lot of filler (Timbermate), to the extent that the Aggie looked like she was in a full body cast. I waited a couple of days to make sure everything was completely dry before sanding. After sanding I used a foam brush to apply a dilute PVA solution, waited 24 hours and sanded with 400 grit sandpaper. Next on tap is to mark and cutout the gun ports. Given the fact that Caldercraft supplies a template for this task, one may assume that this will be a relatively simple procedure...it doesn't appear that is going to be the case. Nothing lines up exactly as it should....stay tuned.
  5. Jobbie, I am So Sorry for taking so long in responding to your question. Since moving into a new house, I haven't had time to do much of anything other that try to get organized in our new space...it seems to be a never ending process. That said, thank you for your kind comments! Regarding the paint it is from Caldercraft and is their Admiralty Paint.
  6. I am back! Sorry to take so long between posts, but my wife and I purchased a new house so I have been busy packing, unpacking, etc., etc. Moving is never fun, but the older you get it becomes even less fun. That said, I have a new workshop (I also build furniture) and a new shipyard. Now that I have a workshop to work on, progress on the Aggie will slow...but, I will find time to work on her! Since my last post I did complete the first planking. I will be sanding, filling, sanding and filling.
  7. It has been awhile since I last posted, which doesn't imply that I haven't been working on the Aggie (I have), but the work I have been doing is the tedious task of applying the initial planking. The Aggie is a massive model that means a massive amount of planking. In truth, I really don't mind the work; in fact, I enjoy it...but there is SO much of it. Also, there are some very wicked twists and curves to navigate. I have reviewed the build logs of several skilled modelers and it seems that there is no one-way to deal with these twists and curves; while approaches differ, they all resulted in beautifully built ships...that is what I hope will be the outcome of my attempt.
  8. Hennie, you are doing a Masterful job! Everything looks precise...a sure sign that a true craftsman is at work. The ship itself is Regal, perhaps a better word is Majestic!
  9. Not sure, Dave. My friend (another modeler) and I will be getting together for lunch soon, we'll discuss the pros/cons. Personally, unless I am specifically looking for something (which very infrequent), I never look at the classified ads; but, as the saying goes..."nothing ventured nothing gained".
  10. Dave, regarding your question of a retailer specializing in scale model kits, unfortunately we do not. We do have a couple of hobby shops, but they are more geared to remote control plane enthusiasts. Cheers, Donn
  11. Dave, I have been surprised at the seeming lack of model boat builders in the Triangle area. There appears to be significant interest in model planes (flying clubs), but nothing much with ships. Personally, I am also interested in woodworking (furniture); in fact I hope to be in a new house this spring, which will include a bigger shop area. As for shipbuilding, I would thoroughly enjoy any opportunity to interact with fellow modelers. I hope to be contacting you soon about visiting. Donn
  12. Dave, I may take you up on your kind offer to visit and bring a fellow builder. We are relatively inexperienced but enthusiastic. Donn
  13. Dave, I am sorry that I am so late to the party, but I just discovered you. While I have never attempted a scratch build, and I may never (kits are a big enough challenge for me), I am so amazed and impressed with your patience, craftsmanship, and ingenuity! Relative to your worldwide group of followers, we are almost next door neighbors (Raleigh area). Thank you for sharing your skills with the rest of us. Donn
  14. Mobbsie and Hennie, thank you for your comments! Knowing that both of you have beautifully managed the many challenges associated with building the Aggie, your encouragement is all the more meaningful. I have installed the inner bulwarks so I'll soon start with the outer planking...that is where the fun begins!
  15. It has been awhile since I last posted, I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season. Regarding the Aggie, I have been making slow but steady progress. At this point, I have completed planking the upper gun deck. Overall, I am happy with the result...that doesn't mean that I didn't experience any problems, I did. Fortunately, the areas that will be the most visible turned out well...the problem areas will be under the upper decks. After completing the planking, I lightly sanded the entire deck, used filler where necessary and sanded again. As you can see, I did install treenails. The method I employed was to use a small drill bit with a 3/4 turn. As you can see they showed up very well especial following an application of Golden Oak stain (Minwax).
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