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John Allen

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Everything posted by John Allen

  1. sos You do not need any help I promised myself I would not be overwhelmed by clutter. A place for everything and everything in its place. It created a huge problem I could never find anything. I was missing a mini-screwdriver and was accusing my wife of putting it up when she started laughing. She said and I quote "fool did you look in your hand!" true story. I now love my clutter where I can find everything sooner or later Don't despair your good. John
  2. Dead-eyes look great, to bad chain plates didn't work they looked good really ingenious how you came up with making them. I have trouble tying a knot. Also like the colored wood. Looking great. John
  3. To cut or not to cut. I thought loooong and hard about everyone's advice on ratline knots. Have 2 mast shrouds and ratlines smooth clean ends and 1 with nubs, or cut away all shrouds on the foremast and redo so all is the same. Grant hinted it can be an OK build live with it or redo and have a great build. Mark asked if I counted the knots I'm glad I didn't you see a grown man cry. I grabbed the scissors today and cut it all out. looks like bar shot got it. I think I made the right decision even though it will be a lot more work. Need to fortify myself now for whats ahead.
  4. Mark, What you see is what I have,about as basic as you can get. Almost forgot I have 3 cans of different diameter and sterno for bending wood. I'll throw them up there to back you up.
  5. Frank, Your right have hung up numerous times its like a briar patch. Thanks John
  6. Nick your right about the pins, was not happy with the way the futtock shrouds looked. Thanks Mark no problem you were right about the hitch gives a clean appearance will continue with that. Grant your right will finish main and mizzen then take a hard look and make a decision then. (cutting the shrouds was not cool wife's cat could not even scold her.) Appreciate all the sage advice. It helps and old man get on the straight and narrow. CAVEAT:TO ALL NOVICE MODELERS DO YOUR RESEARCH AHEAD OF TIME AND SAVE A STITCH IN TIME.
  7. I have a conundrum need the experience of the masters. Was working on the ratlines mainmast. Briefly: dachshund chased the cat, cat jumped on my back while I was trimming a line and cut 4 shrouds. I cut all mainmast shrouds and while starting over tied a partial ratline using Mark's suggestion (cow hitch) that is the problem see pics Cow hitch will be neat and clean- I had all ready tied ratlines on the foremast as you can see even trimmed close we have the nubs. To make a nice presentation I believe I will have to redo foremast??? Input please John
  8. What can I say being a Yankee moving south now I'm called a damn Yankee because I stayed. Sadly narrow minded people abound multiply and swell the tide of ignorance. If a wood model being built by a modeler & hobbyist is offensive to anyone than damn their torpedoes and full speed ahead. You should not be browbeat or intimidated by ignorance. BUILD IT many museums would love to have it as a donation. Sea Quest a state of the art Museum just opened in Mobile and would love to have it. I am going to build a CSS Alabama and donate it. History even though ugly and perverse should not be rewritten or erased. I've said to much. Good Luck John
  9. scanned all-absolutely awe inspiring!
  10. Thanks, Thought I was up on my knots. Googled (3 different variations) I think the one that should be used is where both lines end up in the inside?? Again good advice re:mainmast. Always enjoyed the shrouds & ratlines it's actually the beginning of making a ship a ship enjoy the actual rigging more. Again thank you for your sage advice. Have prosperous and healthy New Year. John (almost forgot) ROLL TIDE the big A
  11. Have completed forward shrouds and ratlines, not happy with futtock shrouds may reattach with a smaller line.
  12. Thanks Jumped over peeked at your builds I bow to the master. John
  13. Futtock shrouds, %*%*%$$##&&&&%$& cannot print Rigging going better than expected. Have installed lower shrouds and upper shrouds and ratlines on forward mast. Started on futtock shrouds and up jumped the devil, could not get the proper tension, lines sagged. Had to cut out, remove bar and cut 2 upper deadeyes and reattach. at least did not cut a shroud. I installed the bar on the mast side had pecked around the site but cannot figure out what I did wrong. Is the tension on the line to be taut or a little slack thought maybe I pulled a little to tight?? As usual any help appreciated. Have to go to work no milk in the fridge baby needs shoes will check back for solution thanks to all. John
  14. checked post- all great suggestions I did purchase fly tying scissors because of the large openings for fingers, found they were extremely comfortable. will add some of the others you folks have suggested have come to rely on all of your experience and have saved myself from making mistakes like (cutting a middle shroud of 6 shrouds) thanks to all again John
  15. Greg, Drill Master 2" cuttoff saw by Harbor freight. $ 29.95. Sturdy little saw, clean cuts and angles. I have a problem with my knuckles popping when use a small hand saw and miter box. Get the extra saw blades. Best little saw for the money. Good Luck John
  16. jan, Sad thing it was water, next time I will omit the chaser
  17. Augie & Jan, I thought I left dumb at home but picked up dumber. I had that confused with another rc build I was looking at, had looked at the occre site numerous times. Drank to much water Thanks for the replies
  18. Taking a break from shrouds. Have been looking at Occres R/C tug ulises for next build. Will make as a static build, maybe r/c. They state it has a fiberglass hull. Taking in the translation problems on foreign suppliers can someone advise if it is a thin cheap plastic or fiberglass. Thanks John
  19. The last moniker for me is experienced, I found the easiest way to attach to all blocks any size is as people have said is the ca in the groove but I also hope it may be useful to someone.use a slip knot saves the 2nd step of tying an overhand knot. My 2 cents was perusing the site. Looking forward to the finish John
  20. Thanks Grant Actually looking forward to the rigging it will be a nice challenge, do realize its not Rome and will not be built in a day or 6 months??? Thanks again for your comments
  21. Thank Mark & Don Your right about the hammocks when I quit flopping and decide to keep them batten is easy to cut and add rope as hammocks. Thanks for the nice comments
  22. All done ready to start rigging have received missing dead eyes and black line (Mamoli did not include in kit) Have placed batting in netting some white some dingy. Flip flopping whether to include or remove. Suggestions?????
  23. Frankie, I had begun to place dead eyes and knocked off a chain plate in addition to 2 gun ports. Now being older and wiser (maybe) I have plenty of patience. If things get too tedious I usually get up and walk away until I relax, sometimes it may take a day. That being said I have not tackled this much complexity in previous builds (and some major unforeseen problems that jumped up and said boo) It will be tedious, I have never not completed any project (some came close). I appreciate your sage advice am going to print your post and place on the desk. Thanks John
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