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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. You could get a tight fitting mast coat, secure it to the upper deck and then hold in place with shrouds.
  2. If you are talking about the figure head that is hand painted. It is Chuck’s resin version. I also have a boxwood one but like the painted one more. If you are talking about the cheeks and brackets those are all available in Chapter five.
  3. In order to avoid that same issue I paint before I plank.
  4. Your brass rod idea is spot on. See photo. Then once the yard is secured you can attach with trusses or parrel lines. I have no idea why this loads photos upside down every time. Most annoying.
  5. Chuck Have you thought out the upper decks yet? I remember a conversation about their construction but can’t find it. Would it be possible to have open visible framing on half and completely planked on the other half?
  6. You can also use electrical wire heat shrink. Comes in various sizes. Cut into proper size strip, slide into place, hit wit hair dryer and VIOLA strap. Do this on anchors all the time.
  7. If cutting you need to account for the blade kerf otherwise a compounding error occurs.
  8. I would like to send a big thank you out to Chris Watton of Vanguard Models. I had an issue with a kit and four minutes after I hit send Chris answered back. We in the Model world are blessed to have Chris And Chuck Passaro and their sense of what a business should be
  9. If it is really noticeable I would carefully remove the glued part, sand it stain it then carefully re-glue the part.
  10. I always rig the backstays last so I can tighten everything up.
  11. Make your own. Find what you want on the net, copy into print program, size it. Tape a white tissue sheet to a regular printer sheet and run it through the printer cut it out done. Here is one I made.
  12. I just put micro bits in my pin vise and then Chuck it up in my drill press. Us an XY table for accuracy.
  13. The shrouds will hold the masts in place.
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