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Posts posted by complexpack

  1. On 2017-5-19 at 9:35 AM, complexpack said:

    I started this build 6 years ago,  got the hull bone and then stuff in life started ! Now my kids are 18 and 17 i finaly have time on my hands .....yay ! So i dicided i'd start builing again , since my restart ive spent about 20 hours on my ship i'll poste pics tonight .


    Cheers André




  2. On 2017-5-27 at 7:11 AM, JerseyCity Frankie said:

    Don't get discouraged. But there are a lot of specific smaller tasks involved in rigging the mast of a sailing ship. My advice is to break it down one step at a time. Everyone here is delighted to help you but you will have to meet us halfway and ask specific questions. Descriptions of each part you are talking about will be important since there are specific aspects unique to each task. "Eyehole start with knot but don't know where to finish" isn't helpful since you are not being specific enough for us to understand which part you are talking about! Complicating matters at first ( but making it MUCH SIMPLER later) is the fact that everything on a ship has a specific nautical name you must learn. It's daunting having to learn the names of everything but if you can't use the nautical name you have to either give a lengthy deescription that identifies the part OR you have to provide photos with circles and arrows. But keep in mind that everything you see in the instructions has a simple explanation and you are perfectly able to accomplish the tasks you are facing. AND it's fun.

    Thanx i am learning the names and yes its fun but its still my first ship and im missing some documents so i did put it aside and started an other one AKA La Niña ill absorb some experience from a couple other ships before retirning to the Santa Maria ! 

  3. On 2017-5-24 at 1:42 AM, Rick01 said:

    Before you get any further I think you need to take a short break and get this book "Rigging Period Ships" by Lennarth Petersson. I know it covers one specific three masted ship but it will give you a good working idea on how the rigging runs, attachments, what loops over what etc.If the only instructions you currently have are one or two rigging plans (illustrations) this will help you make sense of it all. If you're like me you want to get it all done "NOW" but it's well worth stopping for a short time and getting this book. Don't know where you're based but EBay is a pretty good place for this item.

    I know yours is from an earlier period but the basic mechanics would be similar enough that securing points etc. should be fairly obvious then.

    A did buy that book and a couple more ! Thanx for the advice 😆

  4. On 2017-2-13 at 2:24 PM, Gaetan Bordeleau said:

    The next build.


    Before to begin the construction  with wood, I want to have all the necessary information I need for the complete build.


    -I do not want to have to do extensive research

    -I do not want to draw plans

    -I do not want to begin in 5 years


    My prefered activity is to build and I want to concentrate on this particular aspect.


    V4.0       for the forth time

    74           I will build a 74 guns

    1/24      I will use the biggest scale I can manage. For this one 1/24 is 8 feet long. This is

                    about the maximum I can easily manipulate. I would have love to build even at

                    a bigger scale like 1/12 but I do not have all the plans I need.


    Jean Boudriot offers me everything I need. All the required information  is available in 5 books, not 4 but yes 5. I am a lazy person for this time, I will not draw the frames; JC Lemineur di dit and I will use it.


    So, I have all what I need to begin :

    -all the paper I need (the fifth book is in the mail)

    -all the tools I bought tools for the last 30 years

    -all the wood I need, at least for the frames.


    I did build  1 version of the 74 with exotic woods. If I add the price of all the exotic woods used, you would not believe how much expensive it can be in these quantities.


    Traditionnally, in Europe, they use pear wood  for the frames and boxwood for the carvings.

    In my country, here in Quebec, there are no places to buy these woods and anyway it is too expensive for what I want to do.


    Here in Quebec, 1 one of the most stable wood we have is cherry wood. In addition the properties ore similar to pear wood except for the grain; cherry has pear has not. For sandind both are identical. As a bonus, at leat for my taste, I love the smell of this wood when cutting or sanding.



    Ou au Quebec te trouves-tu je suis de l'Outaouais j'aimerais bien et je me sentirais previlegié de pouvoir voir ca de mes propres yeux ! 

  5. Ok so the roockie is at it again ! Im getting ready to rigg my masts on the Santa Maria for the very first time im not quite sure how to and where to start i need you guys to hold my hand ! Any tip or trick i need to know anything i must do that is not on the plan ....mind you all the plans ar'nt that great ! 

  6. So ok im new to hobby and to group so not realy sure on where i should be asking my questions ! Here goes on my picture ropes 122 are droping in holes 83 , where in the wolrd are they going ? I understand the logic of the end going to the anchors but side droping in the holes ??? i just dont get it ! 


  7. Hey guys thanx for leting me in ! 

    Im new to the hobby , 

    I'm 43 male french Canadien looking for tip and tricks .

    Im still working on my first ship the Santa Maria ( Artesania Latina ) rigging plans sucks by the way ! I all ready have in hand my second third and forth ship to build ! Pinta , Nina and the San Francisco II ! Looking forward to chat with you guys as i'll have a tone of questions !!!! 

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