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Posts posted by Zarkon

  1. Hi everyone!


    I'm new to this forum and actually, this is my forum I have ever joined! (Welcome to the 21st century right?) Haha!


    I've built a few ships on my own, but never had any help nor knew anyone who had experience with ship building so I have been winging it!


    After looking through this site, I found a TON of helpful advice and building guides that I'm excited to try out on my next build!  After reading some of the guides to planking a hull, I looked back on my models and noticed that I did not give enough attention to it and I could have done a LOT better.


    I haven't been able to finish my current ship, the Albatros from Constructo, since my son was born.  Now that he's a little past 2 years old, I finally have some time to finish the sails and rigging.  Once this is finished, I will be starting the HMS Victory by Constructo and I WILL be using the guides and tips from this site to help with the build. Lastly, I would like to post a build log because I know I will need help and I will have questions!


    I look forward to my next build and using the excellent advice from this site!



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