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Everything posted by Moab

  1. As many have said it’s all about the quality of the “steel” (and you can’t go wrong with Veritas or Nielsen) and “sharpening”. However it doesn’t matter how good your steel is if you don’t know how to sharpen. For me learning how do “great” sharpening is the key. Using a well sharpened chisel is an incredible experience (in my opinion).
  2. Thanx for passing along Bob. I've used them and they are excellent. The only problem I have with them (not really sure this is the brand it might be Norton) is that the they don't allow you to cut small pieces and glue them to a small piece of wood for sanding in small places etc. It has a backing that doesn't seem to allow this. I usually use white glue to do this since some of the pieces are relatively large and using ca doesn't seem to be cost effective. Not sure if anyone else has this problem and like I mentioned I'm not sure it's this brand....Moab/Allan
  3. Thanx Mike. I’ll give your suggestions a try. If I had the right tools i’d try to open the throat by filing, etc. Thanx again.....Allan
  4. I too have this plane and as with all Lie products it’s great. I do have one problem and would appreciate any feedback. Because the mouth is so small and fixed I have problems with it filling up and clogging almost immediately. I have set the blade to make an extremely small cut and it still clogs. All help is appreciated.....Moab/Allan
  5. I agree!!! They are great. I also have a very small (about 1 1/2” long) plane which I think is called a violin plane. It’s AWESOME! The blade is incredible. Not sure where to get this small plane but I have seen it recently.....Allan
  6. These products are very good. Lately I’ve been building my own out of foamcor and ca. It gives me a great deal of flexibility.
  7. Mike; Can’t go wrong with a Lie-Neilsen plane. I have one of these and use it regularly. The only problem I have is that the mouth is very small and this can cause clogging. Has this happened to you also or am I not using it correctly? Allan
  8. Fantastic. Wish I had one!.......Milo/ Allan
  9. I was recently at the maritime museum museum in San Diego. There was a model of ship titled "1300 COG Container ship" or something close to that. Does anyone know if there is model kit of this type of ship? Thank you.....Allan
  10. Mike; when planking the planks at the stern take a 90 degree twist. Do you just soak the wood or what? Thank you.....Moab/Allan
  11. Brian; when i first mounted my Hegner on a bench there was vibration. I added a 2x4 (vertically) under the bench directly below the Heg. No more vibration. When I had a shop with more space I had it on a Hegner base and it was awesome.....Milo/Allan
  12. I agree with Jim. I've never used either of those. I was really spoiled when I got a Hegner. Awesome (and expensive but after twenty years it's still perfect).....Milo
  13. Michael; The nail pusher I have has only the one tube so there's nothing to change. Sorry I can't be more helpful. I will however check mine again to see if there are any options.......Allan
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