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Everything posted by Moab

  1. Reading these posts it's clear that I should stay clear of the new Unimat. My problem is I have very little space in my condo so a combo machine is very appealing. Any suggestions? I'm not a scratch builder but I do modify all of the kits I purchase...Moab
  2. I must admit "I'm a tool addict". This became very clear when I sold my house in Santa Fe and had to break down and sell most of the tools in my shop. While going though that process I found that I had purchased identical tools but stored them in different places mostly out of sight. Maybe l can claim that I was getting older (I'm 75) and the memory isn't great. Or perhaps I liked an individual tool so much that I had to have multiples. I also admit I'm on the Lie-Nielsen, Lee Valley and others sites on a regular basis not necessarily making a purchase...just drooling. p.s. I really loved the Lee Valley site when the old man (forgot his name) who started the company was still running the venture. He was a real "tool guy" and many of his articles were eye-opening...Moab
  3. Three years too late on this subject. Jim's tools are incredible!!!!! The only change I'd like to see is to make the sander variable speed. I haven't checked recently if this has been done...Moab
  4. Looks great!!!! Moab
  5. Welcome aboard Guilly...Moab
  6. Steve; count me in to follow your build. You mentioned that you worked "slow"...in my world that's the only way to work. Working with maple and cherry sounds great...I love them both. Where will you get the wood?...Moab
  7. G.L; I just caught up with your build and also reviewed the Triton build. Both are very inspiring. Thank you for posting. I look forward to your progress...Moab
  8. Jean-Paul; great start. I wish my first build looked that good. The only advice I have on sanding is be careful. It's easy to get carried away and sand through a layer. I've done that more than once...Moab
  9. I use them and find them excellent. They give you a great deal of flexibility moving the ship around easily...Moab
  10. Kurt; I'm sure the saw would be a "walk in the park" for Marco. Bilge; I'm not on many sites but The Westlake Publishing forum features (in my opinion) some of the most incredible scale craftsmen in the world. Check it out...Moab
  11. I agree. I thought I'd like to purchase one until I saw the price. Considering the time Marco puts into these tools they are "probably " worth the price. Incredible! ...Moab
  12. While browsing through the December/January issue of "American Craft" magazine I saw an article about Marco Terenzi's unbelievable miniature tools. His website is "marcoterenzi.com.
  13. Thank you for posting this great build. All your work and the comments others make are "way beyond me" but following your progress and your thought process is very enjoyable...Moab
  14. Moab

    Your little jewels are simply incredible. Thank you for sharing them with us...Moab

  15. Looks good enough to go for a spin. Actually it looks too nice to expose to the street!...Moab
  16. I received mine last week and I'm glad I spent the $$$. Its great! Easy blade tensioning, easy blade changing and better control sawing...Moab
  17. Amen brothers and sisters...Moab
  18. Thanx for that solution Wefalck. I agree that placing the shape in a pin-vice sounds like a great idea and I'll try it soon. The pin-vice will add some stability to the scrapper which will keep it more ridged. It limits the shape size but I'm sure similar solutions can be found. I've learned that "practice makes perfect" and that certainly applies to me when learning to use a scrapper...Moab
  19. Alan; I use adobe illustrator but it's expensive and there's a steep learning curve. I need the program for my business. It does a great job for issues like years. I've wanted to learn Sketchup for years but haven't taken the time to do it. I've heard it's easier to learn than most CAD PROGRAMS but I'm not an expert...Moab
  20. Thanx for the feedback . The wood is acclimated but I think I'll try your reco diluting it. Is 50/50 about right?...Moab
  21. Guys; for years I've used tung oil for finishing furniture. I've always gotten great finishes on hardwood but lately I've encountered problems especially using it on small parts. I'm probably doing something wrong but it seems to "raise the grain" on all types of wood. Any thoughts?...Moab
  22. Guys and gals. Call me crazy and get angry with me but except for the power tools (of which I've only purchased one) I find Micromark "tools" very ordinary in quality and often overpriced. It also bothers me when they rip off the tools that others have designed and marketed but I know other companies do this. Many suppliers are small cottage companies and supporting them may keep them in business which often benefits us. That said I still purchase many products from them and have usually been satisfied. It's hard to beat their extensive selection of items I can't find anywhere else. I hope this doesn't get me banned from this site...Moab
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