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Everything posted by DenPink

  1. Hi All Now I have finished playing with my new toys :(, until my thickness sander arrives :D. It is back to the SOS. Just doing more rigging, when all this has been finished ( about 3 weeks ) it will be onto the mizzen mast. Denis.
  2. Hi All Well another birthday ha ha, Disco Sandy arrived today. Like the Table Saw it is so well made that words just fail me. A big THANK you Jim and Donna. Denis.
  3. Hi Timmo I think I need all the luck I can get ha ha ( not joking ). Have you got any hard wood suppliers down in Hamilton , I have e-mailed 3 saw mills and they don't e-mail back. Denis.
  4. Hi Popeye I want to use them for part of the SOS when finished, I am not going to use the stand that is in the kit. I am going to make some supports to go along the bottom of the hull, so it will look like she is in dry dock ( just hope it works out OK ). You have to try don't you. Denis.
  5. Hi Sjors It was my birthday on May 1st , but as I am an old man every day is a birthday :D :D :D :D . But joking apart the main thing is I have a GOOD WIFE. :) :). Denis.
  6. Hi Mike My Disc Sander has just arrived in NZ customs. I think quality is an understatement if you don't mind me saying, I just sat down for an hour looking at it. Let me know how you get on with the thickness sander, will order mine in about 3 weeks. Denis.
  7. Hi Sjors If my baby's come home with any thing it better be a block of HARD WOOD :D :D. I don't know what my next build will be ( if you wish to know the truth, my good wife got my new build some months back but she will not let me open it till the SOS has been finished, she has taken it up to her mates house :( :( :( :( ). Denis.
  8. Hi Captain Steve At 66 years old I think I am passed starting a family :) :) . Denis.
  9. Hi Wacko I got the Table saw so I can have ago at doing my own planks for my next build ( what ever that will be ). Denis.
  10. Hi Vince Fantastic job on the staircase. Again nice workmanship my friend. Denis.
  11. Hi All Sorry no photos of the SOS yet. I have just received my new Baby from Jim Byrnes ( model machines ) a new Table Saw. She was delayed for about 5 days as the stork just had to go to New Zealand Customs. After my Baby and I got home I just had to see if she was OK after a long flight from the USA to New Zealand , first job was unwrap her (take her out of the box) second job was to make sure she had not soiled her nappy (polystyrene cover to see if any damage) all OK. I have got to say that she is the best table saw I have ever seen, the craftsmanship is just out of this world, Very high quality materials, very high standard of workmanship and I can go on and on. The best thing is Baby Sawdust is getting a sister (she is on her way to New Zealand now) her name is Disco Sandy (Disc Sander) cannot wait. Later they will get a brother Thick Bob the thickness sander. If anyone is thinking of getting a Table Saw, Disc Sander or a Thickness Sander you have only one firm to go to and that is Jim Byrnes Model Machines, you will not be disappointed. Denis.
  12. Hi Alistair Don't worry it gets worse as you go back to the stern. Denis.
  13. Hi Bindy You are to kind with them words ( I got a clip across the back of my head when the wife seen the photos ha ha, why did you not clean up before you took the photos ). The maps are of some of the counties round Warwickshire, they are coming down soon to make way for some shelving. I got them when I was doing family history. Denis.
  14. Hi Popeye Yes it gets a bit confusing at times, that's why you put labels on them. Denis.
  15. Hi Andy How are you getting along with the build ??. If you have got to the crows nest be careful before you glue to the masts some will have to have holes cut out of them. Denis.
  16. Hi Brian As my kit was an old one, mine were solid brass ( but don't quote me ) but when I cut and filed them I did not see any white metal at all, all I got was brass filings . Lost wax system . Denis.
  17. Hi Edwin Thank you. I was wondering if you got my e-mail or not. Talk soon my friend. Denis.
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