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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. That's an interesting concept. Never thought of 3D printing. I've tried to look at Model Shipways pictures on their website, and they aren't close enough and you really can't tell much. I'm probably going to try this route and they'll probably be close enough for me. Since I have 6 more to make at least they'll all be wrong together maybe??? Do you think they'll be too noticable?
  2. Thanks Lester, I don't know much about the whaleboats other than I followed the plans. This one isn't finished only partially shaped. I don't like the Bread & Butter way of doing this, But I'll try. What about it isn't right? The loggerheads that come with the kit are Brittania, but if I don't like them I'll turn em on the lathe.
  3. Hi Piet, thanks for looking in. The boat is only sitting on the bearers, it's not attached to the blocks yet, only after it gets heavy detail, then I'll attach it to the blocks and thighten the lines.
  4. Wow Rich, you got after it man. Looks good, very nice and all the accolades...what's next????? when you get done of course.
  5. Thanks George, yes the compound table makes a difference, but with holes that small, the drill has to have almost zero tolerance in the wobble department. If it move even a minute amount it'll break the bit. It's got to almost be mill quality or a real mill.
  6. Back when I first got the kit in 2013, I was playing around trying to see if I was up to being able to build this kit. I started shaping one of the whaleboats before I even started bulkheading the keel. I set it aside until now. It is not completed, but I did set it on the bearers for making sure everything is correct. Only 6 more boats to go and to detail.
  7. Thanks Dennis, glad you stopped by. Since Ive been waiting (hopefully tomorrow) I'll get my bullseyes from Model Shipways I decided to go on and do some things out of the order that I wanted to proceed. I'll follow the order on my website, but for here I'll go ahead and show the progress. I wanted to completely finish the ratlines, back stays and stays finished before I move on to this stage. So, with that in mind, I had completed the stays and backstays on the Mizzen, which in my opinion also needs to be finished on the main and fore masts prior to this procedure. So I have completed on Boat Handling Station, consisting of the Davits, Bearers & Cranes and the Slides for the Port Aft Whaleboat. Once the Main and Fore Stays and Backstays are done then I'll do the boat stations for them. One down - Four to go! The hardest part was having to drill 3, .02" holes side by side with 3 more 1/4" farther down the 1/8"wide Davit. These holes represent 3 sheaves inside the Davit (the same as a tripple block) attaching to a stropped 1/8" Double block for handling the boat. That's a tiny spot, but using my Proxxon Drill w/compound table I managed to do it and not even break a bit.
  8. Hi Frankie, good to see you back. Sounds like you're just about where I am --- when do we get pictures???? for the Lookout Rings, I had a small plastic tube that held some very small drill bits. I took my razor saw and cut some 1/8" wide round strips from the tube. It was hard to keep them even but I got 4 good rings from them. I did not like the wire rings I was able to make, and these worked great.
  9. Previously, there had been discussions of whether the Morgan had rear stern windows and some trim work. Lester found a good picture that answers this. Yes, the Morgan did have windows as well as being painted with false cannon hatches to ward off pirates. Discovered in 1957 and restored for a bit in 1961. The file is too large for this forum but the picture is available on my website under the Historical pictures page for anyone interested. http://www.charleswmorganmodel.com/historical-photosdocs.html
  10. Well, once again after finishing the Topmasts I've been looking at the overall appearance of the ship. I thought I was going to like the brown rope for the Fish Hook - well I don't. I think it's too small and too dark almost looking black unless it gets a bright flash from the camera. So I changed it to a slightly heavier light tan rope - I like it better.
  11. Thanks George, yep that's why they call them "Tall Ships"...lol Thanks for the comments Ron, glad to have you aboard. The lathe is really hard to beat and I use it a lot. Sve your pennies and someday it culd be your's. Glad my site has helped you. When are you going to start a log? At what stage are you?
  12. Thanks for the likes and comments guys. I'm still moving upwards. Managed to complete the Topmast Ratboards & Ratlines and the Topgallant & Royal masts and shrouds. Only thing left will be the Shrouds and Ratlines for the Topgallants. The Shrouds are siezed to Bullseyes and then tied off with Lanyards at the crosstrees. Then they get more Ratlines. Problem is I am waiting again on Model Shipways to deliver. Should have them Tuesday ore Wednesday. I didn't count correctly or I could have had them on my last order, so - gotta wait.
  13. Thanks Piet, glad you stoppped by. Chuck's blocks are really very reasonable in price. Depending on size they are either 25 or 50 in a package for $6.75 or so...just need to shop his website for prices depending on what's needed.
  14. Lester, no problem, thanks for looking in. Thanks Dennis, she's getting there... Todays progress, again not a lot but it is progress. Rigged the Mizzen Topmast Ratlines and boards. They only go up five "steps" to about the height of the mast cap. Rigged the Mizzen Topgallant Stay, and the backstays which tie off on 1/8" Deadeyes on the Mizzen Channel. Also got a better picture of the Fish Hook Rigging.
  15. Things are looking nice Piet. Sorry I haven't been around much - I've been a little busy myself. We'll have to have a Leffe or two once you're done!
  16. George, they're not even in the same ballpark. I'm glad I discovered them before attempting to use the joke that came with the kit. Especially with as big of a focal point that they are. I have replaced ALL of the blocks that came with the kit with Chuck's, and I'm really glad I did.
  17. Thanks for the likes and visits. Dave good to see you here, look forward to when you get back to your Conny. Today - didn't get much done. Got the Mizzen Topmast Backstay done, then moved to the Fish Tackle up Forward. I was waiting until I got the Fore Topmast installed prior to rigging this. I used the last 5/16" Double Blocks from Chuck, painted them white and used blackened brass wire to strop them. Then rigged them to the Fish Hook with a small piece of chain. I hooked it to a small rope loop which is looped around the chock on the cathead. This is all rigged on the starboard side only. The rope is a dark brown rope I got from Chuck. All is tightened up and then tied off on the board above the Windlass.
  18. Hi George, my plans show Mizzen 4.75 degrees; Main 4.0 degrees; and Fore 3.5 degrees. Having no way to measure this I eyeballed them and compared them to the plans. I think all ships follow pretty close to the same parameters. My main concern was first to the look, then from forward looking aft to make sure all is straight and in alignment without one going one way too far and the others not lining up.
  19. Hi Dave, good to hear from you. Hope Fran is doing better and all is well in your household. As for the rake, it could be the ship is not totally level when the photo was taken, but it also is almost 5 degrees to aft. The stays correct that to where the Topmast and mast are parallel but still with the 5 degrees. It seems a bit extreme but not really. I've always set mine that way and then let the stays correct it. That also helps keeping everything tight - at least for me. Thanks for looking in, John
  20. a couple of more...the Topmast Stay runs through the Bee on the Bowsprit and ties off through Bullseyes to an eye on the Hull by the Bowsprit.
  21. Thanks for all the like buttons guys. I've managed to finish the Topmast Shrouds and the Topmast Fore Stays. All that's left to do to them will be to tie the Ratlines on them. They are a mix of Ratboards and Ratlines. A couple of my deadeyes are off some but I'm going to live with them for now, they're not bad, just not perfect.
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