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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Thanks Adam, I'll probably get some from Chuck when the time comes. Why fight perfection! Glad you like the structures, thanks.
  2. Yeah, there is some rigging and blocks left also. I'm still debating over the blocks....they kinda suck, so I might either try to make my own or bite the bullet and get some from Chuck (probably what's going to happen).
  3. Hi Popeye, yeah, this is fun...it starts to get some personality. This is all scratch, there is nothing in the kit, including the 1/32" sheets. The only thing left in the kit, is some metal parts, and some dowels for the yards and masts. Got a lot of metal work and soldering to do later. The Davits are laser cut as well as parts of the whaleboats, and I think that is all that's left. Lots of strips of Basswood though. It should look great when painted up.
  4. Today, continues with the 1/32" sheet walls for the Hurricane House. I'm making these parts first then adding the proper planks, or lumber to make the proper finish. The pictures on the ship are just dry fitting to make sure everything is going to fit properly. Then there is some trim work that goes on doors and windows, before painting and installing. Here's some work photos but not the finished product yet.
  5. Yeah Augie, it's going to start getting very busy on the deck..... the chain is more in scale with the real one, MS's is way, way too small....
  6. Those look nice Mike, a very artistic touch and they'll really look good once they're hanging....
  7. I had a little progress this weekend. Yesterday was time to clean the dust dirt and lizard s@#$ off my two classic cars. That took all day, but the end result was sure worth it. Also took them out for a short drive since they hadn't been out in 3 months.....was nice and about 75 degrees out. So this morning I got the Fluke Chain Bit, and the Forehatch built and mounted on board. Not much, but as Sjors and Augie say, any progress is .... progress. I'm going to bypass building the Tryworks for now, hoping for some more pictures before tackling it. I will now move aft and build the rudder, tiller, wheel, and hurricane house next. Not sure the order of those yet, but they are all related back there. So here we are now, and I'm working on the hurricane house first. More pictures later.
  8. Very nice Robert, those will look really nice in comparison to the others...lots of repitition.
  9. Hi Bob, nice to see the progression here. Since this will be my next build I'm enjoying following the log. Thanks for the pictures.
  10. Glad to hear that you will be able to see some of your fantastic work. The lights are a great idea.
  11. Thanks Popeye. At first I didn't like the yellow ochre color. It's the Model Shipways paint that they recommend. Then once I saw the real ship and color I realized that it was the perfect blend.
  12. Thanks Lawrence for the comments, yeah, I guess I am surprising myself some. So far I don't think I've screwed up anything too major (knock on wood)....
  13. Hi Slog and Andy......thanks Andy, that is exactly what they are. They are actually wood blocks that are hinged to fit in the grooves of the windlass. It surprised me that they were wood, but I guess it is strong enough to do the job.
  14. Yes, I remember you showing me these pictures and your debate of whether to add the mines or not...I just wasn't sure what you decided. I do understand the concept of "when is enough....enough?" Just an interesting thought, but yes, much more work. Sure does look nice, and I'm anxious to see paint also as I am sure you are too. Keep it up......
  15. Hi Piet, no I didn't make it functional because I didn't build the ladder or lower structure inside the hull. Never thought about it because I never thought I was even capable of getting this far with it, much less doing the inside parts. Also, I hadn't been on board her in so long, that I never realized what the structure was even for. So for this build it'll be strictly above the main deck.
  16. Well next bit of progress to report is the construction of the Fo'csle Companionway. I started with 1/32" basswood sheet, and then planked the sides and back to form the main structure. This has grated doors and a sliding top, so that you could open it up to allow room to stand up as you ascend or decend the ladder. Sorry that the pictures are a little blurry....still don't know what's wrong yet....could just be the bright lights....
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