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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. A perfect spot for a perfect ship. She looks great! Well done Augie.
  2. It is a great day to start a new build I look forward to seeing it. If you feel so inclined post a link in this thread to the new thread so us lazy people don't have to go digging for it.
  3. Really coming together. Great work. That does sound like a tight fit. To much tighter and you'd be stepping into my part of the dark side and find yourself putting hinges at the base of the mast. Really though I think the tight fit will do her good. Makes it easier to get an up close look through the glass.
  4. That's funny I was just thinking at work today, now that we're moving off of the old DOS accounting system, where do I turn in my saber tooth tiger? I guess some one at IT should know.
  5. Your totally right Michael. Maybe I should get into underwater bb stacking ...or maybe rubber baby buggy bumper collecting...better yet I could get a kit and join the light side building a regular scale ship model. (Thats sure to rial up the natives.) I'm glad you are enjoying my build log. Thanks for the compliments.
  6. Thanks every one. I did get a couple opinions at the ship club today. It seems rigging should be done towards the stern which means I may redo a lot of it. Which is fine since rigging towards stern will get into the bottle better. Popeye Thanks. Augie I'm not sure how it happens but each time I outdo myself I end up having plans to give the ship away. I need to stop doing that. Mark the flag at the finish line or the flag on the ship? JK It's regular printer paper folded in half. Stiff enough to hold a wave. Dafi aka other Dan Thanks.
  7. What is this I'm off the forums for a week and you end up going to the hospital?! Take it from some one who does the accounting side of that business your better off staying in a nice resort. Less money and better food. Glad to hear your ok. Also it's good to see the case is in. I'm excited to see what comes next.
  8. More updates. The rigging is nearing completion and I've added a few sails. I have plans to differ the rigging from the plans a little. Mostly to help with getting the ship into the bottle but partially because it's what I would do if it were my ship. I'll through it out there and see what every one thinks. The plans have the running lines to the spars running between the masts. My thoughts is with four spars this makes for eight lines running back and forth. Possible do able for a real ship but a ship in bottle that many lines in one spot becomes cumbersome. My though it to take the lines from the foremast spars and run them to the bowsprit. What this would do is give me access to the foremast spar lines outside the bottle which makes it easier to adjust the tack. I believe I've seen this done on other ships and maybe a true method of running the rigging. I'm just not as well versed with actual rigging styles. Let me know what you think. FYI on the flag. It was created as the flag for the Mercury crew a group of online pirate enthusiast. This ship was created for the crew as well. They have gone all out with ship drawings flags and a well documented story on how they acquired the ship. Even the individual cannons on this ship have varying pound sizes and names.
  9. Got it Anja. Yea my computer was slow so I'm sure I hit submit one to many times.
  10. Augie - It is I'll try and get some good pictures. The Library handed out all 20 tickets for the class so we'll have a full house. This will be very interesting.
  11. Another small update. I created a little something I thought I would share. Once a month the Rocky Mountain Shipwrights hold a community build where we all get together and work on our various projects. It's a great time to spread rumors, show off and occasionally bounce ideas off each other. I have always had to be very careful getting my ships back and forth especially mid build. Also I have been contemplating building a small version of a sea chest to put tools in just for the novelty of it. The plan would be to take DonHubbard's stand idea put it in a chest and have tools around it. While at Michaels gathering last minute supplies for the SIB library class tomorrow I stumbled across a small chest and decided to try my idea out. I call this the rigging chest. Still need to work a few things out but so far so good.
  12. Rigging is coming together. Heres a couple shots.
  13. Did the commodore just take commands from the commander with a thank you sir?
  14. Mark there is a much smaller line then this. The other line I have is a 0/19. It's almost hard to see. I plan on using that on my syren. My plan is to use the same line on the rat lines as I've used for the stats. I do have some thicker line I could use but it has a ton of stretch so it's hard to get the mast to fold back and come up correctly.
  15. Well the rigging is coming together. I got some Uni 0/8 fly tying thread. Its great stuff. Very little stretch in the line. I do wonder though if my stay lines are to thin. I'm open to suggestions on that. Part of me thinks well it's probably close to scale but then it's also hard to see. That may change once I get the rat lines on them though.
  16. Popeye - Thank's Popeye. Yea If I could find buttons that small I'd use them. Trouble is even seed beads are to big at this scale. Better just to add a dab of paint and call it good. Besides only people like us are going to take the time to notice the real tiny details. I almost bit the bullet with this build but was able to avert disaster. I'll have to post pictures later. I did a test fit in the bottle I had planned on using and found she was much to tall for it. I was contemplating cutting off a good chunk of the hull since she'll be in water any ways and decided to look through my bottle collection before I did. I had chosen the original bottle for it's nice wide opening so I didn't have to worry about splitting the hull. It's a little worry some when you look at all these bottles and there half inch openings thinking none of these are going to cut it. I finally found one that's perfect. Beyond perfect. The glass is incredibly clear. The opening is a little smaller then the original bottle but not to small. She'll fit nicely and leave people wondering all the more on how she got in there.
  17. Also a thought to keep in mind this log was started before the big crash so it was restarted and the beginning summarized. The Confederacy will begin on the new site and will have derailing side conversations from the beginning. Chances is are it may push 200 pages.
  18. Forget the Marmot throw on the jackalope.....that is if you can find it. (I'm not contributing to nonsense really!)
  19. You don't see these different types of build very often on this site but when you do it's something special. I look forward to seeing this build come together.
  20. You did it!!!! Congratulations Augie! She's a real beauty. I'm glad you decided to continue. I look forward to seeing your work on the Confederacy. For now enjoy your much deserved break.
  21. Augie - That's very interesting. I'm aware of only one other SIB builder in Colorado and only since I partially got that one interested in it. It's good to here there's a few more out there. I didn't think you were even contemplating attending my class since you are so far north but thank you for your thoughts and well wishes. I'm sure it will be fun. I need to post an update actually. 20 some odd hulls masts and bottles is a sight to see. Mark- Of coarse I'll have holes in the chain plates it's essential. The back stays are one continuous line so that I can tighten at an equal slack. I figured out I can fun a line down one hole in the chain plate and up another back and forth until the back stays are all in. As far as dead eyes I have thought of including them in the same way I did with the Santa Maria. At this scale the best method is to dab paint on the line until it creates a little ball that looks like a dead eye. Some go as far as gluing extra tiny lines to that ball to look like the line going through the dead eye. Not sure if I'll do that or not.
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