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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. Good work so far. I always dread the beginning stages since you do a lot but it doesn't ever look like much gets done.
  2. Then there's the big question what next. Sure you got the Gothenburg but I just can't see you doing only one or two builds.
  3. Thanks. i will look into those. I've had it shelved for a while with all of my other projects taking my time. I know I'll get to it eventually. I think a problem I have as well is that I'm missing pieces so a lot of it will have to be scratch built. 4whelr if you want to start a log I will start on mine and start a log as well. It won't be a fast build by any means but it would be nice to have some one who I can compare notes with.
  4. Thanks Garward. A small update I added the stern chasers tiller a couple cannons and the bowsprit. The cannons have proved easier with a draw plate. I used to turn all of them but they never came out the same size. I must be reading Augies build log to often because i added the Syren red gunports. The color scheme i was given called for red, gold, white and black. I had them all but read and I wasn't sure where to put it so I painted the gun ports. I think it makes them pop a little more.
  5. Thanks! Some one from the ship in bottle forums insisted I include it. So I threw it in there from time to time.
  6. She's a real beauty. You did a great job. I can't wait to see what you do next.
  7. You aren't even kidding. Got the hatches down but now I got to pick up my sister from the airport in this icy mess. Guess I better reef the sails and take it steady as she goes. I'm of tired of this bipolar weather.
  8. I use a pin vise similar to this one. The only real difference is the handle is wood and not plastic. I got it from a friend not sure where he got it. You can get this one here for $4.49 http://www.cmlsupply.com/pin-vise-hand-drill-bit-chuck-ball-head.html What I like about these is you hold the ball in your palm and turn the vise. It's more comfortable and help keep me more accurate. You don't need the drill to spin fast if your just going through wood. The bits are small and sharp and will sink into the wood pretty quickly just turning by hand.
  9. Very very nice Augie. She's a very pretty ship. The rigging looks great. Your tedious work is paying off.
  10. Wait more snow!?!?! I'm &$^ sick of this!!! .......Ahem .... can't wait to see the pictures.
  11. Well done Sarah! That ship looks like a little power house with all those guns. You did a great job.
  12. What do you mean you don't go any where? Your a bus driver your always going somewhere. Good to see the masts coming up. Great work!
  13. It's tough work but a ton of fun. Keep it up your doing great!
  14. Wow I leave for a few days and there's a million posts to go through. Thank you all for your comments. I try to add as much detail as I can just to see if I can. I was actually pretty excited to get the figure head on. I've always wanted to add figure heads but couldn't figure out how to get them so small. I'll see if this technique will work for the lion on the Satisfaction as well.
  15. Wow so close to the end you can taste it. She's looking fantastic.
  16. Thanks for this Popeye. I've been wanting to try decals for a while now. Think they'll work on the itty bitty scale? Texxn5 once again you're warming up while we're getting snow. I hope this is the last time I'm ready for spring as well.
  17. Maybe you already knew this but you really do some incredible work! The riggings looking great. Sounds like though if it isn't ratlines being a plentiful pain it's reef lines.
  18. They are creating an MSW Calendar with pictures of builds and things. It's the first post when you go into the General Discussion page. Very bright and colorful hard to miss.
  19. You may want to submit that picture to the calendar thing. They really are that good.
  20. I tried a new technique today creating the figurehead. Took a lot of tries but it worked out. You can see what she's supposed to look like on the plans. Given the scale I think she looks pretty good. Got the idea from an amazing SIB builder Michael Bardet of France. Here's the link. http://michel.bardet.pagesperso-orange.fr/rdr2006infoa.htm Simply put I took a piece of wire and bent it into the shape of the figurehead. Then painted it a couple times to fill out the shape.
  21. You picked a great bottle. The clarity is great. I like the stand too it works well.
  22. You are definitely not the idiot on the block. While I'm good at my ship bottles there's a lot I don't understand about the big ones.
  23. Are your back stays loose and if so is this something that is tightened later? They just look like they are sagging a bit. Over all great looking ship though!
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