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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. Wow what a lot of work. I think I would have enlisted some help too. The cannons look great. Your hard work and experimentation is paying off.
  2. Rfolsom, I've just started using epoxy and I've found to be really nice once you figure out how to keep it from getting all over the place.
  3. She looks great! Good job. I think lateen sails are some of the best looking. I'm glad you decided to include them. Good luck on the next project.
  4. I'm not in any way am authority but it would not surprise me if this was something used before cap rails were used. I can see the advantage of the cap rails since it brings the knots up to standing level. I imagine these would have been a lot more work since they would have to bend down to use them.
  5. Just did a quick read of your log/ Great stuff! The Cutty Sark has always been one of my favorites. Keep up the good work.
  6. I also stained my rigging box. And now back to the ship inside the rigging box. I took off the rubber band for a better view. The shrouds are done for two masts and I have the lateen yard done for the mizzen mast.
  7. You may have noticed me posting a lot this week though not on my own forums. I was down with a flu that kept me home from work for two days. Felt much better by the week end though and did some rearranging of the shipyard. Didn't take much since it's just a coat closet but it felt good. Here's some photo's. I've actually expanded from a cubby to a closet as my bottle collection has taken over. I plan to fill them all eventually. By the time I do I'll probably have more though. The top shelf is mine two. The box is full of wood and the two boxes above it are kits. the Elsie and a Euromodel Cocca Anseatica I got from the local club for $20 from some one who was downsizing his kit collection. It was to good to pass up and she's a pretty ship. Once I get the Elsie done I'll start that one. It'll be a while and I'm ok with that. Moving over even more bottles. Some of the small ones on the end I use for testing. Like when I learned how to put mini seagulls flying around in the bottle. My work bench cork board for plans and tool chests. My miniature pirate sword hangs right where I can see it... ...the rest of the miniature sword collection hangs above the cork board and tools. What can I say I like small things.
  8. I have a friend that helped custom make one for me specifically to cut gun ports for ships in bottles. If you need something custom send me a PM. I'll get you his info.
  9. Got my chair pulled up I'm ready to see the beginning of the master piece. Good luck Mark.
  10. I think the ship wreck idea is an interesting one. Instead of sand though make a shipwreck garden scene. She'll be returning to earth with style.
  11. I don't know why I haven't stumbled across your build log until now. Great work! She's coming along nicely. I agree with what was said much earlier in the log she's a pretty ship. That's neat that you got the kids helping. I'm hoping to get a plastic pirate ship kit someday soon so my 4 year old can help me build it. We'll see when that happens. Good luck and keep it up.
  12. Sad day!! I guess it's ultimately a good decision. I know you wouldn't have been able to live with this one had you continued. The second one will be all the better for it. We're routing for you Mark.
  13. Great work! She's looking great! Thanks for the advice on the cannons. That is very helpful.
  14. Those cannons are incredible! I can't quiet make out whet they're made out of. Tubing or wire insulation? If you don't mind can you explain the process?
  15. That's a very good answer and your right it should make for an interesting discussion. I agree Columbus was a man of his time and followed the view points of his society and it's hard to blame him for that. Who knows but some things we see as normal today won't be viewed as evil in 400 years or so. Your class should be very interesting. Good luck.
  16. Well done Popeye she's great! I wouldn't say the ski's are a cop-out just creative ingenuity. This was a fun build to watch. I look forward to you other builds.
  17. I guess that is the advantage to small scale I keep eight on a single shelf. I have a question. Since your going to be teaching about Columbus to class what are your thoughts of some of the negative views about Columbus that have circulated in the past few years? It's been confusing to me since when I grew up Columbus was the brave discoverer of the new world now he's made out to be an enslaving tyrant. What are your thoughts on that and if it were to come up in the class how would you address it?
  18. Created a jig for the shrouds. This keeps every thing in place while I glue on the ratlines. In order for this ship to fit in the bottle I have to add the masts after the hull is in. The shrouds will have to be glued to the side of the hull after they are in. That means the ratlines will be what provides the proper spread of the shrouds. My rigging box has turned out to be pretty versatile.
  19. That was a crazy bend. Well done. Oh and what gaps are you talking about my untrained eye didn't see any. Great work Mark.
  20. Great work Augie. She's really coming to life. I didn't watch the game either. I'm not much of a sports guy. The AFC should be much more exciting.
  21. I love these small scale ships. That lion looks fantastic!
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