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Everything posted by DSiemens

  1. More updates. The upper decks are in. I will add four more guns on poop deck and then move forward with the masts and chain plates. Also if any one has any ideas on colors to paint her that would be very helpful. I'm really not sure what I want to do.
  2. Doesn't get any better then the KISS method. Also doesn't' get any better then this. Absolutely incredible work.
  3. Thanks Bob. I use rulers and coins for the ship in bottle forums. They like seeing size. I'm using metric for this ship because it makes more sense at this size.
  4. Thanks Michael, Mark, Sjors and Stan. Your complements are greatly appreciated. Mark remember that Michael also built a cutter at 1:500 he's pushing the limits on both ends. Stan people like me appreciate the fine art of emptying bottles keep up the good work. Your ship building skills are fantastic as well. Got some more work done. Bulwarks are completed on the port side and half of the cannons are in.
  5. Can't wait to see the photo's she's really a beautiful ship. Congrats on a job well done!
  6. Augie it's simply a piece of wire. I'm debating whether to just put in the wire by it's self or try to make gun carriages. I'm leaning towards just cannons. The eye has a way filling in what's missing. I forgot to mention I have a new appreciation for paper modelers. While it's strong at a small size which helps with the detail it doesn't sand and isn't as forgiving as wood. I think I like wood a lot more.
  7. Thank's Dan. Now I feel better about updating the title. That and this ship is officially the first one I've done that has reached the four digit scale. I can check that off my list of things to try. Thanks!
  8. Augie actually I had no idea. Now I do. Thanks Bob and Mark. Your comments are always appreciated. I tried three different things and the last one worked. I worked on some separate paper and didn't have much luck so I opted to just drill the holes with my pin vise. No such luck it got all torn up and the holes weren't straight. So I thought I may as well try the cutting method and see what happens. That just made it worse so I cut off the bulwarks altogether. I then cut a 1mm thin plank and cut it into 2mm pieces. I glue each piece on to the ship leaving a space for the gun port. I let it dry and then added a cap rail and the channels underneath. I think I will paint these to bring them out. Any suggestions on the colors is welcome I'm not sure yet what I want to do. I'm shooting for as historically accurate as possible given no one knows what the ship looked like. In other words common colors for ships in this era. I have one cannon in for sizing. I think that looks about right. I will cut out the rest of the cannons and add some hatches. I also have to do the gun ports on the side. I had planned 10 guns ports but managed to get only get eight. I think I'll put to more on a higher deck. I still have to build that up as well. These tiny ships are still a lot of work.
  9. Thanks Dan that does look great. I will give it shot on one of my builds. Also your log has inspired me to start a QAR build. It won't be near as sophisticated as yours but it is a build I've often researched and thought of doing. Now is as good a time as any. Thanks.
  10. Thanks Michael. I got her out of the plug. I used a razor blade to gut out the edges on top that were glued to the plug then put my pin drill into the top of the plug for leverage. A simple tug and she came loose. I then drew the planks on another piece of paper cut out the deck and glue the deck in. Now I got to figure out how to cut out the gun ports. There's supposed to be ten on each side. I've been wanting to put an aprox scale on this ship but the size eludes me. I've found she was anywhere from 200 to 260 tons. I approximate that to around 80 feet long. This is all guesstiment based on length to tonnage comparisons I've made. If I'm way off let me know. if 80 is correct though 80 x 12 = 960. This model is an inch long so that would be 1;960. Since I can't get an exact though I won't put it in the title.
  11. I'm still figuring this out but I think you may like the profile feed since I think any one can see it. Maybe a good alternative to even the PM's Seems like we only have so many. Any way Welcome back. I was really worried when the log went off line. Good to see your still here.

  12. Planking is on. I stained some paper and then cut it in 1 mm strips. I started from the top and glued that one to the plug. The rest are glued to each other each overlapping. I then put on a couple coats of clear nail polish to seal it and make it stiffer. A resin maybe better but I don't have any at the time being so I went with the nail polish. Once the polish is dry I will work on removing the plug.
  13. Looks great! The holes work really well. I can see what you mean on the touch up here and there some of the holes look wood brown rather then black. That's an easy fix though.
  14. That's a such a great way of getting it all to come together. It makes it hard to figure out until you see it. Great idea!
  15. Those are some of the best finds. I found a couple of bottles while walking the dog both turned out some great ships. What's more fun is it adds to the story behind how the whole SIB came together. What I like about the one you found is the opening appears small but obviously not so small that you aren't able to get a cross section in. It adds to the magic of the bottle and adds to the question of "how did it get in there?" Speaking of that do you have a picture of all the pieces completely separated?
  16. Sorry to hear about your poor health. I'm glad your doing better now. Also I'm excited to see the finished port lights. A lot of research went into those if I remember. It will be neat to see how they turned out.
  17. Beautiful work. I love these little ships and not just the scale. The personal sailing ships are some of the most beautiful.
  18. Michael it's a bit tricky but they kind of stick to each other and the plug wax. I'll make sure to post pictures. Thanks bob. I have some extremely thin fly tying thread I plan to use. Tying it will be tricky but it is small enough.
  19. Well I'm starting a new build log. I know I have a Syren I haven't touched, and a Satisfaction that needs a complete redo. Well they're going to have to wait. I've come to a couple conclusions recently that have lead me to decide on the build and the method for the build. Point one my time is limited. I got a lot of life going on so I've decided it's about time I build a ship for myself. I've always had an interest for the QAR and that interest was sparked again by this guy Queen Anne's Revenge by Shipmodel. If you haven't seen his log check it out Dan's doing some great work. In any case I'm going to build a ship I have some interest in because this time I'm not selling it to Pirates or trading it to Spanish Ladies for bonsai. (If you want to know what that means check out my Santa Maria and Mercury build links in my signature.) This time I'm keeping it. Second point. I was inspired by DFellingham's build the Esmeralda (also a great log) to build a the long boat of the Mercury out of paper using a wood plug. It came out nicely. Since then I have been contemplating the idea of building a full ship using this method. Now I'm going to put this idea into action. This will be only the second time I've tried this so if it totally fails the first few times stick with me. I've had two builds now that flopped on me after the first few posts and I must say it's embarrassing. Lucky for me your all good sports. Also to add to the time constraints point this build has a specific dead line. I found that I have a break between my school semesters from Nov 24th to December 9th. So while I have more time not having to do home work I get to build. Also since I have such a tight deadline I can't worry about to many details so this build is going to me small.... This is the plug I'm going to use. The ship will actually be made of paper stained with wood stain and cut into little tiny strips. The plug is covered in wax and the paper stips glued on like planks. After the glue dries the ship comes off the plug. The tricky part will be adding the masts, spars, rigging and sails. Will I try ratlines this time? ......most likely.
  20. I just want to say I thought this idea was silly when MSW 2.0 first began but now that it's in full swing I see it's genius. It really is awesome that I can easily find all the ship in bottle builds by just searching "bottle." That and we still have one forum for all scratch builds so we all feel included. If your a small builder and want your build found by other small builders I highly suggest you do what Dan is suggesting and change your titles. Great thinking Mods....Now I really want to run a search for all the small builders out there.
  21. Dan Great work! I have a question as well. Can you describe the scribing technique you used on the bolsters in greater detail? I use a different scribing technique with nail polish and wood stain but as you can imagine it's a lot more involved. Some thing simpler and still as accurate like what you describe would be very helpful.
  22. Beautiful work. The QAR is one I've considered for a long time. Your research is more extensive then mine and I think you blew my theories out of the water. I had read that the Conorde was actually a British built ship that was captured and modified by the french for slaving. I think I read that on Wikipedia so it may not be a very valuable source. I found a ship on page 111 of The Story of Sail by Verez Laszlo and Richard Woodman that fit this description and time period and had thought to build a ship similar to that. It's called the Sweepstakes built in 1708 by the British and captured by the French later to be recaptured by the British before being decommissioned. The ship was built as a fifth rate with 36 guns. The guns on the lower deck were "to few to be effective" as the author put it. My thought was if QAR was like Sweepstakes then after capture the lower deck would have been redone to close up the gun ports making her a slave vessel with 22 guns. I had thought that the QAR had more guns then twenty and Black Beard could have cut out more gun ports as needed. I remember reading that they found more then twenty guns at the wreck which would have supported my theory but then many of those could have been used for ballast as well. I think the contemporary reports and court martial testimony though trump all. That and the ship being built in France as opposed to England refutes the idea of QAR looking anything like the Sweepstakes. Perhaps it's a good think I haven't started this build. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
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