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Everything posted by MicroMarine

  1. I noticed on the "MO BB-63" Log, HMS Leander was on ur wish list. I was one of the last

    to see her afloat. Several hundred rounds of 22mm depleted uranium fm my ship

    (1989) was barely a fly swat to the bridge. It took several hrs and many other ships

    to do her in. Fine 'ol girl.

  2. Why, yes. The first of many I have been to since. Built models of almost all of them, but none could shine a light on this log of this build. JUST AWESOME!
  3. Back when I was a teenager (60's) I spent a day on the Bounty. If I knew then what I know now I'd have a boat load of pictures. 20/20 hind sight. The quality of your work takes me back to the good-'ol-days. But I did have fun building my piece of nostalgia.
  4. A case could be made for bad wx. Maybe stay in and finish the C.W. Morgan.
  5. Welcome to my world. You just missed the super wx, but it's still better than VA. now. Here we only build when it's to hot to go out.
  6. Nice results. Reminds me of living on the St. Lawerance river which in my day was full of CC boats. Remember though, not to build more than you can display or you get this...... The woman's touch.
  7. I found this Scientific kit fm 1974. Your close-ups will help me add detail not in this kit. This will be a fun ride-a-long. TKS for your log and photos.
  8. Some years ago (to be kept secret) the USN & Royal Navy had a cross deck program in the Med where each swapped crew members to experience life in each other's Navy. I sailed on HMS Leander. in our mock war games. "Absolute" BLAST.....
  9. My last ship before retiring fm the Navy. Rode like a Cadi......with out tires, shocks or springs. USNS Kingsport (AG-164) 1984.
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