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Everything posted by Vane

  1. The manual to Speedy is super. So far I have basically not looked at all at the plans which I think will first be needed when i start with the masts. The manual is also much more easy to have at the workbench without taking up too much space. Sometimes I have done things in a slightly different order but most of it has worked out well for me. The only thing I am missing is more close up photos of the stern.
  2. Ah ok that explains it. So if basically the name tag is the difference, why not just release this kit a 3rd version Speedy and present it as "Speedy/Flirt" kit and let the builder have both options? Similar to the HMS Vanguard. This is very common strategy when it comes to plastic models where there often are slight variations included in the kit.
  3. Great to see this build. I do understand that the kit itself will have some design changes in materials etc compared to Speedy. However, what are the differences between the actual two sisterships?
  4. The thing I cant understand with Caldercraft is the variations. I have 3 kits from them and its just no consistency. Excellent walnut in one box and totally rugged in the other. Big problems with maple as well.
  5. The quality of Wood in Caldercraft kits can be very different which is not acceptable. A kit mostly contains drawings, some pre-made stuff and alot of wood. Without quality in the wood the whole point in buying a kit disappears.
  6. Congrats to your new kit, looks great! Regarding your new in house laser cutting capabilities. Do you think the quality of the cuts are even better now when you can finetune everything yourself instead of sending wood to the lasercutter company? I just noticed that the cuts on the new deck for Speedy looks better than the original where the laser tended to leave a very small burnmark in some corners. And also, I find the other pieces (MDF, Cherry) is very precily cut, but the "burnt edges" has a slightly "wavy pattern" which you sometimes needs to sand down.
  7. If you can build a shipmodel, how difficult can it be to build a glasbox? :-P
  8. I do not remember who wrote it but someone said if you see something on your model that you are not happy with you better go back and fix it because otherwise that will be the only thing you see when you look at the finished model...
  9. I did a few mistakes with my coppering but i am overall happy with the result. Its the 2nd ship i do this on so i am still learning but now i feel comfortable for the next time (Diana). The kit included two sheets of copper and its plenty of metal over. These sheets are way better than the Caldercraft version so i might have to upgrade for my future builds....
  10. When it comes to shipmodelling, is there some materials that are considered to be "taboo" to use and others that we have to use? Alot of things could probably be much more accurate done in plastic but where do you draw the line?
  11. Thanks. I dont know much about how it should be, just tried to follow the pattern. But once filing you need to adjust to various factors. Not easy to get it perfect.
  12. Waterlines are tricky and nice tip with the laser. I try to look at the marked waterline from various angles when i correct it. Taking photos also helps since then it becomes even more visual when its not completely straight. Regarding CA i have just discovered a New method that solves alot of problems. Scraping... on boxwood you dont need to be that carefull actually. Just scrape away a couple of microns and everything looks brand New. 🙂
  13. Preparing some of the details for airbrushing. Its feels great to finally start moving on from the hullbuilding stage. Thats basically all I been doing since I started this hobby again. The last year has been productive and i built 3 hulls.. this one and Snake and Granado. Hopefully i can complete a ship before the end of this year and not starting on new kits 😛
  14. I agree, its abit of a challange and you can use various strategies on how to fit square pieces on a round hull. Vanguards copper is ok to work with at least.
  15. I thought of using a small plank first but this kit is so small so the proportions would look a bit odd. Thanks
  16. Thanks, I am still a beginner when it comes to this but this copper were way more easy to apply than those on my Snake.
  17. Great to see you back in business. I have so many projects going and nothing gets finished. I also hope to returen to my Snake someday. At least i finished the deck some month ago. When Working on several builds its probably better to aim for Good enough and actually finish something rather than perfection in everything and not finishing anything. HMS Jason is your masterpiece where no compromise should be accepted. But this one is already far beyond Good enough so just wrap things up.
  18. Finally, the ugly walnut have been covered! I saved 20 strips of boxwood and my calculations matched up 🙂
  19. I think this looks nice, but I would argue that as a brand Vanguard should keep some "consistency" in the look of the line-up of boat models. Its great that you constantly try to come up with new solutions and better designs, but you also need to think of what Vanguards model stand for. The more the business expands the more important it will be to create a certain style that flows through the whole line up. You created a very unique look with the transparent stands and i Think you should continue with that kind of look in all of your models.
  20. Thanks 4 all support and comments. Yes, once you try box it will be difficult to go back to walnut. Just working with this Wood is a pleasure.
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