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Everything posted by TOM G

  1. I always get amazed at how you can cut your stock at such high tolorences.👍
  2. I made a model back in my 30's.......... But she dump'd me for a rich guy. 😟
  3. Great looking build ! I have this kit, and the first thing i noticed was that life boat..... ( went in search of ) and found the prize. I think in time the vinyl strips will loose their grip and start to curl. I've built models where i had to drop the ball on...... But it haunts you, every time you look at the model you see that one area that is not in perspective. These life boat kits are plank on frame, they have the length you need. Get them at model expo type in life boats in the search box. 🙂
  4. spray slow dry lackuer thinner over it..... you might have to do it 2 to 4 times you will see it slowy disapear . don't flood it , one pass at a time, and wait between passes till the surface is dry to the touch.
  5. If you sand & re paint..... the hull will look like the bottom is a fiberglass hull. Best way out is to mix up a black wash ( 2 tsp of india ink into 1 pt of 91% alcohol ) put the wash over all your bright colored paint'd area's using a brush...... you can re coat the wash after it drys if you prefer. The result will be a weathered hull witch will give a more real look to who ever views it.......... When you get to your sails soak them in tea and they will match up with the rest of the vessel.🙂
  6. Hull planking for beginners. https://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf
  7. I like your setting of the sails....... shows action taking place....... be nice if you could find some figurines that are pulling rope, that would put the icing on the cake.👍
  8. I know it's going to be a well detaild build......... I'm going to enjoy watching the progress.👍
  9. That's going to be a fantastic model when done, a sure one of a kind.👍
  10. Yes, it's worth your time to make it "ship shape".
  11. Some guy's dip the sails in tea. Once dried dip again to get darker. Brew up some and test it on simular material.
  12. You want to pay attention to the garboard plank........ check this out https://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf
  13. Try this link https://thenrg.org/resources/Documents/articles/LiningOffYourHullPlankingTutorialAndFan.pdf
  14. Look at page 20, then read up on the garboard plank..... you have to make a new one. https://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Framing_and_Planking/plankingprojectbeginners.pdf
  15. Your garboard plank is to far up the bow...... as you progress your plank's will end up with tooth pic ends. You have to correct the garboard, and start over.
  16. Yes very nice builds......... But i think Doris holds 1st place in card modeling.
  17. What you did is right....... I read this somewhere, that even so you are building to scale something won't look right. and you have to go off scale to make it look right to the human eye. A good gauge to use for this is a scale figure, in your case a 1:48 can be found on ebay ( o scale figure ) in model railroad trains in toys and hobbies.
  18. A lot of work goes into building a wooden model ship........ And you have to have your thinking cap on your head, all of the time. 🧐
  19. go here for wire. https://modelexpo-online.com/search.asp?keyword=wire
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