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Everything posted by iMustBeCrazy

  1. Some progress, luckily I realised I needed to leave tabs sticking up from the moulds to hold the floors in place:
  2. Michael, when you go to print there will be a size or scale option. The default is probably something like "Fit to page" or "fit to Margins". You want the option that allows you to set a percentage like the "Custom scale" option in the screenshot. Print first at 100% and check the print for size. If it's wrong then "measurement I want" divided by "measurement I got" times 100 should give you the percentage to print at.
  3. It's been too hot to cut wood so I separated out the floors and futtocks which I had forgotten to do.
  4. Yes yes, yet another Bounty Launch. This will be the third being built at the moment. Allan's at 1:48 https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33539-23-foot-launch-by-allanyed-bounty-late-18th-century/ Tim's at 1:24 https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33565-hms-bounty-launch-by-oakheart-scale-124-%E2%80%93-18th-century-based-on-drawings-from-national-maritime-museum/ And this one at 1:16. As far as I can see these are the first scratch built Bounty Launches on this forum excluding those built for Bounty models. Allan has been asking lots of questions in preparation for his build which has driven much research and given us some facts to work from. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33217-bountys-ships-boat-details/?do=findComment&comment=945945 We have settled on building based on ZAZ7361 with some minor tweaks: https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33217-bountys-ships-boat-details/?do=findComment&comment=947122 https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33217-bountys-ships-boat-details/?do=findComment&comment=948363 We have each done our own drawings and I have now reached the stage where I can start building in earnest. I have made a few pieces but wanted the jig designed before starting this log. We shall see how it goes.
  5. Good to hear. I took a break from the drawing. I now have frame H, a keel with deadwood and sternpost and a piece of laminated timber for the stem. But before I can scarph the stem to the keel I have to finish the frame drawings so I can design the building jig. So back to drawing soon.
  6. Ok, I thought it would be that one. It's one of the diagonals. Measurements in the table of offsets (which we don't have) give the length along the diagonal from the centreline to the station line this is sometimes longer than the (half) width of the hull. On my drawings I (try to) make the same reference line the same colour wherever it appears.
  7. This is the dxf (re-imported into vectorworks). It's changed some line colours and but I think that's all (size difference is due to printing 'current view'). Re-imported: Original:
  8. Speaking for myself (although I think Allan is mostly in agreement) ZAZ7361 with the lower transom from the book drawing, no washboards and the slightly heaver scantlings of the book drawing (it doesn't really matter at our scales) is the best representation.
  9. Michael, I produced a PDF with some scale rules sometime back, you may have to adjust your printer scale to get them right but they are the right price:
  10. Ok, I get 3" (76.2mm) at the thickest for the garboard but I can easily see how one might get 2 1/2" (63.5mm) and 1 5/8" (41.125mm) so I would say the plans are to scale (at least horizontally) and your measurements are pretty good.
  11. The obvious I can do, your other questions probably not. I've mostly looked a Revenue Cutters and Boats. What distance do you get between the arrows? Not really sure why, gut feeling perhaps, but I would expect planking around or slightly greater than 2" (50mm). But I'm certainly no expert.
  12. G'day Michael, I'm only guessing here but: 1/ Inside otherwise 15 would come to the outside edge of the keel. 2/ The distance between the arrows but the garboard is thicker at the keel. 3/
  13. They are useful, make sure everything is square and stays that way. I'm currently redrawing my frames as effectively 3 drawings for each station (midships side of the futtocks, at the station line and the other side of the floors) then I can start working on the jig design. As your ribs/frames are centered on the station lines you need to make them to fit their widest dimension (midship edge) not the station line dimension so they can be faired..
  14. It's fine Tim. As a first (and scratch!) build treat it as a learning experience. You are trying to learn a lot of new things all at once. Don't be too pedantic about scale and don't rush. You could brace your frames by making them taller and gluing a brace across them (to be cut off after planking). Both the forward and aft sides of the frames must touch the rabbit. You will need to make some frames deeper to allow for fairing (eg. 3 5/64" instead of 2").
  15. You aren't alone It's why I try to clearly differentiate between facts and guesses/beliefs (when I remember to). A guess re the drawings is that it was up to the ship/captain to rig the boats (perhaps within limits) and the mast at the bow was common to the then current choices which seem to be: Main at the bow, mizzen at the transom. Possibly the most common rig from the number of painting and sketches. Schooner/Lugger, Fore at the bow, main about midships. As you have it above and Steel suggests for Longboats and Launches (although there are several 30ft plus single masted Longboats). Three masted. Fore, main and mizzen. Single mast for smaller (under 18ft) boats. And perhaps for those drawings where no mast is shown? And of course, exceptions to every rule. No wonder we get confused. However, we are pretty certain the Bounty launch had two masts at the time of the mutiny (although three is possible, but very doubtful), a main and a fore.
  16. Allan, I still have been unable to find anything that supports either of these suggestions. The closest to the single mast idea I can find comes from McKay but a cutter rig on a mast that far forward makes little sense. None of Bligh's writings or logs that I can find ever mention working on the rigging of any of the boats during the voyage (with the exception of the fitting two shrouds to each mast after the mutiny). There are mentions of "carpenters working on launch" or "carpenters working on boats", in one instance to repair damage incurred during a storm, but just as "I'm keeping the crew busy" type log notes. I'd love to know what your source is.
  17. Allan, Bligh wrote "The Size of the Boat was 23 feet from Stem to Stern and Rowed Six Oars" in a letter to Banks (fact 8). I'm fairly happy that the drawing in Bligh's books (RMG ZAZ7848) is a good representation of the Bounty Launch and that ZAZ7361 is an evolution of that based on Bligh's experience. But I could be wrong. She certainly is Ollie. (Laurel and Hardy). Me too! They show a Main and Mizzen, a common rig on boats, but Bligh makes the following notes in his log: 1/ It was about 8 o’clock at Night when I bore away under a reefed Lug foresail 2/ under close reefs Fore Sl. & Main Sail So the Launch had Main and Fore masts with a lug sail on the fore and probably (but not certainly) the main.
  18. Allan, after a bit of headbanging I have the following to offer. Using the Steel tables in Boats of Men-of-War: Looking at "The dimensions of rigging........." pages 98/99 we find it based on ship classes not boat lengths so we have to find a class of ship that had a 23ft launch. On to "Boat establishments 1670-1800" on page 57. Note there is no mention of launches before 1780 and as of Nov 1780 Launches are to replace Longboats. So we find that in 1781 fifth rate 36s & 32s have a 23ft or 24ft launch. Back to pages 98/99. And we find no Launches listed even though they were to replace Longboats starting 14 years earlier. So we'll use the Longboat info for 36s or 32s which both give: Shrouds- 4 off, 3" rope, iron thimble 16 fathoms. Laniard - 1" rope 8 fathoms. Stay - 1 off, 3 1/2" rope, iron thimble 5 fathoms. Laniard - 1" rope 2 fathoms. Note: the lengths in red were omitted from Boats of Men-of-War. They seem to include some spare rope. So, 4 shrouds means 2 per mast each with a thimble at the end. I assume that the shroud laniards run from the boat up through the thimble back to the boat giving a 2:1 pull. Where the stay goes, probably from the main mast but........ However, there is no mention of shrouds or stays for any boat type but Longboats and Bligh's wording is not clear. But if shrouds already existed and attached with laniards as above then there would already have been support for the canvas splash screens. It's still a puzzle.
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