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Peter Cane

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Everything posted by Peter Cane

  1. The muffler and exhaust looks great. The nuts and bolts as mentioned are made by the firm Meng. There are three different sets A ,B and C. They are 1:35 scale but nuts and bolts are nuts and bolts. I think you need set A whereas the nut is fastened on the bolt with a little of the bolt protruding. I bought mine from a local model shop but I have just checked ebay and they can be purchased from there or Amazon. Just type in MENG NUTS AND BOLTS SET A And you should get there. Pete
  2. Hello Jond. I am going to build the same size of model as yours. Before I make a mistake I would like to ask your advice before I start cutting my red cedar logs into strips. What size of strips are best for the planking? I also note that you are using 1/32" strips for the ribs inside and this strikes me as somewhat thin. Is there a reason why you did this please? Like you, I do not have to go through the bother of correctly planking it as per a static model and per the book as the whole will be glassed over and then sprayed with two part car paint so the work will not even be seen. Pete
  3. Wow...brass fish!!!! Who would have thought of that!!! And the mesh basket for them too. Absolutely brilliant idea. Reminds me of when I made brass etched model locomotives. The motor is looking good. I hope you will leave the brass pipes in brass? Maybe varnish them to prevent them going dull and ugly in the passage of time. When I made my model locomotives in G scale, I bought some sheets of plastic with hundreds of nut and bolt tops moulded on to them. One simply slices them off and epoxy or super glue them where you want them. This could be of interest to you and the engine build? Keep it going please. Love it. Pete
  4. Nils thank you for posting further pictures of your progress with this model. The engine is a masterpiece in wood and yes The clutch lever really looks the part. I do hope you keep us informed on further developments as it will look splendid when finished.
  5. . I suppose we have to start somewhere. I plan to build a 1:24 scale version of " Bluenose". I have read in depth Jond's version and will follow it closely as it worked. He is a very patient and excellent modeller. Both my son and I are overwhelmed with the successes of this very famous Schooner. My son said that " this is a beautiful boat dad ....I just love the lines". It was only after reading further into it ( Bluenose ) That we became educated enough to realise what " Bluenose " was and what she represented. My son Damian certainly hit on the lines. He said without even knowing anything about her.." Dad....this is the ship to build". She is beautiful. My son is an artist and has an instant eye for beauty. He recognized in an instant that " Bluenose " had to be "it". At nearly 69 years of age it comes to the time that we listen to our siblings and no longer have to tell them what to do but do as advised!!!! We have started the journey into " Bluenose" and I guess it will never end as learning is endless. What a boat!!! I have made several ships in bottles, and a few kit builds but now the challenge is set for me. This ( to me) is a big challenge and I will need helping out. I am learning naughty terms....sorry ( nautical ) terms and have a thirst to learn more. Meanwhile hopefully, here are a few shots of how I am starting out. The first is of yours truly having just arrived home with a lot of red cedar logs. The second is of our building board specially built to the size of the yacht with two huge logs of cedar on top. The build board is mounted on a trolley with wheels so I can get to any part of the build. We live in Australia. The pics are of the building board for Bluenose and the huge hunks of red cedar we bought from my ol mate down the road lie in readiness for the hull planking. I have two more logs like this. So I guess a build log starts with exactly that. LOGS!!!!! The sheets behind are MDF to form the hull formers on which the planking will be done. The formers will be sacrificial. We await the plans from Canada which will be scaled up by double the size. I believe they are Eisonor plans. Pete
  6. Hello everyone. I am Pete I am about to embark on building a fully sailing RC version " Bluenose" in 1:24 scale. Preparations for her are being made and we await plans from Canada. Good health to you all. Peter and Damian. Australia.
  7. Is that the completed model now? I was looking forward to the engine and cabin build. Peter
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