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  1. Well, I sorta forgot to take more pictures between the standing rigging and starting to affix the yards but all the yards are attached now. when I started to build this ship I fully intended to put the sails on her but as I get closer to finishing it I have nixed that idea.
  2. More rat lines and started finishing up more yards.
  3. Its been while since my last post, I will be taking the build log all the way through the finished ship in the next couple of days. Started shaping the yards and more rat lines.
  4. Started the long road of ratlines last night, they are not in there permanent place yet need to make a few adjustments before gluing them. Also finished up painting and clear coating the three lower yards for the fore, main and mizzen mast.
  5. Thank you DavidG and Frank for the kind words.
  6. Thanks snowy, I have seen your Diana and very nice work, you put in a lot of extras that give it a nice touch. Im on my second year building her, my biggest issue living in Phoenix Arizona I lost a lot of build time the first summer, about 5 months lost due to being to hot in my garage. about 125 degrees 😓 but if i go into this summer I should be able to work on it in the house just the rigging left to do.
  7. So, I found out something interesting today about Occre and there new procedure regarding replacement parts. Let me first say that Occre is amazing when it comes to replacement parts and there customer service. I had an issue with 2 of the dowels to be used for the yards on the main and fore mast, they were to warped to use so I put in a replacement request and received my parts but they were sent in Ramin instead of Sappeli, so I emailed Occre of this and asked if I could get the parts in Sappeli, they said that is how they are sending replacement parts now and I needed to stain the new ones in the Sappeli color. Well just one problem Sappeli stain is not available anywere, I emailed Occre again asking if they have ideas or send me some stain havn't heard back yet. I hope this helps anyone who will be building an Occre kit and need replacement wood. My idea is to just paint the yards black witch is not all bad, it should look even better than the stock Sappeli color
  8. Finally some time to post a couple pics of the Diana. finished up all three lower mast and started the shrouds and also the anchors are just hanging around now, not sure if I want the anchors tied up or just hanging, I kinda like them hanging.
  9. Very nice work on the Endeavor, as per the Heinkel, that's the number one reason I quit flying RC after 40+ years, I got tired of watching my airplanes auger in.😫
  10. Welcome, Great start on the Terror, Looking forward to this build. This ship is on my bucket list after watching the Terror series on TV last year. I think you will be very happy with the Occre kit, there customer service is awesome.
  11. Thanks Frank, looking forward to the weather to cool off enough so I can move back out into the garage, easier to get more done out there.
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