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  1. Hi chriswi. In my kit all the masts and yards are made of ramin. I have spent some time wondering how i will paint or stain these. Painting them black sounds like an good option. I think i will stain the mast in mahogny and paint the yards black.
  2. Nice work. I started on Diana about a month ago, so I will follow your log build closely. I am currently working on the first planking.
  3. Hello everyone! 31 year old newbie from Norway here. I have just started on my second build, HMS Diana from Occre. I discovered ship modelling last christmas when my dad bought a kit from AL and i wanted to try it for myself. My first kit was the Scottish Maid from AL. It was a nice experience building it, but the instructions in the kit were very poor. I came across this fantastic site and found some very helpfull buildlogs on the Scottish Maid. I doubt i had finish the modell if it werent for all the great tips om this site. Luckely, the instructions in the HMS Diana kit is much better, and i have found some buildlogs on the modell that i gonna follow and learn from.
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