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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Beautiful work Ilhan, I love the techniques you are showing on this build. Very nice painting job, Also great, the aft grating.... in all an amazing build ! Nils
  2. Hi Paul, very interesting scratch build, good work ! I wish you much fun an good success for the progress Nils
  3. Hi Yves, I have a pic here to show the Eagle of Algier with set sails in a quite broad glass casing. I fitted the starboard side with a set of sweeps whilst the portside is equipped with closed oar doors. A ship`s boat with crew is placed at the waterline, heading for shore Nils
  4. Hy Boss, that kit is a very nice choise and you did a good job on the hull so far. I like the glasfibre reinforced hull with the rivet imitations Nils
  5. Good looking progress John, I have a question to the boats,..... are they self made from wood or by resin-casting ? Nils
  6. Great work Bug, congrats, your ship looks fantastic, did you ever plan in sails with the rigging ? Nils
  7. Many thanks Valeriy, for the drawings..... you`re a lucky guy to have such helpful freinds, together with your input, a well working team, well done ! Nils
  8. Super work Valeriy, double-ender lifeboat and a workboat shells. Where did you take the hull shaping and the necessary software from for 3_D making? Do you operate your own 3-D printer ? Nils
  9. I admire your beautiful work Valeriy, you are performing in top notch museum quality (and that all from scratch !! ) Nils
  10. Beautiful work John, I love that reconstruction of your 4 mast barque Nils
  11. Many thanks Valeriy, for your answer...., you did a great job there ! Nils
  12. Very nice work Valeriy, how did you do the railings? are they made from brass wire ? and did you drill thin holes into the deck to press in........, perhaps with a thin glue moisturing? Nils
  13. beautiful work Ivo, congrats for your lovely Model, I trust that you and your granddaughter (what a fine present) are enjoying this all times Nils
  14. a good choise Eberhard, and a very interesting project. I wish you a successful keellaying session soon. It promises to be a fine scratch built vessel on MSW Nils
  15. Hello fellow model makers, I am momentarily taking a break in order to help my wife, who unfortunately broke her hand on the right arm and needs my assistance daily, as long as it takes Nils
  16. Hi Keith, The hoist and lowering position, as well as sliding on the rack works, but with manual assistance. You were right with your estimation (too much friction in the line and the rollers) Nils
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