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Everything posted by Mirabell61

  1. Thank you Roel, your comment is well understood. I think that a sample boat is required now, will have to make that first, a wooden model would do, I could take the silicone mold from that Nils
  2. made a raw prototyp of the gravity davit with slide function. I may have to make the arms a bit thinner Nils just to see if it works ..... lower position upper position the slide profile is made from two U-bars
  3. Hi John, gravity, yes I thout so.... made the 4 arms of the davits, and the rail round the bridge Nils the 2mm tick 4 layer beech ply the arms for the davits, it looks like the 2mm ply is strong enough greatly magnified the first prototyp boats hook, with integrated 3mm roll the bridge rail stairway to the bridge
  4. Thank you Keith, I had already ordered small brass wheels for guiding the lines and brass U-profiles for the slide bar-supports. I think I`ll do the slide structures from 2mm thick 4-layer laminated ply, or from 2mm thick aluminium plate if the ply turns out to be too flimsy Nils
  5. Right Keith, I also have my doubts about the boats weight and the friction in the system. It was my early thoughts to include some lead weight or so into the lowered boat boat as well, but, the intentsion to show one of the boats lowered for entering over the side, would overrule the doubts, even if it should not work as mechanicly foreseen. (only staticly bringing into position) It is ambitious for me to model that mechanism for this small scale, and what materials would be suitable for doing so. Hope I´ll get it done somehow Nils pic out of Helmut Thomas`s (model) magazine, allthough he did`nt include this shown feature himself
  6. John, thank you very much. I am evaluating to make the davit-mechanism workable and trying to find right suitable function in scale 1:87. Here a preliminary (not scaled ) scetch, of which I think it may work. The boats would have to be handmade with help of wooden model, silicone mold, inner plug, and resin outforming. I intend to show one boat lowerd to the main deck and the other resting secured in fastening position. What do you think about it? Nils
  7. Update the walls of the bridge deck pending some rails etc. and the 6 stairways are under process. The nav.light screens are now matt black and the port nav.light is dry fitted, to check the dimensions Nils port nav. light forward stair to the boatsdeck aft stair to the boats deck
  8. Hello Eric, I have`nt seen a Building plan on the market of neighther Alexander von Humbolt 1 nor of version 2 If I were to build the version 1, I would buy the revell plastic model (version 1 ) in scale 1:150 and use this for adopting all relevant details and ratings in to the scale I`m going for. The revell plans usually provied all neccessary belaying- and rigging plans. and Also a second hand book of the Alex would be of advantage for detailed pictures. for the frames I would use those of the Gorch Fock (simular hull shape) except for the super structures Nils
  9. Thank you very much Peter, and for your kind words I`m pleased that the Gorch Fock has inspired you to do the model Nils
  10. Uwe, many thanks for your input and your words Relating to the lightscreens I asume that during its duty the ship was updated acc. to Colregs, and after Roels comment I looked up the color of the sheets (photos) on the real thing, it looks like they are realy matt black, and the ship was on duty and on position until 1988. for me it was always clear that the lightscreens would be red /green because I thought the color would increase the illumination of the nav. lights, also I never heard of the Colregs regulations before. Now my decision is to go for matt black. Nils
  11. Roel, Many thanks for the explaination of the appropriate Colregs chapter. I`m looking for my little can of Humbrol matt black already Nils
  12. Thank you very much Roel, I never heard of "Colreg regulations) before, . Good to learn something further and especialy with resp. to Nav .lights housng dull black backround. Good to learn something new for my modeling. You`re right, at this stage I can easily correct that. I looked up Colreg regulations in Google and found a listing of these regulations, but unfortunately not the passage where it stipulates the matt black neccesity to nav. lights containment background. Please could you kindly copy me that passage, if you found it there. Many thanks. I believe this is also of interest for fellow modelers as well. Nils
  13. Hi Mustafa, excellent build, she is a beauty scratch model in progress ! Will you fit out rigging and perhaps even sails later on ? Nils
  14. Update this sequence is dedicated to the build of the wheelhouse, nav- and controlroom. Also the planked deck for the "monkey platform" is ready for mounting. The nav. light containments will be integrated in to the wheelhouse railing panels Nils brass windowframes ( square-tube) are fitted in, tight fit the wheelhouse walls are from 0,8mm ply mounted to the framework section is painted and the monkey plattform deck has dryfit The "glassing" of 18 windows silicone glassing bits pressed in, tight fit into the window frames the "monkey plattform" deck will be permanently glued on, when the wheelhouse section is screwed down to the boats deck
  15. Hi Sterlingclements, beautiful and excellent built "America". I love the sights into the ship Well done !! Nils
  16. Hi Keith, there is no particular reason, the reason is just, that I was looking for a way to do the window frames. Using squarebar tube it worked well with my Ergenstrasse, The brass squarebar is 1 mm thickness, in scale that would simulate the windowframe dimensions so here it goes again ...... for small scale ( etc 1:160) an alternative is to fix approriate slide guides on the inside of a window front and then slide in one an acrylic stripe that covers all windows simultainiously That is completely without any glue and a clean job. I used that version on my "Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse" model Nils
  17. Veszett, The brass square tube was easy to get, but it looks that my supplier for 6 x 6 mm silicone rod has run out of stocked material. Fortunately I still have enough left from my Ergenstrasse. The other flat sides with theire window outcuts will be easier to make Nils
  18. thank you very much John, I`ll take off the wheelhouse now (screws) and do the remaining sides. The six preliminary pillars of the frame will stay in place until the sides are all closed and then cut away. Nils
  19. Hi Veszett, I refrained from using flat transparent polysterol or food containment packages because its too messy with the glueing in, and CA leaves sometimes leaves a nasty stain. I`m quite happy with the methode I described, also the silicone is translacent (semi transparent), so I need not worry what the inside of the appropriate superstructure looks like, I do`nt have to fit it out Nils square silicone bar 6 x 6 inside a 8 x 8 square brass tube, sorry for the rather poor photo quality mounted it would look like this (second from left window )
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